Zenin Maki stopped temporarily after hearing this, stepped aside and yelled at Fushiguro Megumi:

"Are you kidding me? How are you going to deal with him?"

Then Zenin Maki seemed to realize something and asked in a panic:

"You! Are you going to use that trick! ?"

Fushiguro Megumi nodded with a gloomy face.

After getting Fushiguro Megumi's affirmation, Zenin Maki gritted her teeth and ran away from the scene without looking back!

She knew that with her current strength, she could not do anything to Ryomen Sukuna.

Now the only hope to kill him lies with Fushiguro Megumi!

Zenin Maki, who has lived in the Zenin family since she was a child, naturally knows the horror of that trick!

She also knows that if she still stands here, it will destroy Fushiguro Megumi's spell, and all the previous efforts will be in vain!

So Zenin Maki ran away resolutely.!

While running, she shed those tears.

This feeling of powerlessness again!

Why am I so weak!

At the critical moment, nothing can stop me!

I can only escape like a stray dog like now!

Zenin Maki clenched her hands in anger, her nails dug deeply into her palms, but she seemed not to feel the pain.

Threads of blood flowed from her jade hands, and she stopped only when she ran to the edge of the tent.

Zenin Maki just stared at the battlefield in the distance, with only emptiness in her eyes...............................................

Seeing Zenin Maki leave, Fushiguro Megumi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He wanted to force Ryoumen Sukuna into his taming barrier!

If he died, Ryoumen Sukuna would definitely die!

Even if he didn't die, Ryoumen Sukuna would be killed by Makura!

But it was obvious that no matter which way, he would die!

But Fushiguro Megumi was also relieved.

Sure enough, only unequal realities exist equally.

A girl's figure suddenly appeared in Fushiguro Megumi's mind.

The girl was very beautiful, with tenderness written all over her face.

She said to Fushiguro Megumi softly:

"If I have time to curse others, I would rather think about the important people......."

Fushiguro Megumi laughed at himself, why did he think of her again.

It doesn't matter if it's her, because she is the pain in his heart!

Fushiguro Megumi couldn't help but sigh.

She is still the unquestionable kind person.

She is a person who is more qualified to be happy than anyone else!

But the way of heaven is unfair, and everything is treated as a straw dog!

A kind girl who treats everyone gently is still cursed!

And the father who named me Megumi without even knowing my gender!

Maybe he is still living in the world shamelessly now!

Karma will not automatically reverse.

The evil will only be punished under the law!

And the sorcerer is one of the gears of this cause and effect.

So in order to let more good people enjoy equality, Fushiguro Megumi must save others unequally!

Sacrifice for justice!

This is the awareness he had already made when he joined the profession of sorcerer!

Ryomen Sukuna's eyes widened instantly!

He seemed to have felt something interesting from Fushiguro Megumi!

Like.....A hint of danger!

At first, Ryoumen Sukuna didn't take Fushiguro Megumi seriously.

To him, except for Lin Fan, everyone else was just trash!

The difference between trash is the difference between an interesting trash and a boring trash.

Ryoumen Sukuna's eyes lit up and a grim smile appeared on his face!

It seemed that the kid in front of him was a more interesting trash!

He looked at Fushiguro Megumi, who was now full of blue cursed power, with great interest. He walked towards Fushiguro Megumi with an unstoppable grim smile on his face and said:

"Very good! Very good!!!

Another interesting kid!

Come on!

Let me feel your strength! Boy!!!"

But suddenly!

Ryoumen Sukuna stopped.

The grim smile on his face turned into horror and disbelief in an instant!

And the blue curse power on Fushiguro Megumi also dissipated.

Because at this time someone patted him on the shoulder and said to him:

"Don't be in a hurry, save this trick for later!"

Fushiguro Megumi also showed an unbelievable look.

Lin Fan, who should have been dead, appeared next to him intact.

Lin Fan was naked at this time, but he didn't care.

He even stretched and did some stretching exercises in a very relaxed manner, without feeling nervous at all. Finally, he opened his neck, made two crisp sounds, and looked at Ryomen Sukuna.

Lin Fan showed a strange smile on his face and said to Ryomen Sukuna:

"Sukuna.....Shall we continue?"

Lin Fan's words were very gentle.

Just like a big brother next door, with a sunny and energetic face, asking if you want to go to school together.

But in Ryoumen Sukuna's ears, Lin Fan's voice was as terrifying as the evil ghosts in the Nine Nether Hell!

He took two steps back in a daze, muttering to himself:

""No! No no no!!!

This is impossible!!!

You should be dead!!!

Why are you here!!!"

Obviously, Ryoumen Sukuna was a little broken-down now. He couldn’t understand how Lin Fan survived!

He clearly saw with his own eyes that Lin Fan was turned into ashes by his own hands!

Why was he still standing here intact!

Lin Fan smiled faintly, shook his head and said:

"How can you guess my strength?

I've said it before, I'm in a bad mood.....You made me happy......Are you ready to continue to please me? Sukuna!"

The smile on Lin Fan's face gradually became ferocious, unruly, and rampant!

Then his whole body turned red again!

Green energy waves burst out around him again!

When Ryoumen Sukuna saw this, he couldn't help trembling!

He had laughed like this before.

It was a kind of confidence in his own strength!

It was a kind of spirit that he was the only one in the world!

It was a domineering attitude that regarded everything as ants!

But now he couldn't laugh.

He suddenly felt very unfamiliar with himself.

He didn't understand what this feeling was.

Is this fear?


Not entirely!

This is the fear that grows from the inside out, in the deepest part of his heart!

This is the first time he has felt fear in a thousand years!

Lin Fan!

Let him be afraid!

At this moment!

Lin Fan has become an indelible knot in his heart for Ryoumen Sukuna!..............................................

PS:Thanks to the invincible handsome man in the universe for the urging votes!!!

Brothers, don't blame the author for writing slowly, 10,000 words a day is really a lot.

The main thing is that the author has to ensure the quality, and he will revise a chapter several times before publishing it.

It's not easy for the author! Woo woo woo!!! Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, and messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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