But at this time, Yuji Itadori couldn't listen at all.

His eyes were slightly red, and he gritted his teeth and said harshly:

"No! This damn cursed spirit ate my friends!

It's all my fault!

If I hadn't given the cursed item to Senior Sasaki, they wouldn't have died!

I'm going to make this cursed spirit pay with blood!!!"

After saying that,

Yuji Itadori rushed forward again without caring about his life.

Fushiguro Megumi thought to himself, this is not good. It's not the right way to betray your teammates!

But fortunately, Lin Fan reached out to stop him at this time.

Yuji Itadori yelled with red eyes:

"Don't stop me!"

Lin Fan ignored him and took out a dry finger, shook it in front of Yuji Itadori and said:

"Is this the cursed object you're talking about?

At the club activity tonight, Sasaki opened the object wrapped in bandages and found this inside."

Yuji Itadori was stunned, looking at the dry fingers in a trance, as if he thought of something.

Then he quickly snatched the dry fingers from Lin Fan's hand.

Then, in the horrified eyes of Fushiguro Megumi, Yuji Itadori swallowed it in one gulp.

Looking at Yuji Itadori's Adam's apple swallowing, it was too late for Fushiguro Megumi to stop him.

Just when Fushiguro Megumi lost consciousness, the big-mouthed curse spirit knocked him out.

Fushiguro Megumi, who fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, obviously seriously injured.

But he didn't care about his injuries at all.

His eyes were fixed on Yuji Itadori.

He hoped that Yuji Itadori would not become his incredible idea.

Lin Fan also stepped aside at this time.

His goal was achieved.

In fact, the continuation of the plot is not very important to him.

But Lin Fan absolutely does not want to see the loss of a strong enemy like Ryomen Sukuna.

He now wants Ryomen Sukuna to be resurrected more than Brain Flower!

He even wants to make his strength even better!......

Now the latest target of the Big Mouth Curse Spirit has obviously become Yuji Itadori.

The Big Mouth Curse Spirit, who had no intelligence, felt the breath of the cursed power on Yuji Itadori and attacked him frantically.

However, just when the Big Mouth Curse Spirit wanted to swallow Yuji Itadori in one gulp, something strange happened.

Yuji Itadori suddenly raised his claw to the sky!

The terrifying power actually set off a gust of air!

The Big Mouth Curse Spirit was instantly beaten to pieces and dissipated in the air, disappearing without a trace!

It can be said that it couldn't be deader!

Fushiguro Megumi and Lin Fan both widened their eyes at this moment!

But one was shocked and the other was excited!

At this time, that creepy smile appeared on Lin Fan's face again.

He murmured:

"good....very nice...!"

There is no doubt that

Yuji Itadori has become Ryomen Sukuna.

At this time, the panel of Ryomen Sukuna appeared in front of Lin Fan.

【Name]: Ryomen Sukuna (parasitism: one-finger state)

【Level]: Special grade curse spirit

【Talent]: Infinite Mana Power {One Finger}(S)

【Skills: Qi Kuo (S), Kai {}(A+)、Unblock}(A)、Eight {Seal}(A+)、Reversal (A), Field: Demon Subduing Cook {Seal}(S+)

【Favorability]: 0.............................................

【Infinite Mantra Power {One Finger}]: The mantra power is infinite and can be used at will. (Of course, this is an incomplete skill. Although the mantra power is infinite, it has some limitations. You cannot use a spell that consumes too much mantra power at one time.)

【[Qi Kuo]: This skill can be activated with the consent of both parties. Both parties create an equal contract for mutual benefit. If one party regrets or unilaterally breaks the contract, they will be punished. (The size of the punishment depends on the importance of the content of the Qi Kuo)

【[Open]: Consume a large amount of mana to summon a flame that burns everything. This flame can be turned into arrow feathers and shot out. The flame will not disappear until the person hit is completely burned. (The longer the burning time, the more mana is consumed) {Due to excessive mana consumption at one time, the skill cannot be used temporarily}

【[Unlock]: Use this skill to release multiple slash attacks. After the skill is released, an invisible airflow of sword energy will fly out quickly. (The number of slashes is determined by the user. The more times, the more mana is consumed.){Due to excessive consumption of magic power at one time, the skill is temporarily unavailable.}

【Eight [Seal]: Use this skill to release a powerful invisible slash. (Depending on the difference in mana, the target will be cut off. The power of the slash is determined by the mana consumed at one time) {Due to excessive mana consumption at one time, the skill cannot be used temporarily}

【[Reversal]: A type of mana manipulation that uses mana in the form of multiplication to turn the negative energy of the mana into positive energy.

Mana can be used to repair one's own or others' bodies, which consumes a huge amount of mana, but the damage caused by the attack on the soul cannot be repaired.

【Field: Demon Subduing and Cooking [Seal]: After the field is opened, a demon-subduing niche and reflection will appear in the field, allowing people to enter and exit the field freely in exchange for a larger attack range effect. (The maximum radius can reach 200 meters)

All creatures and non-living things with spell power in the field will be endlessly attacked by the spells of [Release] and [Eight] until they are chopped to pieces. {Due to excessive consumption of spell power at one time, the skill is temporarily unavailable}.............................................

Such a long panel.

No wonder Lin Fan was so excited. The dark clouds gradually dissipated.

The cold moonlight shone on Yuji Itadori's face.

Fushiguro Megumi and Lin Fan could clearly see that strange black lines and four scarlet eyes appeared on Yuji Itadori's face!


Yuji Itadori suddenly burst into a chilling laugh.

At this time, Yuji Itadori's body had been completely controlled by Ryomen Sukuna!

He opened his arms and looked at the moon


The moonlight is the most exciting when you feel it yourself!!!"

Ryomen Sukuna tore off his shirt, revealing his strong muscles and black lines spreading from his face.

Fushiguro Megumi looked at Itadori Yuji in a panic.

He knew it was over.

The scene he least wanted to see happened!

However, just as Ryomen Sukuna was laughing crazily, he suddenly stopped.

Because at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed towards him at a high speed!

He was caught off guard and was hit hard in the face.

It was not known whether he did not react or took the punch on purpose.

But the huge force of this punch actually knocked him out directly!

However, Ryomen Sukuna in the air quickly mastered his balance and landed steadily on the ground.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood and phlegm from his mouth, he raised his head with interest, looked at the boy who had just punched him, and murmured:

"Haha, interesting".............................................

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