Awakening ability

Chapter 186 Disaster

Chapter 186 Disaster
The banner of "Support Hongxi Nine Years National Teacher's Flood Fighting and Disaster Relief Charity Auction" has been posted.

A 20-meter-long large banner was hung outside the courtyard wall of the National Teacher's Mansion, which could be seen from afar.

A lot of people don't know what's going on here.

Only those wealthy families in the capital know that this is the new Master of the State Teacher who is going to collect money.

The invitations for this charity auction have already been sent out.

The princes and ministers in the capital, as well as wealthy businessmen and landlords, all received invitations.

Those with official positions and titles were sent there personally by Master Ma.

For wealthy businessmen and landlords, it was invitations sent by Steward Chen himself.

The two of them are the right-hand men of the national teacher and have a high status.

They personally sent the invitations. If anyone dared not to participate, it would be a disgrace to the National Preceptor's Office.

Those who don't give face to the National Teacher's Mansion usually end up miserable.

When these two people sent the invitations, they revealed intentionally or unintentionally that the new Imperial Master did not like luxury goods and only liked gold.

It is also clearly stated that this time the charity auction will only accept gold, copper coins and silver will not be accepted.

There are not many fools who can hang out in that circle, so they can naturally understand that this is the reason for the National Teacher to raise money for disaster relief.

However, if you understand it, you should understand it, and you still have to go.

At the auction at that time, as long as there is an item that has not been auctioned, it will be the negligence of these people, which will inevitably arouse the anger of the master of the country, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Although I feel that this year's national teacher's appearance is too ugly, but I still have to obediently promise that I will come to join me when the time comes.

Not to mention those princes and ministers, even a few princes couldn't avoid it, and they all received invitations.

Emperor Hongxi did not receive it, but his concubines' natal families also received it.

The favored eunuchs around him also received it.

Of course he also knew about this matter, knowing that the new national teacher loves gold.

In spite of being disdainful, it was a little easier.

It's good to know what the national teacher likes, no matter how perverted the preference is, as long as you follow what you like, everyone will be able to live in peace for the next ten years.

Auctions can't be held just because they want to.

There is a lot of preparatory work in the early stage.

For the National Teacher's Mansion, the biggest preparatory work is to invite those who have spending power to come here.

We can't let the people below do this. We have to have two stewards deliver it in person, so that we can show that we take it seriously and get those people to prepare more gold.

All of a sudden, the price of gold in the capital became much more expensive.

There is no way, they all want to win the favor of Master Guoshi through this charity auction.

At the very least, it is necessary not to let Master Guoshi hold grudges.

This requires gold.

And it's a lot of gold.

While the National Teacher's Mansion was preparing for this charity auction, Fang Hao went to the disaster-stricken provinces in the south of Taiqiu alone to learn about the disaster situation.

It is now late autumn and the flood has receded.

But many houses destroyed by the flood are still there, and some river bank breaches have not been blocked.

In many villages, the people whose homes were destroyed had nowhere to go, but lived in simple straw huts on the high ground.

There will be some soup kitchens near towns, where more victims gather and the living conditions are quite harsh.

Fang Hao flew with his sword, looking down from a high altitude, it was devastated.

He is fortunate to live in a peaceful and prosperous world. Even if there is a disaster, the government will deal with it quickly. There will never be such a situation.

Looking at those pictures now, I have an intuitive understanding of a society with backward production capacity and backward management ability.

Sometimes they fly high in the sky, and sometimes they land and enter the crowd of victims.

Sometimes I even chat with those victims to understand their current situation.

The government has provided disaster relief, and has also mobilized post-disaster reconstruction.

But the effect is not very ideal.

The appropriation from the imperial court was mainly to strengthen the embankment, to provide relief with work, to let some victims of the disaster go to work, and to give them a bite to eat at the same time.

However, this reconstruction was not fully implemented, and many disaster victims had no chance even if they wanted to trade their labor for food.

Porridge is the same.

Every county affected by the disaster has a porridge point, some of which are food from public warehouses, and some are donated by local rich people themselves.

After all, letting too many people starve to death will cause instability in the place and may even affect their safety.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, there is not enough to eat, and the number of people who will pick up is very limited.

Some disaster victims can rely on this to hang their lives, but most of them don't have that opportunity.

Some of them catch fish and pick wild vegetables by themselves, and they can barely survive.

There are also some old, weak, sick and disabled people with limited mobility, unable to make a living by themselves, so they can only starve to death.

Fang Hao walked all the way, and heard news of people starving to death almost everywhere.

In some places, even the whole family starved to death.

It is not unheard of for people to exchange their children for food.

Sometimes in order to survive, human beings may not have a lower limit than those beasts.

Some tragedies that only appear in historical records appeared in front of Fang Hao, which gave Fang Hao a great shock.

It's only autumn now, and you can still find something to eat when you go up the mountain and into the water.

Come winter, it's only going to get worse.

Looking at the current progress of post-disaster reconstruction, it is expected that it is impossible to properly resettle those victims this year.

Lack of clothing, food, and houses, many people will not be able to survive this severe winter.

Fang Hao's mobile phone has the function of recording video, and he took videos in many places.

Although there is no network signal in this world and there is no way to upload it, he thinks these videos are quite educational.

At least after bringing it back to the earth, it can let those young people who have lived in a peaceful and prosperous world since childhood see what is miserable and what is suffering.

When he came out, he was unprepared and did not have any currency in this world.

At the beginning, his plan was only to learn about the disaster situation, and he didn't think about solving any problems during this journey of understanding.

But he is still human after all, and he still has a heart that cannot bear it.

It's one thing not to see it, but if he really saw such a tragic situation, he can't do it as if nothing happened.

During more than ten days in the disaster area, Fang Hao exchanged tens of thousands of taels of silver from the system mall, used them to buy food, and distributed them to the people he met.

He recharged [-] million yuan in the system, which can be exchanged for other currencies in the system mall.

This is not too wasteful, because the silver exchanged will be included in his charity value after doing charity.

It just doesn't do any good either.

If there is no transfer through Lingshi, the exchange rate is the same, no loss and no profit.

He just did it for his own peace of mind.

He can't control too much, he can only care about what he encounters in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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