Pirate's Fire Dragon's Claw

Chapter 57 The Scary Red Mouse

Chapter 57 The Scary Red Mouse
Disturbed by a bunch of beasts, Glenn finished his breakfast. After breakfast, Glenn began to explore in the jungle to let himself know more about the island so that he could spend this week, preferably with find a place to sleep overnight
When Glenn was walking in the woods, he happened to meet a few students who were also grilling meat, but theirs were not cooked yet, and the smell hadn't released yet, so they didn't attract any wild animals.

One person asked after seeing Glenn:
"Do you want to eat something together?"

glen shook his head
"No, I just ate it"

Seeing Glenn's refusal, this person didn't force it. His words just now were mostly polite, and he didn't really want to invite Glenn.

Before leaving, Glenn reminded a few people

"The smell of your barbecue will attract many beasts, be careful"

"Thank you"

A few people thanked them politely, and Glenn continued to walk forward. After walking a few steps, he heard the sound of fighting behind him.

Afterwards, Glenn met several groups of students one after another, and everyone treated him fairly friendly. After all, they are not competing for this assessment, as long as they stay on the island for seven days.

As Glenn walked farther and farther into the deep jungle, he no longer saw other students. Others remembered Zefa's warning. Before they had fully figured out the island, they all chose to temporarily stay on the outskirts of the island
But Glenn felt that Zefa's warning should be for those ordinary students. He was very confident in his own strength, so he decided to continue going deep into the jungle to see what dangers there were.

Finally Glenn found a cave, he decided to spend the night here tonight, so Glenn walked into the cave slowly

As soon as he entered the cave, Glenn smelled a strong smell of blood. Glenn was full of knowledge and domineering. He probably knew the situation in the cave. beast, like a bear
Glenn went deep into the cave and saw this beast. It was indeed a bear, but it was very big. In front of the bear was the corpse of an unknown animal, which was gnawing on it.

After seeing Glenn, the bear roared angrily, as if to warn Glenn of the intruder, Glenn was unmoved and stood 5 meters away from the giant bear

The giant bear saw that Glenn didn't seem to be going to leave, so he gave up the food in front of him, rushed towards Glenn on all fours, and patted Glenn on the head with one paw
Glenn didn't dodge or dodge, his animalized arm, and the paw that was slapped at the giant bear was just a punch


Glenn's fist hit the giant bear's wrist, and the giant bear's wrist broke directly, making a huge wail

Glenn stuck his hand into the bear's gaping mouth, releasing flames

The bear's head exploded and he fell to the ground dead
Glenn cut off the bear's four paws and kept them for dinner, and threw the rest outside together with the unknown animal carcasses that the bear ate.
Glenn simply tidied up the cave, and then stayed in the cave. He decided to live in this cave for seven days. Although there was some bloody smell, it didn't bother him.

After Glenn cleaned up the cave, the sun was about to set. Glenn made dinner with some wild boar and bear paws left over from the morning. The bear paws tasted pretty good. After dinner, it was completely dark and the assessment entered the first one night

The jungle at night is much more dangerous than the jungle during the day. Many wild beasts are nocturnal animals, and people's vision at night is far inferior to wild beasts, so Glenn doesn't plan to go out at night

The other students on the island were also looking for a place to spend the night. Some were lucky enough to find a cave like Glenn, and they could basically spend the night safely, but some were unlucky
At this time, four students in the woods were looking for a suitable place to stay overnight, but their sight at night was very poor, and it was difficult for them to see the surrounding environment clearly, so they could only walk forward by relying on the moonlight
"Wait a moment"

Suddenly one of the four spoke, holding the knife around his waist tightly, ready to draw it at any time

"what happened?"

Seeing his appearance, the other three asked nervously

"something ahead"

The three of them looked forward, and they could vaguely see something moving by the moonlight, but it was not big. Even though it was not big, they didn't dare to relax their vigilance. They took a few steps forward slowly, and finally saw this thing clearly. true colors of things

"Is this a mouse?"

"No, this mouse is too big."

On the ground ahead, a red mouse-like animal was gnawing on the corpse of a rabbit in front of it, but this mouse was very large, nearly one meter long without the tail
Although they were walking very carefully, the red mouse was startled. It looked back at them, and its glasses glowed a strange red light under the moonlight.

Suddenly, the red mouse rushed towards several people

The swordsman who first spotted the red mouse quickly drew out the knife at his waist and slashed at the red mouse, but unexpectedly, the red mouse quickly dodged it. After dodging the attack, the red mouse suddenly opened its mouth and screamed


The mouse's cry was very ear-piercing, several people covered their ears, and one person asked:
"What is it doing?"

The swordsman suddenly remembered something, shrank his pupils, and shouted:

"It may be calling its companions, kill it quickly"

The four rushed to the red mouse and dealt with it, but it was too late, suddenly there were a lot of rustling sounds in the woods, and the four looked around, feeling their scalps go numb
At least a hundred pairs of red eyes suddenly appeared densely around the four people. These red mice surrounded the four people and suddenly opened their mouths. Just when the four people thought they were going to scream again


Flames spewed out from the mouths of more than 100 red mice, and more than 100 beams of flames whizzed towards the four of them. Jump out, be swallowed by flames in a blink of an eye


Listening to the cries of their companions in the air, the three of them felt chills all over their bodies. If they were just one step late, they would end up like him.
But this is not over yet, seeing the three people hiding in the air, the group of red mice turned their heads in the air, and sprayed flames at the three people in the air

The three of them hurriedly dodged in the air, but it wasn't over yet. More than a dozen mice jumped to the top of the surrounding trees, jumped towards the three of them in the air, and jumped on the three of them, biting wildly, and soon one of them couldn't bear the pain Fell to the sky, besieged by rats on the ground, howling in pain

In a blink of an eye, there were only two people left in the four-person team, and the condition of these two people was not very good. Although they beat all the rats on their bodies, they were still bitten badly. The swordsman looked at the densely packed ground. The mouse said to the only remaining companion:

"Fire the flare gun, or we'll die too"

The companion nodded quickly, took out the flare gun, and pulled the trigger against the sky

A red ball of light flew into the sky with a piercing sound
(End of this chapter)

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