Seeing Lin Fan coming, Yuji Itadori couldn't hold back any longer.

He said to Lin Fan with a trembling body:

"Shunping is dead, and Shunping's mother is also dead."

Lin Fan replied calmly:

"Okay, I understand.

Go ahead and bring me Junpei's body."


After hearing Lin Fan's words, Yuji Itadori was stunned. He didn't quite understand what Lin Fan said.

The real person was also stunned. He had no idea what this move was about. However, he still watched it all with interest and didn't rush to do anything. He really wanted to know what this kid wanted to do. Yuji Itadori also asked hesitantly:

"Bring it to smooth......Corpse?"

He thought he had heard wrongly!

There was a life-and-death battle going on here.

Can't we take away the corpse after we have dealt with the enemy?

Yuji Itadori was very puzzled.

Lin Fan patted Yuji Itadori on the shoulder and instantly recovered from his injuries.

The real person's eyes condensed!

Reversal technique!?

Why didn't he use it in the last battle?

Did he do it on purpose?

But what good will this do him?


Lin Fan looked into Yuji Itadori's eyes, gave him a reassuring look, and then said slowly:

"Go ahead.

Do as I say.

Bring Junpei's body here, and then you'll know my intentions."

Yuji Itadori nodded, and without hesitation, he immediately went upstairs.

He was still very convinced of Lin Fan's words.

As Yuji Itadori left, the real person with a frivolous smile on his face said:

"Do you like my masterpiece too?

Are you so anxious to see it?

But I may disappoint you.

My work this time is not perfect. It's all my fault that I couldn't stop myself and was a little rough.

But I promise!

To you! I will be very careful!

You will become my most perfect work so far!"

The real man opened his arms, looked like a pervert, and laughed wildly.

Lin Fan looked normal, not affected by the real man's words at all.

There was not even a trace of anger.

His eyes were always calm, but with a hint of playfulness.

However, Lin Fan's next words were completely inconsistent with his current expression.

Lin Fan said in a calm tone:

"Are you laughing at your mother?"

The real person's smile stopped abruptly, as if he was choked.

Yuji Itadori, who was carrying Yoshino Junpei's body back, happened to see this scene and was a little confused.


What's going on!

The real person's face turned black, but he didn't argue with Lin Fan.

He just sneered. He thought to himself, let's see if your mouth can still be the same as it is now!

Yuji Itadori put Yoshino Junpei's body next to Lin Fan.

Seeing Yoshino Junpei's miserable appearance again, he still couldn't accept this reality.

But now, nothing he did would help.

Originally, he wanted to say to Lin Fan to save Yoshino Junpei.

But he never opened his mouth.

Because he knew very well in his heart that Yoshino Junpei was already hopeless!

Even if he was saved, he couldn't be restored to human form, so why let him live in such pain?

So now Yuji Itadori can only think of one thing.

That is to avenge Yoshino Junpei!

Try your best!

Use any means!

Yuji Itadori took a breath and said to Lin Fan:

"This is Junpei, it was the stitched face that turned Junpei into this horrible look!


I know I can't beat him now!

But I know you can definitely beat him!

So......I beg you to avenge Shunping!

Just for the sake of our dinner with Shunping!

As long as you promise me, I will obey you in the future! If you tell me to go east, I will never go west!

Even if......."

There was a crisp sound!

Before Yuji Itadori could finish his words, he was slapped in the face by Lin Fan with a look of surprise!

This slap really stunned Yuji Itadori.

The real person who had been watching the show was also confused.

Now he found that he could not figure out what this kid was thinking. Is this how mood swings are


What kind of soul can give birth to such a person?

The real person showed a weird smile in excitement.

What will this kid do next?

It's so curious!

Yuji Itadori looked at Lin Fan in surprise, there was no anger in his eyes, only confusion.

He didn't understand why Lin Fan suddenly slapped him?

Was it because he didn't protect Yoshino Junpei?

Then he should slap him!

However, Lin Fan's next words made Yuji Itadori silent.

Lin Fan said lightly:

"Do you know why I slapped you?"

Yujin Itadori shook his head and looked at Lin Fan in confusion.

Lin Fan continued:

"Anger can make people lose their rationality, which is understandable!


Anger cannot make you lose your composure and pride!

I said that all the unfairness in this world is caused by the lack of one's own strength!

So, if you are not strong enough, do you have to compromise and ask others for help?

Isn't the lesson just now enough?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yuji Itadori was stunned, he lowered his head and fell into silence.


Wasn't the lesson I asked Sukuna for just now enough?

Lin Fan continued:

"In order to get revenge, you can do anything at any cost, there is nothing wrong with that!

But you have to know that this time you put down your dignity to beg others.

What about next time?

Next time you will still be like now, like a stray dog!

In the end, you still can't protect anyone!

Can you only watch your companions leave, and then you, powerless, go find someone else to avenge them?"

Yuji Itadori's face was frighteningly gloomy, and he obviously heard what Lin Fan said.

Lin Fan glanced at Yuji Itadori, and then continued:

"If after listening to what I said, you still think the same as before.

Then I can avenge you! But!

From now on, I will no longer teach you, and we can only be ordinary friends.......Have you thought it through?"

Lin Fan's tone was very calm, and his voice was calm, but every word pierced into Yuji Itadori's heart.

Yuji Itadori was silent for a long time.

He finally digested Lin Fan's words and figured out many things.


Revenge must be taken!

But it can only be taken by yourself!

I asked others for help this time, will it be the same next time?

Will I still be unable to do anything, and then beg others to avenge me?

Yuji Itadori slowly raised his head.

His temperament became calm.

He clenched his fists and said to Lin Fan sincerely:

"I understand!

Thank you! Lin Fan!

I will personally avenge Shunping!

If I cannot defeat him now, I will flee and look for another opportunity someday!

I will avenge him!!!

I will kill the real person!!!"

Lin Fan smiled.

There was a hint of satisfaction in his smile.

Lin Fan nodded, patted Yuji Itadori on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"That's enough! It's good that you understand!

Hatred can make a person lose their mind!

But it can also make a person stronger!

You must remember this anger, remember this pain, remember this humiliation!

��They become the will in your heart, allowing you to move forward firmly!

Only if you keep getting stronger!

Try your best to get stronger!

In this way, you can protect what you want to protect!

Just like him!"

Lin Fan pointed to the real person with a weird smile not far away, and said disdainfully:

".As long as you are strong enough!

Just like me now.

If I had encountered this incident at that time, he would have died!

But Shunping could live!"

At this time, the real person seemed to have heard a huge joke and laughed loudly:

"Just you?


Sorry, haha, I laughed so hard that tears came out!

You are really funny, kid!

When I first met you, you loved to say these big words.

It seems that you are still the same now!"

At this point, the real person stopped laughing, and the smile on his face gradually became ferocious:

"Hehe, after all that, are you ready to face despair? Boy!"


Lin Fan shook his head and sighed.

He then gently placed his hand on Yoshino Junpei's body, which had already been cold, and slowly said to the real person:

"Playing with people's hearts? You can't do that."

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, Yoshino Junpei changed from a bloated purple cursed spirit to his original appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye!

There was not even a single scar on his body, and even the shocking cigarette scars on his forehead disappeared!

Then Lin Fan lightly tapped Yoshino Junpei's forehead.

Yoshino Junpei miraculously came back to life!

And slowly opened his eyes!


I haven't......Dead?"

Yoshino Junpei, who had just been resurrected, was still a little confused.

Seeing himself naked, he immediately covered his private parts in panic, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Itadori Yuji was shocked by this!

He exclaimed incoherently:



The real man widened his eyes, unable to believe what he saw!

He shouted in shock and anger:

"This is impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Lin Fan smiled faintly, took off his coat and threw it to Yoshino Junpei.

Then he looked at the shocked face of the real person and smiled contemptuously:

"I have said it before, your soul and body are both pitifully weak.

Hehe, now I will return your words to you, get ready......Have you accepted despair?"

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The kind of writing that makes him vomit blood!!!

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