Awakening ability

Chapter 72 Behemoth

Chapter 72 Behemoth
If the mission fails, you will not be able to perform missions again within three years.

This means that the task has failed, and for the next three years, they can only stay in the inner courtyard honestly, and cannot leave the inner courtyard.

Fang Hao felt that it was better to give some other punishment.

He was able to stay at home, and he didn't think there was any problem in staying at home for three to five years.

The main reason is that if you can't go out, you can't sell Dali Pills. It would be a pity if there is one less way to get money.

Fang Hao felt that this mission must be successfully carried out no matter what, and it would be best to bring back the corpse of the monster.

He asked Xiaofang: "Can I watch the video of the monster they took?"

"Of course, I will send you the video if you don't ask for it." Xiaofang said.

She opened a document on her laptop and found a video.

The video was only a few minutes long, and it was captured by the surveillance camera of that pig farm. It was a little far from the scene, and the clarity was not very high.

Because all the cameras near the scene were destroyed, only one farther away camera was still intact.

Although the distance is quite far, the existence of monsters can still be seen in that video.

The main reason is that the monster is too big.

The building where the pigs are raised in the pig farm is five or six meters high, but that monster is taller than that building.

Fang Hao's eyes widened at the first sight of the monster's appearance.

That guy is huge!

That is to say, I have seen such a huge monster in the game, but I have never seen it in reality.

"That guy looks like a bear," he said.

"It looks like this," Xiaofang said, "but there has never been a bear that tall in this world."

I don't know how high it is, but it's taller than the pig farm building anyway.

When the behemoth appeared behind the building, the huge head could be seen.

After it appeared, within half a minute, the building collapsed, revealing its shape.

It did look a lot like a bear.

Pigs were kept in that building, and after the collapse, some pigs could be seen running out.

Other pigs were buried in the masonry.

Compared with that behemoth, the pigs inside are like puppies.

The huge monster grabbed a pig with its paw, lifted it to its mouth, and bit off half of the pig's body in one bite.

With this mouth, it is not a problem to perform three mouthfuls and one pig. Even with a little effort, a pig can be swallowed in one mouthful.

Seeing the gigantic animal bite down, leaving only the back half of a pig, Fang Hao's heart tightened, and he felt a creepy feeling.

This monster is too cruel.

I can't imagine how much damage this kind of thing will bring to human society if it breaks into the city.

Fortunately, this pig farm was not built in a densely populated area, but was built next to a mountain. It was relatively remote and no one lived around it.

Under surveillance, Fang Hao saw more than a dozen people running in panic.

It should be the breeder of the pig farm.

Fortunately, they were not attacked by that behemoth.

Because the huge beast was busy attacking the running pigs.

Perhaps in the heart of that behemoth, human beings have no meat, and the taste is not good, so it is not worth catching.

In the camera, that huge monster killed more than a dozen pigs, ate a few of them on the spot, and took the rest away.

The palm of that thing was huge, and it grabbed the hind legs of three or four pigs with one hand, and left like that.

The last shot it left in the surveillance was walking towards the mountain with a few pigs upside down.

The whole process is just a few minutes.

That's the thing that destroyed a pig farm, ate a few pigs there, and walked away with a few pigs.

"No one was killed, right?" Fang Hao asked.

"No one was killed," Xiaofang said. "At that time, more than a dozen employees of the pig farm were evacuated smoothly. It's just that a few were injured during the evacuation, and then they were relatively frightened. Now those people They're all in psychotherapy."

Get scared that's for sure.

In the peaceful world, such a huge monster suddenly appeared, even if it didn't attack humans, it was scary enough.

Fang Hao is already a person with special abilities. Just watching the video, he feels frightened, let alone those ordinary employees.

"It seems that the purpose of the monster is to eat pigs." Fang Hao said.

"Maybe its original intention was to eat people, but when it saw better ingredients, it gave up eating people." Xiaofang said.

Fang Hao was stunned for a moment, but did not refute.

He thinks this possibility is also there.

After all, those pigs are inside the farm and cannot be seen from the outside, so the monster may not be able to know that there are a group of fat pigs inside.

Xiaofang added: "In that area, a village reported a case of missing persons a few days ago. Several villagers disappeared suddenly, and the case has not been solved yet. We suspect it is related to this monster."

Fang Hao said: "Then I have to go there quickly."

Xiaofang clicked on the map page on the laptop again, and introduced to Fang Hao while moving:
"That area is in the direction of our college. Because it is a relatively remote mountainous area, the traffic is not very developed, and there is no direct road. If you take a car, you need to make a relatively large circle. My suggestion is that you go in a straight line, so that you can Shorten the distance by more than half. With your current abilities, there should be no problem, right?"

Fang Hao said: "No problem."

For a person whose mana cultivation base has reached the Dzogchen Foundation Establishment, it is quite easy to climb mountains and mountains.

What a cliff, you can climb over it soon.

Even if you encounter streams and rivers, you can pass narrower ones in one jump, and you can fly over them with a sword if you encounter wider ones.

But he asked a question: "This guy is so big, can I get it back?"

He now has a strength of [-] to [-] kilograms, but he feels that the behemoth should weigh more than this.

He didn't have the strength to bring that guy back.

Moreover, even with that kind of power, dragging such a behemoth all the way, I am afraid it will cause great panic in this society.

Xiaofang said: "You don't have to worry about this, the academy will lend you a storage ring of spiritual weapon level, as long as you can kill it, you can put it in the storage space."

Fang Hao was delighted: "There is such a thing? That's great!"

Anyone who has read two Xianxia novels knows about things like storage rings.

It's just that he always thought it was something in the legend, but he didn't expect it to really exist in reality.

Just think about it, people from the cultivation world have already appeared in this world, and there is nothing unacceptable.

Xiaofang reiterated: "This is only temporarily lent to you for use. After completing the task, you need to return it to the academy."

(End of this chapter)

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