Kamo Kenji looked solemn.

He didn't expect that his strongest attack would be avoided so easily by him!

Lin Fan touched Chanyuan Zhenyi's willow waist and said with a wicked smile:

"Wait for me here obediently, and there will be a reward!"

Chanyuan Zhenyi stood there in shame and anger, stamping his feet.

Kamo Kenji's body was tense, staring at Lin Fan who was walking slowly towards him.

Lin Fan had a contemptuous smile on his face, and his eyes were filled with a bewitching red light.

His hands shook, and two pistols appeared in his hands in an instant!

Then Lin Fan showed a grim smile and launched a crazy attack on Kamo Kenji!

The bullet speed was extremely fast!

In addition, the speed at which Lin Fan pulled the trigger was also extremely fast!

For a moment, Lin Fan's pistol actually fired like a burst rifle!

Kamo Kenji tried his best to dodge!

But he was still hit in the left arm by a rubber bullet!

Immediately, a tearing pain was transmitted to the brain!

Although Lin Fan only used rubber bullets, the power of the first-level curse tool is not a joke!

If he didn't have the Red Blood Manipulation Technique, which strengthened the body's defense capabilities.

It is estimated that the previous blow would have directly broken his bones!

However, Lin Fan did not give him any A chance to catch his breath.

The pistol was quickly pulled, and the bullets attacked Kamo Kenji again like a barrage!

Kamo Kenji's eyes turned red, he clenched his teeth tightly, and clapped his hands!

The Red Blood Manipulation Technique!

Hundred Blood Piercing!

In just a moment, Kamo Kenji used two techniques!

He is worthy of being the genius of the Kamo family!

Darts as defense, blood as offense!

Consciousness and strength are instantly maxed out!

But it's a pity!

Lin Fan easily avoided the blood arrows, then put away his two guns, and two submachine guns appeared in his hands!

Under the attack of two submachine guns, Kamo Kenji was beaten even more miserably!

One blood dart can't defend at all!

Kamo Kenji also started to fight desperately at this moment!

He directly broke three bags of blood! He manipulated four darts at the same time!

Lin Fan's eyes were full of weirdness, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a slightly interested smile and whispered:

"Can you resist?......I don't know if you can handle this!"

After saying that.

Lin Fan put away his submachine gun, took out a heavy sniper rifle from his sleeve, and fired directly!

A tongue of fire suddenly spurted out from the muzzle!

The huge sound and recoil made the ground tremble!

The long rubber bullet attacked!

Kamo Kenji quickly superimposed four blood darts in front of him!

But Lin Fan's bullet actually broke through his blood darts directly!

Shoot at Kamo Kenji!

Kamo Kenji gritted his teeth and blocked with his arms!

After the bullet hit his arms, it directly blew him away!

The huge impact force made him break several trees!

Finally, when he hit the fourth tree, Kamo Kenji finally stopped.

He leaned against the big tree and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Although his arms were not broken, the heart-wrenching pain made his arms tremble constantly!

Kamo Kenji knew that he would not be able to use his arms again in a short time!

However, Lin Fan appeared again not far from Kamo Kenji like a demon, chuckled and said:

"You can handle this? Not bad.

Then try this~?"

Lin Fan put away the heavy sniper rifle with a faint smile on his face, and took out a high-tech gun!

Lin Fan said lightly:

"This gun of mine was only completed not long ago, so

I'm not sure about its power.......I'm not a bad guy.

Don't worry, even if you die, I will save you."

Lin Fan's words were like the evil ghosts of the underworld, lingering in Kamo Kenji's ears.

He was sweating profusely, and it was difficult for him to move!

But Lin Fan didn't hesitate at all, and fired a cursed cannon directly!

A spherical blue light ball instantly attacked Kamo Kenji, who was leaning against the tree, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth and breathing rapidly!

Kamo Kenji clenched his teeth tightly, and blood oozed from his gums!

He stood up suddenly and rolled to the side to hide.

Lin Fan smiled slightly and muttered to himself:


Pretty capable.......I am firing continuously!"

Lin Fan pulled the trigger again, and countless balls of light attacked Kamo Kenji.

Kamo Kenji looked at the beams of light all over the sky and suddenly felt despair.

With the sound of multiple bombings, Kamo Kenji was blown away!

His eyes turned pale, his breath was weak, and he looked extremely miserable!

Lin Fan flashed in front of him and checked.

After finding that he was not dead, he turned around and left.

Kamo Kenji was not a bad guy, and Lin Fan didn't need to kill him.

He really just wanted to test the power of the gun. He wanted to wait until Hua Yu came to test it.

Who made Kamo Kenji and the others run into the muzzle of the gun?

Lin Fan put away his gun and took out a samurai sword.

Looking at Sanlun Xia who had been observing his movements, she was frightened and shrank back behind the tree when she saw him.

Lin Fan couldn't help but feel funny.

When he came to the big tree, he saw Sanlun Xia hiding behind his legs and trembling. Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and shouted:

"Hey! Stop hiding."

Miwa Kasumi was so frightened that her hair stood on end!

She quickly stood up, holding the broken samurai sword, and took a fighting stance, saying nervously:

"you you you!....What do you want to do?"

Lin Fan threw the brand new first-level cursed samurai sword in his hand directly over and said:

"I'll give it to you as compensation."

Sanlunxia took it blankly and asked uncertainly:

"Compensation.....Compensation for me? ? ?"

Mirawa Kasumi was confused.

For a moment, she couldn't think straight.

She looked at the exquisite katana in her hand, and it was a first-level cursed tool!

She didn't know how much better it was than the broken katana she had before!

But Mirawa Kasumi thought about it, gritted her teeth and said: (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"I can't take it! It's too expensive!"

Lin Fan didn't say anything, but glared at her with a fierce look.

Sanlunxia was so scared that she hugged the samurai sword and said:

""Okay, okay! I'll take it! I'll return it to you when I have money to buy weapons!"

After saying that, Sanlunxia closed her eyes and bowed deeply to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan chuckled, said nothing, turned around and left.

Lin Fan knew Sanlunxia quite well.

She was one of the few simple and good people.

Moreover, her family conditions were not good, and she had two younger brothers to support.


Lin Fan compensated her with a knife, which was also a good relationship.

After returning to the side of Zhenyi in the Zen Temple, Lin Fan said with a normal expression:

"You are a good boy, so be my subordinate."

Chanyuan Zhenyi was slightly stunned.



Chanyuan Zhenyi frowned slightly, and asked in confusion:

"What do you mean?"

Lin Fan smiled and said calmly:

"I want to form a force, and I just need some people.

This force will become the top of the world and dominate the entire world of magic!

The upper class has long been corrupt and must be rectified.

In the future, no matter whether it is the three major families, the two major academies, or the various large and small forces.

If you are a tiger, you must lie down!

If you are a dragon, you must coil up!

My force will eventually overturn the entire world of magic!

Become the new master!

So......Do you want to join us?"

Chanyuan Zhenyi was stunned.

If someone else said this, she would definitely think he was crazy!

But these words were said by Lin Fan.

The terrifying strength he just showed made her have to believe it!

Chanyuan Zhenyi bit her red lips and asked in confusion:

"Why did you choose me?

I am just a third-level sorcerer, and my spell power is low. I may not be able to make any further progress in the future.

My strength is actually insignificant to you, right


Before Chanyuan Zhenyi finished speaking, Lin Fan stepped forward and lifted her chin, saying domineeringly:

"I said you can do it! Then you can do it! Did you see those guns I had just now?

They are all for you to use!"

After saying that,

Lin Fan shook his hands, and various first-level spell tools and firearms fell from his sleeves to his feet.

Pistols, submachine guns, sniper rifles, guns, and so on!

Piled up at Lin Fan's feet, it was like a small arsenal!

Such a visual impact made Chanyuan Zhenyi open her mouth in shock.

Chanyuan Zhenyi swallowed her saliva.

So many first-level spell tools!

Does she still have the right to refuse?

She bent down and picked up a beautiful little pistol, played with it in her hand, and immediately felt that she couldn't let it go!

Chanyuan Zhenyi looked at Lin Fan with a smile on his face, and asked meaningfully:

"Aren't you afraid that I'll take away these guns and turn against you?"

Lin Fan shrugged indifferently and said:

"Do you dare?

Besides, you underestimate my strength too much.

Since I dare to give it to you, it means that this thing is actually useless to me.

Although they are all first-level spell tools, they are no different from toys to me!

If you choose to betray me after taking these things, then you are really cheap.

Just think that I have misjudged you."

Lin Fan's words made Chanyuan Zhenyi speechless (Zhao Haohao).

Any item on the ground is a rare treasure that shocked the entire spell world!

But in Lin Fan's eyes, it was just a toy.

Chanyuan Zhenyi felt so inhumane!

Chanyuan Zhenyi nodded, picked up a light sniper rifle and said:

"Okay, I'm in!

But......Just give me this pistol and this sniper rifle.

It's not convenient for me to carry the others."

Lin Fan smiled faintly and nodded, and then the guns on the ground began to slowly sink, as if they were trapped in a swamp, and disappeared in a short while.

Chanyuan Zhenyi was secretly amazed.

His new leader really has many abilities!

Every ability is so enviable!

At this time.

Lin Fan patted Chanyuan Zhenyi's shoulder and said earnestly:

"Perform well.

As long as you can satisfy me, I can change your talent!"

Chanyuan Zhenyi's eyes widened and looked at Lin Fan in disbelief.


But before Chanyuan Zhenyi could continue to ask.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard in the distance!

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