On the other side, in the morgue,

Yiji Zhijie Gao explained what happened in a panic:

"I had already made it clear at the time!

If you encounter a special grade cursed spirit, you can only choose between running away and dying!

You must not fight!


"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Gojo Satoru interrupted coldly. Ichichi Jiegao was startled and asked in a bewildered manner:

"Ah? This...this...What do you mean?"

Gojo Satoru said with a cold face, and continued slowly:

"Facing a special-grade prisoner, they had to rescue five people whose lives and deaths were unknown, but they only sent first-year students. This is too outrageous!

Besides, it was me who forcibly changed Hisahito's death sentence to life imprisonment.

They were unhappy about this, so they took advantage of my absence to use the special-grade cursed spirits to get rid of him. This is easy to understand!

If the other people died as well, it would be a provocation to me, right?

It's just killing two birds with one stone!


They even deliberately sent Lin Fan away. They are so cautious and have a good plan!"

Ichi Chieko's cold sweat ran down his face.

Although he was just a messenger, anyone could understand the truth if they thought about it carefully.

This is an open conspiracy against Gojo Satoru and Itadori Yuji!


But there is nothing wrong with it!

Ichi Chieko looked panicked and wanted to explain:

"No!....But when it was dispatched, there was no guarantee that it would become a special grade one!"

Gojo Satoru was too lazy to listen to Ichichi Jiegao's explanation.

It was useless to talk to him about this matter.

He was just a messenger caught in the middle.

Gojo Satoru's tone began to become cold, and his words did not conceal his murderous intent:

"It's troublesome to find the real murderer.

Why not just kill all the people above!"

Ijichi Jiegao was frightened and took a step back.

He knew that such a crazy statement might be a joke to others, but Gojo Satoru could definitely do it!

At this time, the door of the morgue suddenly opened.

Then a man and a woman walked in from outside the door. They were talking and laughing.

The boy talked and laughed, making the woman laugh.

Gojo Satoru looked at the two people who came in with a strange expression.

He thought, how did the two of them get together?

After entering the morgue and seeing Gojo Satoru, the woman gradually put away her smile and said to him:

"It's really strange that you can still act on your emotions."

When the boy saw Gojo Satoru, he also greeted him:

"Gojo-sensei, did you have fun on your business trip?"

The two people who came in were the female school doctor of Jujutsu High School, Ieiri Shoko.

She was also a classmate of Gojo Satoru. She was one of the few sorcerers who could use the reversal technique to achieve healing effects.

The other boy was Lin Fan, who came to see Gojo Satoru.

He came here today mainly to witness the resurrection of Itadori Yuji.

Because he was afraid that his joining would cause Ryoumen Sukuna to add some other conditions when talking to Itadori Yuji.

This would make the stubborn Itadori Yuji never agree to his request.

So Lin Fan came this time to let Ryoumen Sukuna in the realm of life convey his words and let Itadori Yuji agree.

Lin Fan didn't want to lose a strong enemy and a future partner.

Gojo Satoru raised his eyebrows and asked Lin Fan:

"How did you two end up together?

That's really strange."

Ieiri Naoko said with a smile:

"You really have a good student, Gojo.

Don't let your stupid head corrupt my little Fanfan!"

Little Fanfan???

Everyone present was stunned when they heard this name.

Including Lin Fan himself.

But the most shocked person was of course Ichi Chieko.

He has been secretly in love with Ieki Nozomi for more than a year or two.

The words"little Fanfan" sounded like a bolt from the blue to him, and he was petrified on the spot.

Lin Fan smiled and didn't think much about it.

He walked towards Gojo Satoru, then sat down next to him and said casually:

"I met her on the way here.

Dr. Glass is very nice and we get along very well.

Oh, by the way!

I came here specifically to see you, Mr. Gojo."

"Looking for me?"

Gojo Satoru showed some doubt on his face.

Among all his students, the most mysterious and hard to figure out person was probably Lin Fan.

Lin Fan chuckled and then said something that shocked everyone:

"Yes, I came here to tell you that Yuji Itadori is not dead yet"

"What!"After hearing this, the petrified Ichichi Jiegao exclaimed.

Gojo Satoru and Ieiri Nishiko also looked at Lin Fan in surprise, waiting for his answer.

Lin Fan smiled and explained:

"Ryoumen Sukuna, who existed before the Curse King a thousand years ago, was the strongest at the time!

After his death, the twenty fingers that were cut off were turned into special cursed objects, which were sealed and scattered all over the Sakura Country."

Ichichi Jiegao asked in confusion:

"Isn't this all public information?

But what does this have to do with Yuji Itadori?"

Lin Fan continued to explain:

"Then let me ask you, if you were him, the powerful man who once dominated the world!

There is a chance to be resurrected after a thousand years!

This is a rare opportunity, will you give up so easily?

You must know that for thousands of years, the only person who can become his container is Itadori!

If you were him, would you let him die like this?"

Ijichi Jiegao was silent. Gojo Satoru did not speak expressionlessly, but pinched his chin and thought.

If what Lin Fan said was true, then Ryomen Sukuna would definitely not let Itadori Yuji die!

Who would be so stupid as to give up the chance of resurrection that has been waiting for a thousand years?

As long as he is a normal person, he will definitely seize this opportunity at all costs!

So all this is very unreasonable!

Ryomen Sukuna must have a purpose he wants to achieve by doing this! Gojo Satoru suddenly looked at Itadori Yuji's body, as if he thought of something.

At this time, Ieiri Shoko asked:

"But Yuji Itadori is dead now!

Without his heart, he is dead as hell!

Don’t tell me he will grow a heart out of thin air and come back to life!"

Lin Fan shrugged and replied:

"Otherwise! You also know this magic, Doctor Glass."

Ieiri Glass raised his eyebrows and said,"You mean....Reversal Warlock?"

Lin Fan nodded:

"That's right! Maybe Dr. Glass, you can't achieve the state of regenerating severed limbs, but Ryoumen Sukuna can do it.

He wants Yuji Itadori to grow a brand new heart, which is too easy!"

Ieiri Glass smiled lightly, then shook her head and said:

"Even if he could grow a new heart, Yuji Itadori would not be able to come back to life.

If he was not dead yet, or had just died, there might be a chance to revive him.

But now Yuji Itadori is completely dead!

His blood is coagulated, his limbs are stiff, even if Ryomen Sukuna healed his injuries, he might not be able to bring him back to life, right?"

Lin Fan was about to explain with a smile, but Gojo Satoru on the side spoke first:

"It's possible!

As long as Yuji Itadori's soul is not destroyed, he can be saved!"

Lin Fan nodded in agreement.

As a sorcerer, Ieiri Shoko naturally understood what Gojo Satoru said.

But she still asked in confusion:


Even if it is as you said, Yuji Itadori has been dead for a long time, and his soul should be almost gone!......"

Ieiri Shoko and Gojo Satoru said at the same time:

"Born to be a field!"..............................................

PS:This book will be on the shelves at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, that is, at 8 o'clock on March 23rd!!!

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