After finishing his steak with relish, Lin Fan returned to his previous elegant demeanor.

He wiped his mouth gently and said calmly:

"I am actually quite easy to understand.

Because I want you to know what I am like, then what you see and feel about me is what I am like.

I am also prepared for a rainy day. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that I am worrying too much.

I have always been afraid that I will become stronger too quickly and will soon be out of opponents.

So step by step I want to cultivate strong people and raise the level of the entire world.

Do you think I am funny?"

The real person was so funny that she was silent.

She trembled as she stared at the person in front of her.

She felt that this person was either a devil or a lunatic!

Looking at the real person who was so scared that he dared not say a word, Lin Fan said to her with a half-smile on his face:

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you now.

Originally, I was going to break your heart first, make your mentality collapse, and then kill you.

But now I have changed my mind."

Such threatening words were said lightly by Lin Fan.

But when it fell into the ears of the real person, it instantly made her feel creepy!

She would not doubt the authenticity of Lin Fan's words at all!

He really has the strength!

Her life and death are now in Lin Fan's hands.

If she can't survive, who doesn't want to die quickly?

Fortunately, Lin Fan said that he changed his mind.

Such a strong man should not lie to her, right?......

A real person whose life has long been in the hands of others can only use this ridiculous idea to pray for his own safety.

At this time, Lin Fan casually used four fingers to knock on the dining table:

"Um......Let me think about it.

Itadori's mind should be mature now.

Although Junpei has gone through a lot of hardships, his mind is still a little bit lacking.

But he can slowly train him, maybe he can use you.

Oh, by the way, soon, you will have to steal six fingers from the Jujutsu High School.

And......Shibuya plan on October 31st."

Zhenren's eyes widened. How on earth did he know these secrets?

Lin Fan stopped tapping his fingers, then looked at Zhenren and said with a faint smile:

"You have a lot of things to do.

To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so weak now, and you have no feeling when fighting.

But you will grow to a very high level in the Shibuya incident.

Maybe it will be interesting then.

So you should be thankful!

Be thankful that you are too weak now, so I have lost interest in torturing you."

Lin Fan snapped his fingers again.

Zhenren felt as if something had been planted in her soul, causing her to have a sense of a person in the depths of her soul!

That person was Lin Fan sitting opposite!

Lin Fan looked at Zhenren with interest.

Sure enough!

The soul seed took effect!

At this time, Zhenren was so shocked that he could not have any hostility towards himself.

So the soul seed was planted successfully very easily!

At this time, Lin Fan suddenly asked:

"You should be able to open a domain now, right?"

Zhenren suddenly felt that she had a huge change in her opinion of Lin Fan!

It seemed that she regarded Lin Fan as someone she could not betray from the bottom of her heart!

And as long as Lin Fan gave an order, she would definitely execute it!

Thinking about it carefully, Zhenren couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat!

This is really too terrifying!

He can even control people's thoughts!

Is there anything he can't do!

Although Zhenren felt that she was trembling with fear!

But her mouth still couldn't help but answer Lin Fan's question:

"Yes, I just realized it."

Lin Fan nodded, and then continued calmly:


You continue to follow Xia Youjie's plan and do n't tell anyone about my situation.......That's it for now......."

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, the real person felt a black screen before his eyes, and then his soul returned to his body.

Lin Fan changed the passage of time in the Soul Sanctuary.

So in the real world at this moment, only 1 minute had passed.

Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino were stunned to see that the real person, who should have been covered in wounds, had recovered from his injuries in an instant!

And he had even turned into a woman!

Moreover, when fighting with Lin Fan before, the real person's clothes had long been beaten to pieces.

After recovering from meat paste to a physical body, how could he still wear clothes?

So after the real person's soul returned to the body, he not only turned into the appearance of a woman, but was also naked!

How could Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino, the two little virgins, have ever seen such a scene?

In an instant, their heads were filled with blood, their faces flushed, and blood gushed from their nostrils!

Yuji Itadori turned his head away and shouted in shame and anger:

"Zhenren! You are so mean!

Do you think we will let you go if you become like this?

It is wishful thinking!

Lin Fan will never be soft-hearted towards you!"

Lin Fan was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot.

He used soul transmission to send a message to Zhenren:

"Release your domain and pull me into it!"

The real person nodded and did as he was told, and without the slightest hesitation, he opened his domain.

"The domain is unfolded! The closed circle is suddenly wrapped!"

Instantly, the real person and Lin Fan were wrapped in a black sphere!

Yuji Itadori was shocked!

He knew that this was the domain! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lin Fan will not be in danger!?

Yuji Itadori did not hesitate, he quickly stood up and rushed towards the domain, wanting to smash the domain from the outside!

But before he rushed to the domain, the whole domain of the real person was shattered!

It turned into pieces of black fragments in the air, and then disappeared between the heaven and earth.

Yuji Itadori was dumbfounded.

Just now.

The moment the real person unfolded the domain and dragged Lin Fan into it.

Lin Fan's soul sanctuary was gathered!

At this moment, the real person's domain could not withstand this force and instantly shattered and collapsed!

The real person was lying on the ground, bleeding from all seven holes, spitting blood, looking extremely miserable!

But Lin Fan had no time to care about her.

Because he heard the answer he wanted to hear.

The voice of the system sounded:

【Detected the domain fragments that can be collected, would you like to pick them up?】

Lin Fan smiled with satisfaction and said silently.

Pick them up!

【Congratulations to the host for picking up successfully!】

【Obtained Domain Fragment x1!】

【When the host collects ten domain fragments, he can synthesize an exclusive domain!】

【Current progress (2/10)]

With eight more pieces, I can have my own territory!

It's really exciting!

Lin Fan smiled and continued to transmit:

"Can you open up your domain again?"

The real person replied with a wry smile:

"It consumes too much mana to open the domain, and if I open it again, my soul will not be able to withstand your backlash against me!"

Lin Fan didn't care, but continued to ask:

"You just need to tell me whether your spell power is enough to open it again?"

The real person answered truthfully:

"Barely enough.........."

Lin Fan smiled and instantly restored all of the True Person's injuries through the soul seed.

The True Person was shocked!

Lin Fan said calmly:

"Although I can restore your soul and body, I cannot restore your magic power.

This is a pity, it is a good opportunity to go to Kag.

Forget it, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, no rush.

You can open the domain again now, and then escape from here, and I don’t need to teach you the rest."

The real person nodded, and then opened the domain again!

""The domain is unfolded! The closed circle is suddenly wrapped!"

In an instant, Zhenren and Lin Fan were once again covered by the black sphere.

Yuji Itadori looked at it in confusion. What are these two people doing?

Can the domain be played like this?

But this time he was sensible and did not help.

It is obvious that Lin Fan has the ability to break the opponent's domain in an instant, so why did he help without knowing his own limitations?

Yuji Itadori retreated back to Yoshino Junpei and sat down again.

Yoshino Junpei asked curiously:

"What is that?"

After hearing Yoshino Junpei's question,

Yuji Itadori showed a strange smile. The talkative Itadori before was online again.

He kept instilling knowledge of the domain and his experience with Gojo Sensei to Yoshino Junpei!

Yoshino Junpei's eyes became brighter and brighter after listening.

Is there such an awesome trick?

On the other side, the real person's domain shattered again.

Lin Fan really heard the voice of the system again.

【Detected collectible domain fragments, would you like to pick them up?】

Lin Fan's expression was delighted.

It really can be a bug!

Pick up, pick up!

【Congratulations to the host for picking up successfully!】

【Obtained Domain Fragment x1!】

【When the host collects ten domain fragments, he can synthesize an exclusive domain!】

【Current progress (3/10)]

Lin Fan smiled slightly. It seems that he will have to find an opportunity to brush out the domain in the future!

Then let the real person open seven chapters!

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The kind of writing that makes you vomit blood!!!

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