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The prison barrier held vicious criminals sent from all over the world, as well as death row prisoners for human research.

Lan Yufeng's behavior of completely destroying the prison barrier, releasing these vicious criminals, and then killing them would offend many forces.

For this reason, Lan Yufeng would be held accountable by most forces in the world.

"Well, there is no need to think so much. I am tired, let's go home."Lan Yufeng waved his hand casually, with an expression that he didn't care.

In fact, it was true. Being held accountable? That's nothing, it won't affect him at all. Life goes on, if you dare, arrest him.

If there is any force that dares to do this, Lan Yufeng doesn't mind teaching them what cruelty is.

Now Lan Yufeng, who has several super trump cards, is not afraid of making enemies with the world.

Not to mention, he has a solid ally, the third true ancestor Chaos Princess. The fourth true ancestor Xiao���The sand will also stand on his side.

In terms of peak combat power, he is not afraid at all. He just lacks basic combat power.

""Forget it, it's up to you." Nangong Nayue shook her head helplessly.

Now she feels truly alive.

Of course, this feeling is what Lan Yufeng gained by bearing the pressure from the whole world.

If she is no longer a witch, the guardian will disappear, the magic power will be greatly reduced, and her strength will be less than 50% of her peak.

Of course, she will still use her strongest space magic. The lock of commandments is still there. These two trump cards are enough for her to still be among the top powerhouses.

"By the way, Nayue, you can observe and punish Xiandumu Aye and Xiandumu You'ai. My suggestion is to let them work as maids for you. How about it?"Lan Yufeng said heartlessly."I think it will be interesting to appreciate the humiliated look of Xiandumu Aye."

"Tsk, you are the only one who has so many tricks up your sleeve."Nangong Nayue gave Lan Yufeng a coquettish look.

"However, this idea is really good."Then, Nangong Nayue took out a lace folding fan from somewhere, clapped her hands, and agreed with a smile.

Listening to the conversation between Lan Yufeng and Nangong Nayue, Xiao Nagisa and Di Shanpo looked at each other, and suddenly felt that the days ahead for Xiandumu Aye and Xiandumu Yuma might be very difficult.

However, Xiao Nagisa was still worried about her good friend Yuma.

As for Di Shanpo, she didn't have such a deep relationship with Xiandumu Yuma, so she just put her hands behind her back and looked indifferent. The only people she cared about were Xiao Nagisa, Yezane Natsune and other friends. The only person who could attract all her attention was Lan Yufeng.

She didn't know how the rest of the people were. Lazy.

Next, Lan Yufeng brought Akane Nagisa and Di Shanpo to meet with La Freya, Himehira Setsuna, Kirasaka Sayaka, and Yeze Natsune, and briefly explained the matter. And Yue went to deal with the troublesome aftermath in pain. After Lan Yufeng finished explaining, except for La Freya who was relatively calm, Himehira Setsuna and Kirasaka Sayaka were both confused. Lan Yu Asagi's mouth twitched.

They really didn't expect that Lan Yufeng would dare to do such a cruel thing.

Only Yeze Natsune was still calm, and smiled and handed Lan Yufeng a Coke.

She didn't care about this kind of thing, no matter what Lan Yufeng did, she would support him.

"Senior, you are too impulsive to do this. It's too much. You are worthy of being called a terrorist."Himehira Yukina couldn't help but stand up and said to Lan Yufeng.

"Terrorists, so what." Lan Yufeng looked at Ji Shucai calmly."For Na Yue, I will do anything. This is my promise to Na Yue. Of course, although it is my unilateral and willful promise"

"......!"Hearing this, the girls present were stunned, and their expressions became subtle.

For Na Yue-chan, she would do anything?

This sentence undoubtedly meant that Nangong Na Yue's position in Lan Yufeng's heart was unimaginably high.

This made the girls except Ye Lai Xia Yin suddenly feel envious and even jealous.

"Ala, Feng Jun is also very charming."La Fulia came back to her senses and said with a smile

""It's OK. If anything happens to any of you, I will do the same." Lan Yufeng chuckled."The so-called rules are that at that time, it is impossible to restrain me."

Lan Yufeng's promise made the other girls come back to their senses and react in a variety of ways, but most of them were somewhat happy. Although they were still somewhat envious of Nangong Nayue,

"Even so, I still think that what you did was wrong." At this time, Himeragi Yukina stood up and walked out of the house."Sorry, senior, let me calm down."

"Well, Setsuna's personality is like this....You're taking it too seriously." Kirasaka Sayaka explained for her friend.

"It's okay." Lan Yufeng shrugged and said softly."From an outsider's perspective, my actions this time were indeed wrong, and her reaction is normal."

"......"Hearing this, Kirasaka Sayaka was silent and smiled helplessly.

To be honest, standing on Lan Yufeng's side, she was really moved. Just imagining that Lan Yufeng might become an enemy of the world for her in the future made her heart beat fast.

However, from her identity as the Lion King's mechanical dance Weiyuan, Lan Yufeng's behavior was undoubtedly wrong. It was even enough for her superiors to order her to arrest Lan Yufeng.

"Well, it's been a busy day today, so let's just leave it at that. I'll go prepare dinner. After dinner, take a shower and go to bed."Lan Yufeng stood up and walked towards the kitchen, leaving the girls with mixed feelings.

"Senior Feng, let me help you." Yeze Natsune followed gently.��

"I'll come and help too." Nagisa Akatsuki also hurriedly followed.

As an accomplice, she was a little confused now that she had calmed down.

When Lan Yufeng finished cooking, Himeragi Yukina also came into the house again, sitting there in a dull manner, with a tangled face, and no one knew what she was thinking about.

"Tsk, if you are still entangled in such things, are you still qualified to say that you like him?" Di Shanpo bit her lollipop and stared at Himeragi Yukina and Kirasaka Sayaka, the only two people who were entangled, and pouted her lips.

"————!"After these words fell, Himeragi Yukina and Kirasaka Sayaka were both stunned.

Kirasaka Sayaka seemed to have figured something out and shook her head.

"Who likes seniors?" Himeragi Yukina stood up, her face flushed, and shouted excitedly

"Hehe. With your personality, if the man is not tolerant, you are destined to be a loser." Di Shanpo bit the last lollipop and said with a pout.

This made Lan Yu Qiancong shake her head with a strange look.

I didn't expect that Di Shanpo, this naughty kid, had the same opinion as her.

(ps: Please subscribe, please everything, QAQ~)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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