Lin Fan looked at Dong Tang Kui in front of him speechlessly.

He knew that this kid was sick again!

He must be imagining some bloody plot!

Sure enough!

Dong Tang Kui, who had just come out of his fantasy, hugged Lin Fan's thigh with tears and shouted:


Lin Fan's mouth twitched, and he said in a ruthless voice with a look of disgust on his face:

"Let me go!"

""I won't! Master! I won't!"

Toudou Aoi said stubbornly, refusing to leave.

She even hugged Lin Fan's thighs and cried, which made Lin Fan feel sick!

The people from Kyoto School who were watching Lin Fan's movements in the dark were stunned.

Zenin Shinyi said with disdain:

"I have never cried like this before.

It is disgusting when a man cries!"

Kamo Kenji:"......"

Ultimate Mechanical Pill:"......"

Miwa Kasumi asked,"Say, are we just going to wait here?"

Kamo Kenji said with his eyes closed:

"Wait a little longer. If you still can't find an opportunity, then finish the game first."

At this time, Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino also left.���Come.

They looked at the two people in front of them in confusion.

What is going on?"Six One Seven" Why is this person called Dongtang Kui so unexpected in every step?

Lin Fan was so angry that his teeth itched, and he saw that the big snot was about to rub against him!

Lin Fan roared directly:

"Let me go!

If you don't let me go, I'll punch you to the other side of the planet!"

Feeling that Lin Fan was really angry, Toudou Aoi reluctantly let go.

At this time, Yuji Itadori stepped forward and whispered in Lin Fan's ear:

"Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?"

Lin Fan glanced at Yuji Itadori unhappily and said:

"You are the same as me!"

Yuji Itadori was embarrassed.

Lin Fan said to Toudou Aoi coldly:

"Since you call me mentor, you have to listen to me, right?"

Dongtang Kui nodded obediently.

Lin Fan looked at him with disdain and said:

"Then you stay and teach Yuji."

After hearing this, Toudou Aoi and Yuji Yuji were both confused and pointed at each other and asked:

"I teach him?"

"He taught me?"

Lin Fan said expressionlessly:

"Let's have a fight, and after that you'll find that you two actually get along quite well."

Yujin Itadori said speechlessly:

"I will get along with him?

Are you kidding me?"

Toudou Aoi didn't say anything, but nodded in agreement. What the mentor said must make sense!

Seeing that the trouble was solved, Lin Fan said to Yoshino Junpei:

"Shunping, come with me"

""Oh, okay!" Yoshino Junpei hurried forward and followed behind Lin Fan.

This time he was much more relaxed.

Because he finally realized that it was so safe to follow behind Lin Fan!

Lin Fan smiled lightly and looked at the direction of the bushes not far away.

There was Kamo Kenji hiding.

His teammates were also hiding not far away.

Lin Fan did not walk up to pull them out, but stopped at a place not far away, and then took out a golden pistol from his sleeve.

This golden pistol is still engraved with European classical patterns.

Make the whole pistol look like a work of art, noble and luxurious!

Obviously, this pistol is also a first-level cursed tool!

Lin Fan turned it in his hand, played with it, and showed a satisfied smile.

This work The product is one of the ones he is most satisfied with.

The reason why Lin Fan can take out so many first-level spell tools one after another.

Even rare items like pistol spell tools can be taken out.

Of course, it is because he has successfully copied the skills and construction rituals of Zenyuan Zhenyi the day before the competition!

Lin Fan’s current limit is to be able to make a relatively basic first-level spell tool.

There is no special effect, just a spell tool of the first-level strength! But the spell tools made by Lin Fan are much stronger than those engineers who make spell tools.

Even spell tool engineers can only make special spell tool bullets, and it is almost impossible for them to make gun-type spell tools. But Lin Fan only needs to use his mind to make whatever kind of spell tool he wants. Not to mention a pistol, just a spell tool...

If he has enough curse spirits, he can build tanks, cannons and even mechas!

If this gets out, it will definitely be a top priority to subvert the world of curses!

Team competition observation room.

Ye Mo Zhengdao and Le Yansi Jiashen stood up one after another, staring at the picture on the screen in shock!

This is!!!

A pistol curse tool!!! It

's actually level one!!! This is the first time they have seen such a rare thing!

The principals of both sides immediately had their own little thoughts.

Ye Mo Zhengdao was making a little calculation in his mind, although he didn't know where Lin Fan got this pistol curse tool.

But this is no longer important. What's important now is how to get this rare thing from Lin Fan!

If I say I want to borrow it to play with it for a few days and then not return it, that's not too much, right?

Le Yansi Jiashen His eyes narrowed and his face darkened.

This kind of thing is exactly what their superiors need!

They must take it away!

When the game is over, they will find a plausible excuse on behalf of the upper management to make him hand over the gun obediently!

Mingming seemed to have discovered some business opportunity. She stretched out her jade-like fingers and gently bit them with her mouth.

Her breathing became a little rapid, as if she could no longer contain her excitement!

What a surprising little man!

I, Mingming, must hold him in my hands!

Gojo Satoru looked at the screen with a slightly surprised expression.

When did this guy get a first-level cursed tool?

A first-level cursed pistol? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even he has never seen it.

I'm afraid this can't be bought with money, right?

""Squeak!" Angeji called out to Gojo Satoru in a low voice.

Seeing him turn his head, Angeji hurriedly said in a low voice:

"Where did your student get the cursed gun?"

Gojo Satoru shrugged.

"I don't know."

Igeki An was speechless.

She felt that the damn masked man was definitely taking revenge on her!

So Igeki An snorted again and turned her head away.

Gojo Satoru was speechless. He was puzzled.

The scene returned to Lin Fan.

After Lin Fan turned the gun in his hand, he handed it to Yoshino Junpei and said with a smile:

"For you."

Yoshino Junpei took the beautifully crafted pistol and asked:

"For me?

That must be a lot of money, right?

But what's the use of this gun?

Isn't it only the power of the curse that can exorcise the cursed spirit?"

Lin Fan said with a faint smile:

"You know a lot about it, right?

That's right, only cursed power can exorcise cursed spirits.

Try transferring the cursed power you summoned to the pistol."

Yoshino Junpei nodded, closed his eyes, and tried to inject the cursed power into the pistol.

After a while, Yoshino Junpei opened his eyes in surprise and said:

"Oh! It really works!

Then why do senior sister Maki and the others use cold weapons?

Isn't it better to use guns?"

Lin Fan explained with a faint smile:

"It's not that simple!

The gun in your hand is also a cursed tool!

And it's a level one cursed tool!

There's no other one like it in the entire academy!

Ordinary firearms cannot be injected with cursed power.

Unless you use special bullets that can be injected with cursed power in advance.

And this pistol, even if it shoots ordinary bullets, will automatically attach cursed power to ordinary bullets.

It's just that the damage of cursed bullets without special features is higher."

Yoshino Junpei nodded in understanding.

He has done his homework these days in school.

Unlike the idiot Itadori Yuji, Yoshino Junpei is very diligent.

On the contrary, Itadori Yuji just stays there and asks about everything. Yoshino Junpei, who has read the records in books, knows that the level of a cursed tool is the same as its power.

A level one cursed tool means that a level one cursed spirit can be exorcised.

But Yoshino Junpei has never seen any introduction to gun-type cursed tools in books.

Obviously, this should be a very valuable thing!

Thinking of this, Yoshino Junpei said a little embarrassedly:

"Lin Fan! You gave me such a valuable thing, what do you use it for?"

Lin Fan waved his hand indifferently:

"I don't mind it, this thing is just a toy to me.

I was going to give it to you after the game.

But there are always some annoying people who like to make trouble."

As he said, Lin Fan pointed to a bush in front of him,"Try to shoot there with your gun.

Hold on!

The recoil of this gun is quite strong.

There are twenty bullets in total, and I loaded one more, so it's twenty-one.

They are all rubber bullets, you can shoot without worry, you won't kill anyone!"

Yoshino Junpei nodded, without thinking too much.

He aimed his pistol directly at the bush where Lin Fan pointed.

Lin Fan also silently retreated behind Yoshino Junpei.

At this time!

Before Yoshino Junpei could shoot, the people from Kyoto School who were hiding near the bush came out from different positions.���He walked out, raised his hands, and expressed his surrender.

Kamo Kenji forced a far-fetched smile and said:

"It's unnecessary. We have no ill intentions."

Sanrin Kasumi was sweating profusely, as if she had seen something horrible. Zenin Shinei was also nervous, fearing that the other party would accidentally fire.

Yoshino Junpei put down his pistol in confusion, thinking, are the people in Kyoto School so cowardly?

He turned around to ask Lin Fan for instructions.

But what he saw next shocked him!

Lin Fan was holding a Gatling gun, and was about to shoot excitedly.

Yoshino Junpei opened his mouth in shock.

This is.........It's so casual!

PS: Thank you ZZY for the 1000VIP reward!!!

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Thank you Black Jack for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thank you Yun Zhong Yan for the monthly ticket support!!!

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