Pirate Galen

Chapter 471 5 Old Star's Abilities (2)

Chapter 471 The Ability of the Five Old Stars (2)

The five old stars "Churchill" barely held back Aokiji, Fujitora and Sengoku by relying on his power of the Iron Curtain, but the attack of the other four five old stars was not as smooth as he expected.

No way, there are too many enemies.

The entire naval headquarters is Galen's people.

The identities of the four five old stars are obviously villains, but like the protagonists, they have to go through five levels and kill six generals in the sea of ​​enemy troops, in order to get the chance to face the boss at the bottom of the level.

And not long after they broke through the blockade set up by Garp, Sengoku and other naval generals, they inevitably encountered the next hurdle:


Seeing the man with red hair and one arm, the four elders couldn't help but stop at the same time.

Shanks is not the only one blocking their way, Shanks is also accompanied by Beckman, Jesus Bu and other brothers, and everyone is not easy.

The four five old stars all knew in their hearts that this level was not so easy to break through.

The two sides looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

Although the red-haired pirates have been in secret contact with Wu Laoxing, and have compromised or even cooperated in many aspects, this does not mean that they are friends.

Pirates and the World Government will never be friends.

And since Shanks has led the team to Marin Vandor, he has already explained his position at the moment.

There is only one battle between the two sides, and no amount of nonsense is useless.

"Let me come."

A five old star stood up and said firmly:

"With my ability, I should be able to hold them back."

The five-year-old star is thin, bald and beardless, his ribs are so thin on his bare chest, and he wears a pair of round gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looks exactly like the famous Mahatma Gandhi in Curry.

However, although the five old star "Gandhi" looks like a person from the Curry Kingdom, he is wearing a Wano country-style toga with large sleeves, and there is an extraordinary samurai sword tightly slung around his waist.

"You want to hold them alone?"

The other three five old stars faintly heard the determination in the voice of "Gandhi", and their expressions couldn't help becoming a little emotional and entangled.

However, the situation of the battle is so precarious that they have no time to think about other things:

"All right!"

The other three five old stars agreed to this tactic, and without thinking about it, they left the five old star "Gandhi" behind and rushed towards the battlefield where Galen was located further away.

But at this moment, a gunshot exploded next to him:
"Don't rush away, everyone!"

It was Jesus cloth of the red-haired pirates who made the shot.

He raised the special musket in his hand, and when the figures of the three five old stars had just moved, he fired three high-speed bullets accurately.

Ordinary bullets have little effect on top powerhouses, but Jesus Cloth can wrap domineering energy around the bullets, turning these pitch-black bullets into deadly weapons that can easily penetrate steel and smash gold and stone.

And under Jesus' perfect shooting skills, the three bullets seemed to be able to predict the enemy's movements, and they were able to accurately target the most vulnerable eyes of the three five old stars who were moving at high speed. Straight away.

However, the actions of the three five old stars did not stop at all.

They neither dodge nor dodge, as if they have decided that these three bullets will never hurt themselves at all.

Sure enough, when the three pitch-black bullets tore through the air and were about to hit the three Wu Lao Xing with a high-speed rotating air vortex, a blood-red knife light suddenly flashed in the air.

This light was bright but cold, so fast that it seemed to freeze the surrounding space.

Compared with the bloody sword glow that flashed by, the super-speeding bullet seemed to be stuck in mid-air, and could only be slaughtered by the sword glow.

By the time the sharp metal buzzing spread, the three bullets had been cut into six pieces with a smooth cross-section as smooth as a mirror, and finally fell powerlessly to the ground.

The five old star "Gandhi" slowly retracted his knife, and showed the murderous blade in his hand in front of Shanks, Jesus Bu and others:
"Your opponent is me."

The blade in his hand exudes the unique bright metallic luster of famous knives, but there is a faint blood-red glint in the light of the knife, which looks strange and terrifying.

"that is"

Shanks stared closely at the blade in the hand of the five old star "Gandhi", and his eyebrows became a little more dignified:
"Sure enough, it's the legendary demon sword, the first generation Onitsu."

He had dealt with the Five Old Stars several times, but it was only a political negotiation, and he had never seen the Five Old Stars themselves make a move.

However, when he first saw the blade held in the hand of the five old star "Gandhi", Shanks could faintly realize that the origin of this knife was extraordinary.

The first generation of ghosts, the legendary demon sword that can devour the master.

A person who has the ability to control it without being affected by it is definitely the kind of great swordsman who can stand at the top of the world.

"In that case."

"Then let me experience the swordsmanship of Wu Laoxing!"

Shanks himself is also a great swordsman with superb swordsmanship. At this moment, it is inevitable that he will be a little bit happy to see the five elders "Gandhi" make a sword.

He is the only one of the four emperors who has no fruit ability, and his position as the four emperors depends on his proficiency in the three-color domineering, as well as the advanced swordsmanship that can perfectly integrate with domineering.

At this moment, Shanks pulled out the famous sword at his waist, and the domineering arrogance in his body gushed out like a river.

For ordinary people, the domineering arrogance is invisible, intangible, difficult to control, and even if mastered, it can only be used to roughly clear the minions, but in the hands of Shanks, it is flexible and changeable.

The gushing domineering arrogance not only did not spread out as normal, but condensed around Shanks, and even combined with the armed arrogance in an unpredictable way, covering Shanks The sharp knife in his hand.

Under the effect of this special domineering, Shanks just lightly raises the blade in his hand to bring about a storm of domineering domineering, bringing double oppression of body and spirit to the enemy who bears the sword aura.

"Very unique swordsmanship."

Seeing that Shanks became completely serious, the five old star "Gandhi" sighed deeply:
"Unfortunately, I can't do what you want this time."

Saying that, under Shanks' suspicious eyes, the five old star "Gandhi" retracted the first-generation demon sword that he had just pulled out, and put it back into the scabbard.

"You are this?"

Shanks asked tentatively.

And the five old star "Gandhi" looked at the powerful brothers around Shanks, and said to Shanks in a tone of death:
"With swordsmanship, at most I can stop you alone."

"However, what I want to do is hold your entire red-haired pirate group down."

His footsteps have stagnated here, so he can only do his best to use himself as a target to help his teammates attract firepower as much as possible, and create a good offensive environment for the other three five veteran stars.


The eyes of Shanks, Beckman, Jesus Bu and others all quietly raised fear:
The five old star "Gandhi" is by no means a casual talker. Since he said that he wanted to stop their entire red-haired pirate group by himself, he must have some kind of unimaginable powerful ability.

They all held their breaths and stared intently at every subtle movement of the five old star "Gandhi".

At this time, the five old stars "Gandhi" finally launched an offensive.

Facing the top powerhouses headed by Shanks and Beckman, he was not afraid to charge the entire red-haired pirates alone.

Although his figure looks skinny and weak, when he charges with all his strength, he is as fast as a gust of wind and lightning, and there is a faint wave of wind and thunder in his movements.

"Everyone be careful!"

Shanks kindly told the brothers to take care of each other, and he took the lead in slashing a sword against the five old star "Gandhi" who was charging.

The top powerhouses will not be easily attacked, and the extreme speed displayed by the enemy is also difficult enough.

So Shanks hit this sword, in fact, just to test.

The five old star "Gandhi" seemed to be deliberately looking for death, but he slammed headlong into the sword energy that Shanks slashed without dodging.


Shanks was caught off guard by the enemy's move, and subconsciously guessed in his heart that the five old star "Gandhi" might have some invulnerable body protection skills.

The situation once again greatly exceeded Shanks' expectations.

The five old star "Gandhi" not only did not use any magical powers to protect his body, but even withdrew his armed domineering spirit to protect himself.

In the end, he just hit Shanks' sword energy with his own flesh and blood.

As a top powerhouse, his body is indeed strong enough, but the sword qi cut by the Four Emperor Shanks is not an ordinary move.

The five old star "Gandhi" slammed into the sword energy so recklessly and without any protection, and soon hit himself to the point of bleeding.

Immediately, there was a wide sword wound on his body, and blood gushed out from the cut flesh uncontrollably, making him look extremely miserable.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at the enemy who is equivalent to self-mutilation, Shanks and others showed expressions of astonishment.

But, just when they don't understand.
An inexplicable sense of guilt, sympathy, and intolerance suddenly surged up in the chests of these iron-blooded men, occupying their hearts with an irreversible force.

Shanks, who was the most resolute, was not affected too much, but some leaders of the red-haired pirates who were weaker could not help but throw away the weapons in their hands, and murmured:

"No more fights, no more fights"

"How can we hit someone who doesn't fight back?"

This phenomenon is extremely abnormal.

They are all old pirates who have experienced many battles, how could they feel pity for the enemy when the battle is not over?


Shanks realized something was wrong, and couldn't help looking at the five old star "Gandhi" with vigilance and said:
"What the hell did you do?"

"Me? Ahem."

The five old star "Gandhi" coughed twice, and wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth without changing his expression:

"I'm just using a non-violent way to arouse your sympathy."

In fact, he is a superhuman and sympathetic fruit ability user.

As long as the body is severely injured and devastated, the Five Elder Star "Gandhi" can release a special spiritual shock, softening the enemy's killing intent, breaking down the will, and even sympathizing with the opponent in turn.

This is his trump card, the trick to conquer the enemy spiritually.

"I won't fight back, I'll just keep standing in front of you."

The five old star "Gandhi" endured the severe pain from the sword wound, and his hands moved a little further away from the blade at his waist:
"As for whether I will die or live in the end."

"Then we have to see if everyone's killing intent is firm enough."

As he said that, holding a firm will to die, he opened his arms and stopped in front of Shanks.

(End of this chapter)

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