Chapter 187
In addition to using the system mall to exchange silver to relieve those hungry people, Fang Hao also did grand robbery, robbing the rich and helping the poor, using the storage ring to get the grain out of the granaries of some big local landlords, and then secretly at night distributed to victims.

But to do so is of no charity value.

Probably the system does not recognize this illegal activity is doing charity.

He can take advantage of the bugs in the system, use the [-] million charity value to exchange for silver in the system mall, and then buy food and donate it to become new charity value, and continue to exchange.

Although that will not add any charity value to oneself, it can indeed solve the problems of many disaster victims.

If you can buy it openly with silver, then there is no need to steal.

The reason why he did that was because under the disaster, some big landlords who stocked up a lot of grain did not sell grain at all.

Fang Hao tried to buy food at a price higher than the market price.

Then he found himself at a loss.

Because the final charity value calculated by the system is still based on the local market price.

If the grain bought for 1000 taels of silver is donated, but the charity value achieved is only 500 taels of silver, it means he has lost money.

Of course he wouldn't be happy for this to happen.

It is understandable that the system has such standards.

If there is no such standard, this charity top-up will be too easy to deteriorate.

For example, Fang Hao donated 1 million yuan to purchase books worth only [-] yuan from his father's company, and then donated them to children's welfare homes.

If the system still calculates his charity value of [-] million, then he and his father can use this method to repeatedly collect charity value, and it will be no problem to collect tens of billions a year.

The money he donated may not be tricky in terms of procurement.

But that has nothing to do with him, because he didn't purchase it.

So the system will calculate the charity value according to the money he donated.

Donate money and go out to purchase by yourself. This is too tricky, and the system can only be calculated according to the current market price.

This is a relatively reasonable setting.

However, the system is now set up like this, which makes Fang Hao suffer.

How could he be willing to suffer such a loss?
It doesn't matter if he doesn't have the ability, but with that ability, naturally it won't make it easier for those who make him suffer.

So, he did the thing of robbing the rich and helping the poor.

He did such a thing without moral pressure.

Because of the disaster, the market price of grain is already two or three times higher than normal.

And those big landlords who have grain in their hands have to increase the price on this basis, and if the increase is more than doubled, then they can't bear it.

This is a proper profiteer who makes a fortune for the country.

If you don't rob them, who else will you rob?
However, Fang Hao also has a standard. Even those profiteers who set prices on the ground, as long as they give out food for porridge, he will not do such a thing.

No matter what the purpose is, at least objectively saved people.

Some big landowners wish that the people nearby have no food to eat, so they can take this opportunity to buy some fertile land at low prices.

Many big landlords gradually became big landlords by annexing land through such means, which belongs to their traditional skills.

In a backward agricultural society, if you don't kill the poor, you won't be rich. This is something that the big landlords regard as the golden rule.

In this case, of course they would not be willing to sell the grain.

I would rather let the grain rot in the warehouse than sell it.

Unless the price is several times higher.

Learning about these situations made Fang Hao feel particularly disgusted, and he also understood why the organization wanted to divide the land from local tyrants back then, and why land sales were not allowed.

"I really want to start a movement here..."

he thought to himself.

But just think about it.

This world is not just those secular dynasties, there is also such a behemoth as the Xuandu faction.

Can't afford to mess with it, can't afford to mess with it.

What he can do is to help those poor people as much as possible.

In more than ten days, he distributed more than a thousand tons of grain.

However, for the more than 200 million victims in the entire disaster area, it is just a drop in the bucket.

The government is not doing nothing.

However, taking ten cents and doing one thing, this is no longer an ordinary dereliction of duty, it is very serious corruption.

The appropriation of more than 1000 million silver by the imperial court is like a piece of oily fat to the government at all levels, and everyone wants to eat two bites.

There are a lot of tricks in it.

It is impossible for Fang Hao to grasp all of them, but he did grasp some things, and even took pictures of the evidence with his mobile phone.

You don't need to master all of them, just know the numbers.

Before coming here, he just wanted to know about the general situation of the disaster, and he didn't want to do anything drastic.

I just walked all the way, saw so many miserable conditions, saw so many disaster victims living so miserable, and there are still people who want to suck their blood, I really feel a little angry.

He wants to do something drastic.

Thoughts have begun to change quietly.

He is not a Holy Mother, but some things are really hard to see.

After returning to the capital, preparations for the charity auction were still in full swing.

The official auction is scheduled for the first day of October, and there are still six or seven days left.

Fang Hao found Master Ma and said to him: "I will use all the gold I get in this charity auction for disaster relief. The amount involved is relatively large and the area involved is relatively wide. Let others go I don't worry about doing it, but I can't handle it with the people of the National Teacher's Office. We must build a special team to do this. You are from Taiqiu, and you know the situation here, so recommend it to me Now, where can I find such a person to do this kind of thing?"

Owner Ma was stunned for a moment—this guy is still talking like this now, is it true that he really wants to use all the money he has collected for charity?
He said cautiously: "The household department is more familiar with this kind of thing, so it would be better to ask them for manpower."

Fang Hao shook his head: "I went to the disaster area to see it these days, and I can't trust those officials. Once the money is in their hands, I would be grateful if I can give a tenth of it to the victims. I don't want face The money they got was not stuffed into their pockets."

He spoke very seriously and sincerely.

Master Ma's heart skipped a beat: "Could it be that he really wants to use all the money for the victims?"

Although he felt a little unbelievable, he still pretended that what Fang Hao said was true, and pondered:
"Whether you are an official or an official, there will be some problems after a long time. If the national teacher wants to make the most of the money, I think it is best to go to the Imperial College to find those young scholars who have a certain ability to handle affairs. Some still have passion and faith, and they should be the most likely to get things done.”

(End of this chapter)

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