Hearing Toudou Aoi's question, Kugisaki Nobara immediately pricked up her ears.

Even Fushiguro Megumi, who had always had a zombie face, perked up and listened carefully.

He was still very curious about what type of women Lin Fan liked.

Zenin Shinei looked at Lin Fan with her beautiful eyes, also looking forward to his answer.

Lin Fan couldn't help but be slightly stunned by this question.

Although he knew Toudou Aoi's personality, he was still a little confused by such a sudden question.

However, Lin Fan also knew that Toudou Aoi would not give up until he got the answer. So

Lin Fan, who had never thought about this kind of question, also thought about it seriously.

After thinking for a while, Lin Fan opened his mouth and replied:

"Um......Let me think about it.......Is this the type I like?......

Royal sister style?

Mature and stable, strong aura, hot body, strong personality, it seems really good......."

Hearing what Lin Fan said, Kugisaki Nobara straightened up immediately!

She looked at her body and thought, this is considered a hot body!

Then she posed in a pose that she thought was strong and winked at Lin Fan. She was just short of telling Lin Fan directly that"007" was the queen type!

However, Lin Fan did not look at her, but continued to think.

Then he shook his head and continued:

"That's not right. I don't completely like the mature lady style.

The loli style is actually not bad!

Lively and cute, soft and clumsy, short stature, and must have a flat chest!

A loli with an uneven chest is not a real loli!

How can you rule the world with an uneven chest!

Don't you think so?"

Aoi Toudou was stunned when she heard it, and nodded involuntarily.

It makes sense!

Damn, it makes sense!

Kugisaki Nobara looked down, frowned, and showed a little sadness.


It doesn't hurt to be bigger.......

However, Lin Fan shook his head again and continued:

"That's not right! I can't say that I completely like the lolita style.

In fact, the pure and innocent type is not bad either. She is not contaminated by the social trends, and she is innocent and naive. You are her whole world!

It's hard not to love such a girl!

But the good wife and good mother type is also very good!

Not only can she take care of people, but also warms the heart, stomach, and soul, relieves stress, fatigue, and upsets!

This kind of girl is the type that others are looking for!

In short, my idea is: sexiness is a physiological need, and cuteness is a spiritual comfort.

Virtue is a necessity in life, and purity is the salvation of the soul.

If there is a girl who has all of these, then I guess I will love her to death!"

After hearing what Lin Fan said, everyone opened their mouths wide.

Kugisaki Nobara chose to give up directly. This was too difficult to do!

How could such a perfect woman exist!

Lin Fan was talking about angels and gods! As expected

, I'd better be myself! Maybe one day Lin Fan will fall in love with her who can shine!

Zenin Shinei, however, stared at Lin Fan with a different look.

Her eyes were tender and she was more interested in Lin Fan.

Fushiguro Megumi on the side had different ideas from everyone else.

He thought to himself that Lin Fan's requirements were quite high, but this at least proved that he really liked women!

If Lin Fan knew what Fushiguro Megumi was thinking at this time, he would probably be so angry that he would go crazy!


You actually still doubt this!

But if we talk about the person who made the biggest noise and felt the deepest, it must be Todou Aoi.

At this time, with tears in his eyes, he grabbed Lin Fan's hand and said:

"A word from you is worth ten years of reading!

I thought I had a very deep understanding of women.

But compared with you today, I am just superficial!


I have made friends with you!

We must become sworn brothers today!

You are my elder brother, and I am my younger brother!

We don't ask to be born on the same day, but we ask to die on the same day!

Big brother!"


Lin Fan was stunned by Dongtang Kui's action, and he shouted out subconsciously.

Hearing Lin Fan calling him brother, Dongtang Kui's excitement could not be suppressed!

Hot tears flowed like water, he suddenly hugged Lin Fan and shouted:

"" Big brother!!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was speechless.

How did this suddenly become a large-scale family recognition scene?

Zenyuan Maki and others who had just arrived were also speechless.

Seeing this scene, they were directly confused.

What the hell is going on?

Zenyuan Maki asked Panda with a look of"Are you kidding me ?"

"Are you sure they are here to pick a fight?"

The panda opened his mouth wide, looking confused! This is not right! What's going on? This shouldn't be the case! Aren't Toudou Aoi and Zenin Shinei famous for always picking a fight? What is this today ?

......Has he found his conscience and reformed?

Lin Fan looked at Dongtang Aoi, who was crying and calling him his elder brother, speechlessly.

This guy must be seriously ill!

Seeing his snot sticking to his clothes, Lin Fan was so scared that he quickly pushed him away! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Dongtang Aoi, who was pushed away, wiped his tears and said:

"I won’t say anything, big brother!

I wanted to test your skills, but since your people are here, I can’t do it anymore!

Let’s stop here today, and we’ll have a friendly exchange at the exchange meeting!

Oh, by the way!

Big brother!

I have a few tickets for my idol Takada’s personal handshake meeting!

Big brother, do you want to go with me?"

Lin Fan rubbed his forehead with a headache, and then directly refused:

"I won't go, I have something to do later."

Dongtang Aoi sighed regretfully and said:

"That's such a pity, this kind of opportunity is hard to come by!

Let's not talk about it for now!

I have to hurry over to line up!

Shin! Let's go!"

Zenyuan Shin was speechless when she saw Toudou Aoi whose muscles grew into his brain.

But she didn't leave in a hurry, but walked straight towards Lin Fan.

However, before she came to Lin Fan, she was stopped by Zenyuan Shinki with a stick.

Zenyuan Shinki asked coldly:

"What are you going to do, Shinyi?"

Zenyuan Shinyi glanced at Zenyuan Maki calmly, then smiled and said:

"What? Are you still afraid that I will eat him?

Although I do have this idea.........."

Zenin Shinji licked her tempting lips.

Zenin Shinji's face darkened slightly, and she spoke with an unyielding tone:

"I advise you not to attract his attention."

Zenin Shinji smiled and looked at Zenin Maki and asked:

"What? You are......Do you like him?"

Zenin Maki blushed and turned her head away quickly, no longer blocking Zenin Mayi's way.

Zenin Mayi saw all this.

Her eyes narrowed slightly and a strange smile appeared on her face.

Since the man my sister likes is......Then I must get it even more!

Chanyuan Zhenyi came straight to Lin Fan.

In front of Lin Fan's stunned face, he whispered in his ear:

"You are my type~, I like you.

See you at the exchange meeting!"

Lin Fan's expression was a little strange, but before he could reply, Chanyuan Zhenyi kissed him on the face!

This action made the two girls who had been staring at her furious!

None of them thought that Chanyuan Zhenyi would do such an excessive thing!

Her eyes were immediately blazing with fire, and she was about to fight with her!

The people around her hurriedly went up to hold her back.

Panda said in shame:

"Calm down! Calm down!

If we fight now, it won't do any good whether we win or lose!"

Inugami Spine:"Salmon!" Fushiguro

Megumi also held Kugisaki Nobara speechlessly and said:

"Don't be impulsive. If you really want to do it, wait until the exchange meeting."

At this time, Fushiguro Megumi glanced at Lin Fan, who was still in shock, and felt helpless.

It is said that beauty is a disaster, and this man is also a disaster when he is handsome!

Chanyuan Zhenyi ignored the two women's eyes that wanted to pull out her muscles and bones, but gave Lin Fan a wink and said:

"Sister is waiting for you at the exchange meeting~!"

After saying that, she blew a kiss and left with a sweet smile.

1.3 At this time, the two girls had the same idea.

Zenin Maki said with a cold face:

"I will teach my sister a lesson at the exchange meeting!"

Kugisaki Nobara also gritted her teeth and said harshly:

"If I don't beat the shit out of her, I'm not Kugisaki Nobara!"

Feeling the coldness of the two brothers, Panda and the others hid far away, shivering.

Panda said fearfully:

"Women are so scary!"

Inumaki Spine:"Salmon!"

Fushiguro Megumi:"......"

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