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Lan Yufeng was sleeping leisurely, the whole world was in uproar because of the prison barrier incident on Xianshen Island.

Even the First True Ancestor was startled.

"Interesting, interesting, I didn't make a mistake about him."In the Chaos Realm, the third True Ancestor, Jada Kukokan, heard the news and laughed with interest.

After more than a month, Lan Yufeng lived an honest life, which made many people think that he had settled down, which was equivalent to surrendering in disguise?

Unexpectedly, a large wave of news suddenly broke out, and he did something that shocked the whole world.

He used the plan of the library 1co to make the prison barrier appear, and then terminated the contract between the Void Witch Nangong Nayue and the devil, thereby destroying the entire prison barrier.

At the same time, he also killed thousands of vicious demon-guiding criminals in a swift and clean manner.

This behavior undoubtedly touched the nerves of many people, and countless people would jump out to accuse him, and even label him as a vicious criminal.

Even the top leaders of the Genshin Island would be angry. There is no room for her.

Is the purpose just to restore the true freedom of the Void Witch? What a crazy guy.

Jada Kukokan was amazed.

However, this kind of person who is desperate for the people around him is really interesting. It also makes people's heart move.

It's going to be chaotic. After a while, a month, or two months? This world is probably going to be in chaos because of this man. However, this is interesting. It really makes people look forward to what he will do next.

Jada Kukokan sat on her throne with a smile on her lips, swinging her white legs.

Also, the power that can easily eliminate the witch and demon contract will touch the nerves of those crazy people.

In a mysterious place, the witches of Library 1co are also angry because of Lan Yufeng's actions.

Lan Yufeng , not only used them, but also completely destroyed their plan to take back the Dark Oath Book from Xiandu Mu Aye.

You know, this time the plan failed, and Xiandu Mu Aye fell into Nangong Nayue's hands. With Nangong Nayue's character, she will never give them any chance to take back the Dark Oath Book.

At the same time, the existence of Lan Yufeng, this alien, is simply their natural enemy, making them wary, fearful, and then crazy.

This kind of dangerous guy must be killed!

The witches in the library 1co all had frosty faces and murderous aura. After knowing what Lan Yufeng had done, the Lion King Agency also fell into a weird silence, and then the top leaders gathered and discussed in secret.

The world's trends, Lan Yufeng was too lazy to get up and wash up, so he took out his mobile phone to check, and Lan Yufeng could see a large area of News accusing him.

The leader was the Speaker of the War King Domain, Perishu Arador.

In this regard, Lan Yufeng curled his lips. It was useless to just talk without taking action.

As for Genshin Island, Lan guessed that the top leaders were probably in chaos. The faction headed by Na Yuejiang was probably trying their best to protect him. Well, there is also his own father.

As for the rest of the people, they probably want to throw themselves out to take the blame.

For these people, Lan Yufeng was too lazy to even look at them. No matter how powerful one is, without strength, he is nothing.

With his current True Ancestor-level strength, and with the help of Nagisa and Na Yue, there is no need to be timid in any situation.

Well, La Freya is also on his side. Perhaps the Kingdom of Aldikia will hesitate, but this courageous princess will never let him down.

"Moximoxi, Yuejiang, what do you want to talk to me about?" Suddenly, Lan Yufeng's cell phone rang. He smiled lightly and answered the call.

"You really don't feel nervous. But never mind, I'm used to it."Nangong Nayue's helpless voice sounded.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Nayue's voice was much gentler. Well, although it was quite gentle before, in various senses...It's just that Na Yue Jiang is often worried and angry because of her own messy behavior, so she deliberately puts on a cold face and speaks coldly.

"You don't have to worry about Xian Shen Island. But now most of the forces in the world that are close to the War King Domain have a bad attitude towards you. The other forces are waiting and watching. You have to be careful not to jump out and let them catch you."

Nangong Nayue reminded with concern.

"It's okay. As long as they don't do anything, I won't bother with them."Lan Yufeng said with a smile."If they do, just cut off their hands." The scary words said with a smile made Nangong Nayue roll her eyes.

However, she knew Lan Yufeng's character thoroughly, so she didn't say much.

"In order to shut some people up. Aye and Xiandumu Yuma have been put into the new prison for supervision. I will release them after the supervision period and take them with me as maids. It must be interesting to see her aggrieved expression."

Nangong Nayue glanced at Xiandumu Aye in prison and teased.

Although she is not so boring at ordinary times, she becomes much more naughty when it comes to Xiandumu Aye.

Perhaps it is also due to Lan Yufeng's elimination of most of the threats of Xiandumu Aye. Otherwise, Nangong Nayue would not be so messy to Xiandumu Aye, a dangerous friend.

"Um, it doesn't matter, as long as you like it."Lan Yufeng coughed lightly. It seems that he was the one who proposed this suggestion. I hope Xiandu Muyouma won't be so ashamed and angry.

"By the way, Lan Yufeng, what did you do to Ah Ye? After she woke up, she was extremely weak mentally and a little absent-minded, giving people the feeling that she was played with."Nangong Nayue asked doubtfully

"It's nothing. When I released her contract, I gave her a little extra. She should be doubting her life, her faith is broken, and she is close to being broken. She should be able to recover after a while."Lan Yufeng said casually.

"Are you sure?" Nangong Nayue's face was full of doubt."Aye seems to want to recognize you as his master. This has completely ruined you."

""Pfft, what did you say?" Lan Yufeng almost spit out the Coke in his mouth, his face full of astonishment.

It was too much for that cold woman Xiandu Mu Aye to recognize him as her master.

Lan Yufeng didn't think he was a man who could make a girl bow down to him with just a shake of his tiger body. Not to mention, he had abused Xiandu Mu Aye badly before.

"Forget it, you can talk to her yourself."Nangong Nayue handed the phone to Xiandu Mu Aye with a subtle expression.

On Xianshen Island, she is not so powerful, but her power can be said to be half the sky. Naturally, no one dared to say anything about this little thing.

"Lan Yufeng, I want to recognize you as my master and take Youma with me."Xiandu Mu Aye's weak voice sounded.

"Hmm?" Lan Yufeng looked strange."Xiandu Mu Aye, I think your brain may be burnt out."

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