Although he didn't know the power of the Rasengan, with the infinite cursed power he had now, he could use it without limit!

Thinking of this, Lin Fan stretched out his right palm and whispered:"Rasengan!"

As Lin Fan's voice fell, a ball of invisible air appeared in Lin Fan's palm.

Lin Fan's cursed power is colorless.

So the color of the Rasengan is naturally colorless.

It's just that it is surrounded by a layer of faint white light. If you look carefully inside, you can vaguely see the faintly glowing ball, rolling like a heat wave. Without saying a word, Lin Fan slammed the concrete wall of the residential building next to him!

There was a loud bang!

A puff of smoke and dust was raised!

After the smoke and dust dissipated, a vortex-shaped pit appeared on the concrete wall.

Lin Fan touched his chin, looked at the gap in the concrete wall, and thought.

The damage was not that high, just a little more powerful than his fist.

And the degree of damage was greater.

But judging from his fist speed.

When a Rasengan was launched, he had already thrown several punches.

So this skill is just average for Lin Fan.

Although it is not a great skill.

But at least it adds a touch to the skill gap!

Lin Fan chuckled and then jumped down from the fifth floor!

Ichi Chieko, who was drinking water, watched Lin Fan jump steadily from the fifth floor back to his side.

Shocked, he spit out a mouthful of water.

Lin Fan dodged it with a flash.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise it would have sprayed on him.

Lin Fan looked at Ichi Chieko in confusion. What does such a big reaction mean?

Ichi Chieko saw the tall figure standing in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva again in fear.

What kind of ruthless people are these!

Isn't it better to go up and down the stairs?

Do you have to be so shocking? ? ?

As expected, the students accepted by Mr. Gojo are all perverts!

The appearance of a container of Ryomen Sukuna is already very shocking to the world!

Now there is another such a fierce weirdo.

Yidi Zhijiegao said that it was hard for him to accept it!

Seeing Yidi Zhijiegao staring at him blankly, Lin Fan got into the car and said:

"Let's go, I have exorcised the cursed spirit.

Someone should take care of the follow-up, right?"

Ichichi Jiegao came to his senses and nodded and replied:

"Yes, someone will take care of it later. You just need to exorcise the cursed spirit, Lin Fan nodded, and then asked:

"Task....Anything else?"

Yidizhi Jiegao was stunned again after hearing this, and then asked in a daze:

"Don't you need to take a break, Lin?"

It's no wonder that Yidi Zhi Jie Gao was a little confused.

Most sorcerers don't like to do tasks.

Except for the newly enrolled sorcerers, the tasks assigned by the academy are usually required to be performed by students.

So after completing a task, students usually take a break for a while.

They will not continue to perform until the academy arranges a task for them.

This is the first time that someone has taken the initiative to do so to Lin Fan!

Lin Fan nodded and replied:

"Yes! I still want to continue the mission.

But.....This time, I hope you can pick something difficult for me. It would be best if it is a level 2 curse spirit or above!......A third-level cursed spirit can also make do."

Yidizhi Jiegao opened his mouth slightly, staring at Lin Fan in a daze. He kept shouting in his heart:

Are you still rushing to increase the difficulty?

Do you have to be so fierce?

Yidizhi Jiegao quickly recovered and swallowed his saliva again.

He couldn't remember how many times this was today. He just felt a little dry in the mouth.

The kind that couldn't be replenished by drinking water.

Yidizhi Jiegao took out his mobile phone and searched for the school tasks again.

Tasks above level two usually require senior students or teachers to perform.

Generally, first-year students do not have the authority to take this task.

But the principal also told him.

Lin Fan's strength is special.

The combat power assessment is that he can exorcise a second-level cursed spirit alone.

But after all, he has just entered school and has a serious lack of experience in exorcising cursed spirits.

So Yidizhi Jiegao asked again and again to confirm:

"Are you sure you want to accept the mission of exorcising the second-level cursed spirit?"

Lin Fan smiled calmly.

He nodded seriously and replied:


Of course! I am also very happy to accept the task of exorcising the first-level cursed spirit!"

After hearing this, Yidi Zhijiegao couldn't help but rub his forehead with a headache.

He shouldn't have asked that question just now!

Yidi Zhijiegao continued to search for his qualifications in his mobile phone, then called up a task and said to Lin Fan:

"Let's start with the task of exorcising the second-level cursed spirit."

Lin Fan nodded and agreed:

""Okay, no problem."

Seeing Lin Fan nod in agreement, Yidi Zhijie looked at his phone and read the task information clearly word by word:

"This time the mission was in Fuxiang City near Tokyo.

At a construction site, a second-level cursed spirit similar to a human appeared......."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Before Yidizhi Jiegao finished speaking, Lin Fan interrupted him directly.

Yidizhi Jiegao looked at Lin Fan with some confusion.

Lin Fan said impatiently:

"There’s no need to give me such a detailed introduction, just take me directly to the destination!"


Yidi Zhijie Gao felt something was wrong and wanted to continue explaining, but was interrupted by Lin Fan again.

"Don't say but!

You already said that the location is in Fuxiang City.

The journey takes at least 2 hours to get there.

If we waste one more minute now, it will cause more casualties!

Besides, the sooner we finish the purification, the sooner we can finish the work. You are responsible for giving me the task, simply telling me the content of the task, and then sending me to the destination!

You don't need to say anything else!"

Yidi Zhijiegao sighed helplessly.

He had no choice but to listen to Lin Fan and do as he was told..............................................

After more than 2 hours of long journey,

Lin Fan arrived at the location of the second mission.

He got off the car.

Lin Fan smelled the breath of curse spirits in the air and smiled with satisfaction.

There are more lottery tickets to be won.

I wonder what skills I will get this time..............................................

PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!

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