"Twelve Demon Moons!" Tanjiro's eyes narrowed. Fang Jun had previously introduced him to the Twelve Demon Moons. A powerful evil spirit like the Renhou Demon was nothing compared to the Twelve Demon Moon Demons. Tanjiro remembered it very clearly. That's what Fang Jun said at the time.

From the brief confrontation just now, no, perhaps it should be said from the confrontation in which he was at a disadvantage unilaterally, he also understood the power of Twelve Ghost Moon.

The young man in front of him had the image of being a junior in his eyes, so he should be a junior. Judging from the boy's strength, Tanjiro couldn't imagine what the strength of the senior was.

"It’s time to use the breathing method of the sun."Tanjiro made up his mind. During this time, his mastery of the Breathing of the Sun has reached a new level. But even so, he still feels that he is far from mastering the Breathing of the Sun. The Breathing of the Sun is indeed better than the Breathing of Water. It's much harder.

He held the Nichirin Knife with both hands and took a deep breath. The hot breath came out of him, and the blade was filled with flames.

The white-haired boy's originally casual face now looked more solemn, and he didn't. He knew why he was like this, but it seemed to be inherited in his blood. He felt the pressure for the first time in a long time.

"Engraved lines firmly." He spat out these words calmly, waving his fingers, and the web made of strong spider silk enveloped Tanjiro.

Tanjiro took one step forward, and even if he approached the spider silk, the momentum of his attack was not at all. Minus,"breath of the sun·shape of one·round dance."" Exploding fire gushed out from the blade, and in an instant, a slash like sunlight faced the spider web. In just an instant, the spider web was swallowed up by the strong sunlight.

"impossible!"The white-haired boy was very puzzled by this. It was clear that his previous test was able to knock the red-haired boy in front of him away, but his vampire technique with a little more strength was completely unable to withstand the boy's blade.

Looking at Tanjiro slashed the cobwebs and swung the knife at him.

The white-haired boy didn't have any panic on his face, but his originally calm face suddenly seemed a bit colder.

He said word by word:"Vampire Technique: Killing Eyes".

"At the same time, his fingers kept weaving spider webs.

Tanjiro was about to jump up and launch an attack, but found that he was surrounded by spider webs.

When the insects were caught in the spider webs, they discovered that they were about to become spider food.

Faced with such a critical situation, Tanjiro held the Nichirin Sword's hand a little tighter. If it were him before, he might not have died under this move, but now...

He immediately stopped hesitating and activated the Breath of the Sun."The breath of the sun, the shape of the land, the bone-burning sun."His Nichirin sword rotated with him, and the flames poured out along with the rotation of the Nichirin sword. The fire spiral collided fiercely with the spider web, but it still could not burn it out.

Seeing this, Tanjiro added The last knife,"breath of the sun, shape of one, round dance.""In an instant, the spider web burst. Tanjiro walked out of it and looked up at the white-haired boy who was still on the tree.

The boy's eyes were a little colder. He raised his hand and stretched the spider silk. Tanjiro looked at the spider silk in front of him. , I suddenly felt bad, the smell coming from the spider silk was like a sharp knife


On the other side, Fang Hao took Inosuke back to the place where they met the members of the Demon Slayer Squad."This?" Fang Hao and Inosuke looked at each other and quickened their pace.

"Good at ease."Fang Hao stepped forward. At this time, Shanyi was lying on the ground. In a coma, he used the breath of thunder as if instinctively.

"poison?"Fang Hao narrowed his eyes and looked around. In the surrounding open space, there were dozens of monsters with human heads and two-headed bodies of spiders.

"don't want!"He stopped Inosuke from trying to kill these monsters with a broken knife,"They are human beings."Fang Hao said while suppressing his anger.

These monsters with spider heads and human bodies are indeed not ghosts. With their extremely ferocious appearance, they are essentially human beings. They are still human beings even now, but they became what they are now due to special means.

He He glanced at Zenitsu again. The poison in Zenitsu was probably the same thing that turns humans into spiders."Why aren't you here yet?""Fang Hao was very anxious at this time, even irritable, but he could do nothing but wait for rescue. He had no ability to detoxify.

"Where has Forehead Taro gone?"Inosuke suddenly asked.

Fang Hao was shocked when he heard his words. He was so angry just now that he didn't notice Tanjiro at all,"Tanjiro won't go to find us, right?"Fang Hao thought about this possibility. The more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

He rubbed his temples and said,"If Tanjiro came to find us, he must have gone in the direction we left. We will return the same way we came. , but did not touch him, then he……"

It could only be that he encountered a ghost, and it was most likely Lei.

In the original work, Tanjiro did encounter Lei. Fang Hao did not expect that the result would still be the same after the plot was changed."We have to go find him.……"

Tanjiro is much stronger now than he was at this point in the original work. There is no dispute that he who has mastered the Breath of the Sun is stronger than the one who barely recalled the Breath of the Sun when fighting Rei in the original work.

But Fang Hao still couldn't let go. The battle between Tanjiro and Lei in the original work was indeed very exciting. Fang Hao also had a deep impression of that battle. In his opinion, it was really very accidental.

After Lei had a general understanding of Tanjiro's combat power, Tanjiro suddenly switched his breathing method to catch Lei by surprise, and then combined with Nezuko's newly awakened blood ghost technique, Explosive Blood, to chop off Lei's head.

The result was that Tired's head was cut off by himself, and Tanjiro had no strength to fight anymore. If Tomioka Giyuu hadn't arrived, Tanjiro would have died. But will it continue to develop like that now?……

"Inosuke, you wait here for rescue. Tell the rescuers that the spiders on the ground are people, and Zenitsu has also been poisoned and turned into a spider."

"ha? Inosuke didn't react for a moment,"Then what are you going to do?""

"I'm going to find Tanjiro"


Tanjiro panted and looked at the enemy in front of him. There were several scars on his forehead. He was holding the Nichirin Sword tightly in his hand. His eyes were full of anger. How could he hand over Nezuko to the boy in front of him.

Opposite him, the white-haired boy didn't care about Tanjiro at all at this time. He just looked at the girl tied with spider silk with eager eyes. He wanted this girl to become his sister.

Even if Tanjiro uses the Breath of the Sun, he is no match for the boy. Although no matter what kind of spider silk they are, they are vulnerable to the Breath of the Sun, there are simply too many of them.

The boy did not get close to Tanjiro at all, but kept attacking Tanjiro with spider silk. Of course, the spider silk could not do anything to Tanjiro, but how could a human compete with a ghost in terms of physical strength?

Tanjiro, who was exhausted, could not escape the boy's fatal blow, but Nezuko used her body to block the attack that should have been fatal to Tanjiro.

And Lei, after seeing this scene, understood the bond between the two brothers and sister,"A ghost is actually willing to do this for humans!". He is no longer interested in killing Tanjiro, he wants this girl to be his sister

"As long as you are willing to be my sister, I can let him go."At this time, the coldness in Tired's voice was nowhere to be found. This voice was full of enthusiasm.


"Don't even think about it, let go of Nezuko!"Just when Tanjiro was about to say this, he heard a familiar voice.

"Are you kidding? Nezuko is our sister, what does it have to do with you? Stop your wishful thinking!"

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