Pirate Galen

Chapter 472 5 Old Star's Abilities (3)

Chapter 472 The Ability of the Five Old Stars (3)

The three five old stars successfully passed Shanks' level, but the road ahead became more and more difficult.

Although the two top fighters of CP0 barely blocked the offensive of Galen and Drago, the remaining government agents were scattered and fled under the siege of the alliance and the navy.

It only took a few minutes for the three five old stars to rush over from the execution platform. The front line of their own position was completely occupied by the alliance, and they could encounter a lot of powerful enemies with just two steps.

Moreover, these old men are compelling enough in their own right.

As soon as they broke into this fierce battle formation, they immediately attracted the attention of all the heroes of the alliance:
"Those old thieves are here!"

"Take them!"

The five old stars wanted Wanjun to take the head of the enemy general, and the heroes of the alliance naturally understood the principle of capturing the king first.

They immediately ignored the remnants of the world government's defeated generals, and rushed towards the three five old stars wielding knives and guns.

The first ones were the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Their original intention was to accompany Ace to save his brother. It stands to reason that the combat goal had been achieved when the big rubber ball rolled off the execution platform, and there was no need to get involved in the battle between the League of Legends and the World Government.

But, it's all here.

The Tiqi brothers let out a righteous roar, and were the first to blast the iron fist of judgment at the evil forces:

"Dragon's Claw!"

He is indeed a powerful master with big boss qualifications, and his development and manipulation of fruit abilities are extremely strong.

In the hands of ordinary people, it is difficult to freely control the artificial dragon fruit, which is difficult to freely control even animal transformation. In Tiqi's hands, a half-dragon transformation with both flexibility and power has been developed, and even a more precise partial dragon transformation mode.

Of course, this is also tricky.

Tiki stirred up the hatred in his heart, imagining that he wanted to punch Galen's hideous face with his right arm.

Then, the muscles on his right arm suddenly swelled under the action of excitement, pink dragon scales that were tougher than steel appeared on the black skin, and the five fingers of humans turned into unstoppable dragon claws , In the howling wind of fists, there was a cold light of metallic texture.

Before the dragon's claws were fully blasted, the ground under Wulaoxing's feet cracked and sank due to the escaping high-pressure storm.

But, at this moment.
A big black ax shot out of the sky.

As soon as the ax appeared in front of everyone, it gave people the illusion that time was frozen.

Naturally, time would not be stagnant, but the speed of the big ax was too fast, so fast that Tiqi and the others felt that they had slowed down in a trance.

The dragon claw blasted by Tiqi was taken down by the big ax without any suspense.

The sharp dragon claws collided with countless dazzling sparks on the pitch-black surface of the axe, and the metal hum of the two colliding also set off a tsunami-like sound wave.

However, not only was the great ax unscathed, it was not even slightly shaken.

Tiqi, who took the initiative to attack, only felt that he had hit some iron wall. Not only did he not hurt the opponent at all, but he also bumped his tough and strong dragon claws, causing his bones to tremble and his muscles to be bruised.

"Brother Tiki!"

"I'm here to help you!"

Seeing his good brother Tiqi slumped in front of the enemy, Bista, the captain of the [-]th division of the White Beard, immediately came to help out with two knives:

"Rose dance!"

Bista is called "Foil Sword" not only because of his aristocratic fencing style, but also because his two-knife swordsmanship is dazzlingly fast, and when he uses it with all his strength, it can even give people the illusion that flowers are raining down from the sky. .

However, the Wulaoxing who was holding a giant axe did not dodge or evade.

He just tilted the huge ax in his hand slightly to the outside, and caught the trajectory of his blade in Vista's fierce dance of double swords, and then used the ax body as stable as a green pine and rock to smash Vista's double swords stopped.


Vista's movements froze, and a hint of shock flashed in his eyes.

He also has the cultivation base of a great swordsman, and the sword skills he used with all his strength were blocked lightly by a tiny movement.

And the other party obviously used a giant ax of a hundred catties, yet he could lift the weight as if it were light.

Light as nothing when moving, and as solid as Mount Tai when colliding, the person holding the ax is undoubtedly a master of martial arts.

"What kind of ax is this?"

Out of the custom of swordsmen and warriors reporting their families to each other, Vista couldn't help asking about the other's martial arts style in a tone of implicit respect.

And the five old stars holding a huge ax are dressed in a straight black suit, with tall and straight features, blond hair and short beard, resembling Lincoln, the former big boss of the United States.


The five old star "Lincoln" snorted softly, but did not answer.

The situation is urgent, and he has no time to explain it to the enemy.

However, as a top powerhouse who simply follows the route of physical skills, "Lincoln" is indeed a set of martial arts with extraordinary origins:

Although the Tianlong people have now degenerated into a family of fat pigs, the ancestors of the Tianlong people, regardless of their character, can indeed be regarded as the heroes of the world in terms of their own abilities.

And the ax method used by the five old stars "Lincoln" was created by the founding father of their clan.

It is said that the founding father of the country used the cherry tree in the family manor as the object of practice since he was a child, and created a set of invincible "falling cherry axe" through years of training and understanding.

The so-called Falling Cherry Ax does not mean just cutting down cherry trees.

It seemed to be an axe, but under this axe, it could activate infinite sword energy, and cut all the fruits and leaves on the cherry tree in half in an instant.

What is truly terrifying is not the ax itself, but the most precise control and use of that sword energy.

Rao is the five old star "Lincoln" who is extremely talented, and it took decades to fully master the ax technique created by the ancestors of the founding fathers. It was not until the age of 51 that the ax technique was mastered, and he mastered the world government with his top strength supreme authority.

"You can't stop me."

The five old star "Lincoln" glanced at Tiqi, Vista and others who were blocking the way with disdainful eyes, and seemed to ignore these famous big pirates at all.

"get out!"

He drank coldly, and the huge ax in his hand trembled suddenly.

It seemed that there was only a slight tremor, but Tiqi and Vista, who were still in close contact with the axe, could feel an invisible force suddenly coming from the giant axe, which was as powerful as a river and unstoppable.

Under this invisible force, Tiqi and Vista's figures were uncontrollably shaken back tens of meters by the ax of the five old star "Lincoln".

And the people standing behind Tiqi and Vista also suffered the same disaster, some were hit by Tiqi's black and fat body, and some retreated in the invisible tsunami , until one fell to the ground.

All of a sudden, no one could stand in front of the three five old stars.

With just one blow of the axe, he cut a way out among the crowd.


The five old star "Lincoln" didn't have time to be proud of his force, but he just tried his best to seize this opportunity and charged closer to Galen with his two companions.

Although Tiqi and the others were only slightly injured, it took a few breaths of effort to recover from the mighty sword energy.

Although this time was short, it was enough for the three five old stars to break through the enemy's defense.

Unfortunately, they failed to do so.

Before the three five old stars could run two steps away, a majestic figure with a height of two feet suddenly jumped out of midair.

What followed was a large naginata with a special white gas mask condensed on the blade:

"Shake Knife Jade Shatter!"

Before the vast saber energy could be slashed, a violent and domineering vibration force rushed in like a tsunami.

The space is distorted, the ground is cracked, and the high-pressure airflow merges into an unstoppable storm.

In the face of this unreasonable large-scale attack, the three five old stars had to stop their progress.

"Falling Cherry Slash!"

The five old star "Lincoln" pushed the huge ax in his hand to the extreme, and slashed out against the big naginata that contained infinite vibration power.

There are thousands of sword qi in the axe, which makes the invisible air vibration stagnate.

Under the full force collision of the giant ax and the big naginata, the entire naval headquarters could feel a slight shock.

"Cool la la la."

Whitebeard laughed out loud, but the naginata in his hand didn't stop:
"Is it too much to bully my sons with such a strong ability?"

"Let me play a game with you!"

"White beard"

Looking at the former strongest man in the world, the faces of the three five old stars were not very good-looking.

The manpower on Galen's side is too abundant, and it is the level of the Four Emperors to block the way with anyone.

At this time, something that made the five old stars even more desperate happened:
Seemingly noticing the existence of the three of them, Kizoru and Akainu, who were busy bullying the government agents, stopped their hands one after another, and cast complex and hostile gazes at the three five old stars.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of brilliance on one side and a raging wave of fire on the other.
The two admirals leaped across the flames of war, rushed towards them with the force of the wind, and finally stood in front of the three five old stars together with Whitebeard.

Admiral and white beard, this combination does seem a bit absurd.


The three five old stars were so stimulated that their blood was surging for a while, and they couldn't help pointing at the noses of the yellow monkey and the red dog and cursed:
"You two are rebellious!"

"You actually mixed up with pirates like Whitebeard to rebel?!"

"Shut up!"

Akainu gave a cold drink, endless heat gushed out from his half-molten body:

"I have seen enough of what you Tianlong people have done over the years."

"If it weren't for maintaining the stability of the sea, I would have punched you when I first went to the Chambord Islands!"


The three five old stars trembled with anger.

But now that the situation has changed drastically and the monarch and ministers are in reverse, they can no longer teach Akainu like they used to train slaves, so they can only bite the bullet and fight to the death with their former subordinates.

Then, the Five Old Stars couldn't help but look at Huang Yuan again:
This salted fish general, who used to be indifferent to everything, now showed a strong fighting spirit towards them.

That pair of eyes that were always lifeless and unfocused now revealed a hint of excitement and excitement.

This is not because the yellow monkey suddenly worked hard, but because
Given a chance to beat up the boss, who wouldn't do it?
The nobles of the world who don't treat ordinary people as human beings are undoubtedly the most disgusting bosses.

Whether it is the hawks, the doves or the salted fish in the navy, which one has never thought of punching them in the face?

Under such circumstances, Akaken, Kizaru, and Whitebeard formed an alliance and set up an indestructible line of defense in front of the three five old stars.

Looking at the big evil dragons that appeared one after another, the hearts of the three brave men were very tired.

(End of this chapter)

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