Nanami Kento ignored Gojo Satoru and continued:

"I hate the above approach, but I stand on the side of the rules.

This is a bit off topic.

But in short, I haven't admitted that you are a sorcerer!

Even if you have the time bomb of Sukuna on you, you are still a useful person, so please do your best to prove this point!"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori lowered his head and clenched his fists slightly.

Then he slowly said:

"I have deeply realized that I am weak and useless.

But I will become stronger!

If I am not strong enough, I can't even choose how I die.

And I will kill my friends around me.

Fan's training and teaching in these days have made me more determined to become stronger!

All the unfairness in this world is caused by my own lack of ability!

Fan taught me this truth, which made me deeply understand that only by becoming stronger can I decide my own death!

Only by becoming stronger can my friends around me not die because of me.���I will die of incompetence!

Only by becoming stronger can I fulfill my grandfather's request to me before he died, to save others!

I want everyone to have a proper death, not to die at the hands of these cursed spirits!


Even if you don't say it, I will make you admit my mistake!"

Gojo Satoru revealed a smile and looked at Lin Fan.

This kid is quite teachable.

After hearing what Itadori Yuji said, Nanami Kento unexpectedly became silent.

He originally wanted to say that all this didn't matter to him.

But when he heard Itadori Yuji's words that all the unfairness in the world was caused by his own lack of ability,

Nanami Kento fell silent.

He thought of his former best friend from the same period, Haibara Yu.

During a simple mission he and Haibara Yu were on,

Haibara Yu died because he received the wrong information about the level of the curse spirit.

This incident has always made him heartbroken and resentful.

From then on, Nanami Kento gave up the profession of sorcerer and became an office worker.


All the unfairness in the world is caused by one's own lack of ability.

If he was strong enough at that time, would Haibara not have died?

Nanami Kento sighed and said:

"You are right!


To me, whether you become stronger or not, whether you get my recognition or not, to put it bluntly, I don’t care!"

Yuji Itadori was ashamed:"I know, I know!"

A few days later.

At 10:30 in the morning

, it started to drizzle.

Tokyo Film Cinema, batting center.

This is the location of this mission.

Nanami Kento brought Yuji Itadori and Lin Fan to the accident scene in the screening room.

The bodies on the seats had been taken away, leaving only blood stains.

Nanami Kento pointed to the bloodstained seats and the ground and asked:

"Can you see it?

These are the remnants of cursed energy.'

Yuji Itadori nodded. He could see it very clearly.

Ever since he had mastered the ability to let cursed energy flow freely throughout his body, he was now completely different from before!

Kento Nanami nodded.

Then the three of them followed the direction indicated by the remnants and went to investigate.

Yuji Itadori asked:

"The surveillance camera didn't capture anything, right?"

Nanami Kento replied:


In addition to the victim, only one teenager was photographed."

Yuji Itadori continued to ask:

"Is the criminal a cursed spirit?"

Nanami Kento thought for a moment, then answered:

"Um......It's hard to say.

It's possible that the boy did it.

But it's not impossible to find out that he is a policeman......."

Nanami Kento's words suddenly stopped.

He stopped and turned to look in one direction.

He saw a third-level cursed spirit suddenly appear where Nanami Kento was looking!


Yuji Itadori put down his umbrella, his expression serious, ready for battle.

Lin Fan stepped aside and watched the two perform.

However, after seeing the cursed spirit, Lin Fan felt a lot more comfortable.

Because the system reminded him that there is no reward for this kind of cursed spirit transformed from inaction!

In other words, even if Lin Fan exorcises them all, there are no lottery tickets to take.

What else is there to say?

You can just watch the fun with peace of mind.

Just when Yuji Itadori was about to take action to solve it, his ears moved, and he felt the unusual movement and a breath coming from other directions!

He hurriedly looked to the right, and sure enough, there was a third-level cursed spirit in the corner over there!

"good......Great laundry detergent......!"

Kento Nanami was a little surprised. He had originally wanted to remind Yuji Itadori to deal with the cursed spirits over there.

But he didn't expect Yuji Itadori to have already sensed it.

This ability of perception cannot be so sharp without years of experience in fighting against cursed spirits! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It seems that this boy is indeed a genius!

Of course, Yuji Itadori could not know what Kento Nanami was thinking at this moment.

If he knew, he would definitely complain about it.

Try to break your hands and feet, or even lose your life if you can't sense it.

It's absolutely quick!

Kento Nanami also put down his umbrella, took out his cursed blunt knife with bandages, and then he said to Yuji Itadori:

"If you feel you can't win, call me."

Yuji Itadori was slightly stunned, then said speechlessly:

"You look down on me too much."

Nanami Kento unbuttoned his suit, loosened his tie, and replied calmly:

"This is not a question of looking down on me.

I am an adult and you are a child.

I have the obligation to take care of you first."

After saying that, Nanami Kento walked towards the cursed spirit step by step.

Itadori Yuji complained helplessly:

"Being treated like a child is worse than being looked down upon."

Nanami Kento came in front of the cursed spirit, pushed his glasses calmly and said:

"You have been through life and death many times, but it doesn't mean you are an adult.

The hair falling off the pillow has increased, and the sandwich bread you like to eat has disappeared from the convenience store.

These small despairs accumulate and make people grow up!"

Yuji Itadori was speechless, but this time he learned his lesson and stopped refutation.

At this time, Lin Fan, who was standing aside, held an umbrella and said to Yuji Itadori with a faint smile:

"Yuji! Remember to hold back, don't beat him to death!"

Yuji Yuji was slightly stunned, and asked with some doubt:


Lin Fan smiled and did not answer.

Because at this time the cursed spirit had already attacked Yuji Itadori.

Although Yuji Itadori was talking to Lin Fan and was a little distracted.

But his keen perception made his body subconsciously evade and avoid the attack of the cursed spirit!

Then Yuji Itadori no longer hesitated and immediately launched a counterattack.

His speed was very fast. In his eyes, the small third-level cursed spirit was no longer worth mentioning!

After a few punches, Yuji Itadori beat it and lost its combat ability.

He didn't even use the Niwa Fist!

Because Yuji Itadori was afraid that it would be killed directly! Nanami

Kento who was fighting on the other side was dumbfounded.

Surrendered like this???

He had originally planned to introduce his abilities to Yuji Itadori while fighting. But.

It turned out that Yuji Itadori was faster than him!

Kento Nanami quickly quickened his movements and cut off the limbs of the cursed spirit.

But when he found that the blood flowing from the cursed spirit was red, he frowned and realized that something was wrong.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the cursed spirit in front of him that had lost its combat power.

Then his eyes widened and he showed an expression of disbelief!

Because the photo clearly showed the photo of the cursed spirit just now!

This means that this is not a cursed spirit at all!

Because cursed spirits will not be photographed!

Kento Nanami looked at the bright red blood on the ground and the watch on the broken arm.

He had a guess.

These cursed spirits in front of him might be transformed from humans!

After subduing the cursed spirits, Yuji Itadori asked Lin Fan with a puzzled look:

".Why can't I kill him?"

Lin Fan smiled faintly, then said calmly:

"(Good) because.....They are what people become!"


Yuji Itadori was shocked!

Although Yuji Itadori couldn't believe it, he had to believe Lin Fan's words!

At this time, Nanami Kento also came over and asked seriously:

"You already knew that?"

Lin Fan nodded and said with a smile:

"Although they also have the aura of cursed spirits, they are of the same origin and should not belong to them.

Moreover, they also have a strong human aura, which makes it not difficult to guess."

Nanaha Kento's eyes condensed.

He thought to himself that this man has such a keen perception!

Even he just sensed it, he is worthy of being praised by that person!

At this time, Yuji Itadori's face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth and whispered:

"Why is this happening?

Nanami Kento did not reply, because it was the first time he had seen this situation and he had no idea why.

Lin Fan shrugged and replied:


It could be the spell power of a curse master or a special curse spirit.......Damn it!"

PS: Please order all!!! Please order by yourself!!! Please support!!!.

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