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Seeing Misato's half-understanding, Ritsuko covered her head and thought to herself, what's the point of talking so much to Misato? She was really stupid.

Then she moved away from Misato. Ritsuko was afraid that if she stayed with her for too long, her brain would be assimilated!

As for Misato, after listening to Ritsuko's words, she understood one thing, that is, the above plan could not be implemented. Misato then felt relieved and put all the abilities that Ritsuko said behind her.


A strange sound of flowing water came from the body of the 12th Angel. For some reason, the 12th Angel has been staying still since it swallowed... Unit-01 and took the initiative to enter the body of the 12th Angel.

It was almost the early morning of the next day, and a ray of rosy clouds had appeared on the horizon.

""Rei, do you feel that this apostle has become smaller?" Asuka looked at the black and white Alps in front of her and asked Rei beside her with a little confusion.

Rei looked at it, tilted her head, and said with a little confusion:"It is indeed a little smaller. Its main body range has shrunk to 600 meters."

"Two EVAs are in position~"

Just as the two were wondering, a helicopter broadcast sounded above their heads.

"AThe force field is ready. Maya's voice came from the radio.

"Got it!" Then came Ritsuko's voice.

"Drop the explosive bomb in 60 seconds!"

A row of fighter planes flew over the head of the Third New Tokyo City, gradually approaching the position of the apostles, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Ritsuko's fingers had already grasped the flesh of her palm tightly, and a trace of blood oozed out, but it recovered in an instant.

"In the last thirty seconds, if Unit-01 doesn't make any movement, I will forcefully terminate this plan!" Ritsuko stared at the screen with a determined look.

"?"Ritsuko looked at the shadow of the apostle getting smaller and smaller on the screen, and slowly typed a question mark. Why did the apostle shrink? Did he have indigestion after eating Unit-01?

Misato and the people in the temporary command room also discovered the problem, and looked at the Alps lollipop that was getting smaller and smaller with a puzzled look on their faces.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the apostle's huge body suddenly exploded, and the ground shattered in an instant!

"What happened?" Asuka looked at the situation in front of her in confusion.

"You, you're back!" Li smiled as she watched the scene in front of her.

""Boom boom boom!"

Then there was another terrifying shock. The shadows of the twelve apostles actually sprayed out a wisp of blood mist, and blood kept flowing out. The black hole under it was like the sea surface, raising waves of red and black blood.

Everyone in the temporary command room was also greatly shaken. However, Ritsuko and Misato showed smiles on their faces, because they knew that this was Unit-01!

"All instruments have reached their maximum values!"Maya reported nervously, looking at the values on the screen that were about to explode.

""It's Unit-01 that's gone berserk!" Ritsuko and Misato shouted at the same time, and then they smiled at each other.

At this moment, the black and white Alpine sphere of the 12th Angel began to shake violently, spinning non-stop, and finally turned into a completely black sphere and became three-dimensional, without the previous illusion. A white halo slowly appeared on the black sphere.

The black sphere seemed to be unable to bear it, and suddenly bulged.


A bloody purple long arm broke through the black sphere and stretched out. Not long after, there was another muffled sound, and another arm stretched out. A large amount of blood spurted out directly from the broken area.

""Hiss~" followed by a sound of muscles being torn, and a head with a single horn appeared from the wound of the apostle, followed by a dull and terrifying roar:"Roar!!!"

With a roar, the black ball was torn directly in the middle by the blood-red arms of Unit-01, and blood continued to spurt out. Then Unit-01 stretched out its head and upper body and began to roar to the sky:"Roar!!!"

Blood was like a fountain, constantly gushing out from the wound of the black ball torn by Unit-01, and continuously gathered along the round sphere to the bottom of the sphere, pouring out like a waterfall!

""Roar~! Roar~!"

There was another dull roar, and Unit-01 completely stretched out its body. Large streams of blood seemed like fireworks, celebrating the arrival of Unit-01!

"I, am I driving something like this?" Asuka looked at the scene in front of her and murmured in fear.

(Girl, don't worry, your cannon fodder machine doesn't have this function!)

""You, you're back!" Li said happily, like a wife welcoming her husband home.

At this time, Unit-01, which had broken away from the black ball, had a halo on its head. While roaring, its arms tore outward violently. In an instant, the spherical body of the apostle was completely split apart like an orange being peeled. The cotton-like flesh and blood was squeezed into pieces of blood mist by Unit-01's AT force field in the air, leaving no corpse behind!


As the body of the 12th Angel was completely torn apart by Unit-01, Unit-01 also fell to the ground. The hard concrete road shattered in an instant, and countless blood was poured on Unit-01. The purple Unit-01 completely turned bloody.

At this time, the first ray of sunlight in the east also appeared completely, sprinkling on Unit-01, which had just broken through the black ball and escaped from the 12th Angel, giving it a sacred aura.

The figure of Unit-01 completely appeared in the eyes of everyone.

In the blood mist, the strong figure stood on the damaged ground, the scarlet phoenix eyes made people terrified, and the blood slowly flowing from the body marked the end of this battle!

Then the black body of the 12th Angel, like ink being sucked into a pen, all gathered in the armor on the chest of Unit-01, and finally disappeared. It seemed that only this scarlet blood mist and the 1,000-meter-long shattered ground could prove how terrible it had just been!


Looking at Unit-01 standing on the ground with a white halo above its head, Unit-01 roared wildly to the sky, and the clouds in the sky were blown away in an instant.

This roar spread throughout the entire Third New Tokyo City like a typhoon, and countless people trembled in fear. The younger children hugged their parents directly.

But the parents' legs were also trembling as if they had seen the most terrifying scene in the world. They knelt on the ground, covering their ears, and dared not move.

Countless bombers in the sky also flew away immediately, not only because they did not need to perform the mission, but also because of the fear in their hearts!

Then, Unit-01's body gradually stiffened, her eyes gradually dimmed, and the halo above her head slowly shrank until it disappeared..._

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