As Ryoumen Sukuna let go of his hands and feet,

Lin Fan was soon beaten back.

With his current B+ level talent for the human body, he was far from being a match for Three-Fingered Ryoumen Sukuna.

But the madness displayed by Lin Fan moved Ryoumen Sukuna!

He had never seen a madman fighting like this.

Punching to the flesh, exchanging injuries for injuries!

Looking at the madman with blood all over his face, but still looking like nothing happened, with a grim smile on his face and red eyes! Ryoumen

Sukuna couldn't help but get more excited!

Both of them fought each other desperately!

From moves and techniques to no rules!

From both offense and defense to no defense at all!

At this time, Ryoumen Sukuna and Lin Fan only had the attack in their eyes!

They were trembling with excitement!

This! Is the fight they want!!!

This! Is the fight a man should have!!!

But after fighting for a while, Ryoumen Sukuna realized that something was wrong.

Gradually, he put away his madness and began to analyze it carefully.

Looking at the injuries on Lin Fan's body that kept appearing and recovering, Ryoumen Sukuna thought in his heart.

Is this a reversal sorcerer?


That's not right!

This is just pure recovery ability!

What a terrible physique!


Ryoumen Sukuna seized the gap when Lin Fan punched and suddenly cast a spell to release it!

Lin Fan's right arm broke!

The two of them stopped at the same time and stepped aside.

Lin Fan looked at his disappeared right arm and didn't care at all.

It was as if the broken right arm was not his.

There was no trace of pain on his face.

Ryoumen Sukuna smiled faintly and said:

"Can't your recovery ability regenerate a broken limb?

That's really boring."

The two people who had been observing the battle situation from a distance suddenly felt nervous.

Fushiguro Megumi knew that it was bad!

If Lin Fan couldn't subdue him with his strength, unless Gojo Sensei could fly back immediately, it would definitely cause a disaster!

Zenin Maki on the side didn't think so much.

She wanted to rush over to help Lin Fan immediately!

Especially when she saw Ryomen Sukuna cut off one of Lin Fan's arms. Zenin

Maki was so distressed that her eyes were bloodshot and her face was ferocious!

If she hadn't still retained a trace of reason, she knew that if she rushed over, she would not only fail to help Lin Fan, but would also hold him back.

Otherwise, she wanted to run to fight with Ryomen Sukuna immediately!

But now Zenin Maki can only pray that Lin Fan will be fine.

Otherwise, even if she fights with everything, she will make Ryomen Sukuna pay a painful price!..............................................

The scene returned to the battlefield.

At this time, Sukuna and Lin Fan were facing each other.

They seemed to be chatting and laughing, but in fact, they were murderous!

Lin Fan raised his severed arm and said nonchalantly:

"My self-healing ability is only slightly better than that of normal people, which is not a very powerful ability.

Of course, I can't regenerate a broken limb.

But........."Lin Fan changed the subject and the broken arm suddenly regenerated!

"......I can do the Reversal Warlock too!"

Ryoumen Sukuna's eyes fixed, revealing a look of surprise.

You know, the ability to regenerate broken limbs is nothing for cursed spirits!

But for humans, it is extremely difficult!

Unless you can comprehend the Reversal Warlock! Otherwise, it is impossible to regenerate broken limbs!

However, there are very few people who can comprehend the Reversal Warlock!

It is difficult to find one among thousands of cursers!

Not to mention that a young boy like Lin Fan can actually comprehend the Reversal Warlock!

This is simply unbelievable!

Ryoumen Sukuna had to admit that Lin Fan was a genius like a demon!

Ryoumen Sukuna smiled and said:


You are really good, boy!

You can be called a genius to be able to comprehend the reversal magic at your age!

But........."Ryoumen Sukuna once again revealed his evil grin."......So what if you can turn the magician?

It's nothing more than letting me chop you a few more times!


Do you have any more cards?

If not, then you should be prepared to accept death!"

Lin Fan nodded, not caring about the threat of Ryoumen Sukuna at all.

Instead, he said calmly:


You have a point!

Just knowing how to be a reversal magician can only guarantee that you can withstand a little bit of attack, but it seems that it can't turn the tide of the battle......What do you think of this!

Eight Gates! The first gate! Open! Open!"

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, he suddenly burst out with a speed twice as fast as before, and rushed towards Ryoumen Sukuna!

Ryoumen Sukuna was shocked!

It was at this moment of distraction that Lin Fan kicked him directly on the chin and lifted him into the air!

Then he came behind Ryoumen Sukuna in an instant, hugged him tightly, and smashed him to the ground!

A flowing lotus was used!

Ryoumen Sukuna, who was about to hit the ground, was still thinking.

What kind of ability is this?

It instantly doubled his speed and strength!

What a strange ability!

However, at the moment when Ryoumen Sukuna's head was about to hit the ground, his fingers slashed in the air.

Then Lin Fan's arms broke with a sound!

Blood gushed out like a fountain!

The two people retreated at the same time, and once again formed a confrontation.

Ryoumen Sukuna smiled and asked:

"Good boy! What is your ability?"

Lin Fan answered irrelevantly:

"I knew this trick wouldn't work on you."

As he spoke, Lin Fan's arms grew back.

He stretched his arms, looked at Liang Mian Sukuna and said:


It seems that I can't subdue you without trying my best!....."Second Gate! Rest Gate! Open!

Third Gate! Life Gate! Open!

Fourth Gate! Injury Gate! Open!!!!"

As Lin Fan finished speaking, a green light wave suddenly burst out from his body!

The light wave shattered the ground around him, forming a cracked pit with him as the center!

Lin Fan's hair was also blown by the light wave and swayed!

At this time, his whole body was red, and his blood vessels were bulging!

He suddenly opened his arms, closed his eyes, and felt the surging power with a look of enjoyment!

Slowly, Lin Fan opened his eyes, his eyes revealed the coldness of winter, and looked at Liangmen Sukuna.

He put down his arms, like a god who came down to earth to judge the demons that came to the world, and asked Liangmen Sukuna in a cold and commanding tone:

"Are you ready to die?


PS:Thanks to C1S2h3 for the monthly ticket support!!!

There are still 20,000 words left before the book is released. The author will work very hard these days and will update more for you after the book is released!!!

I hope everyone can come to support the author when the book is released!!!

I believe everyone knows the importance of the first day's performance!!!

The author needs your support!!!

I don't want this book to be buried and sink into the sea!!!

The author is here to thank you!!!

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