Chapter 58 The First Night

On the warship, Zefa did not go to sleep because he was worried about the safety of the students on the island, but kept on the deck to see if there was a signal gun on the island
Garp is sleeping soundly in his room, he doesn't have as many troubles as Zefa

Suddenly, Zefa on the deck saw a flare rising from the island. Zefa shrank his pupils and was about to rush to the island. Remembering that he hadn’t called Garp yet, he asked the soldiers next to him

"What about Cap?"

"Lieutenant General Garp is sleeping in his room"

As soon as Zefa heard that, he ran to the door of Garp's room and kicked the door open. Garp was awakened from his sleep, and asked after seeing Zefa:
"what happened?"

"Someone on the island is firing a signal gun, let's go"

Garp was still a little sleepy, yawned and said:

"What's the rush, they don't die so easily"

Zefa grabbed Garp from the bed and led him to the island with moon steps
Garp was brought out by Zefa when he was still in his pajamas, and hurriedly shouted:

"Clothes, my clothes"

Zefa ignored Garp's yelling, and just carried him to the island
Glenn was preparing to rest in his cave when the flare gun fired. After hearing the sound of the flare gun, Glenn went to check at the entrance of the cave and found that the light ball of the flare gun was very close to him, so Glenn decided to check to see if it was What made the students fire the flare gun, and would it pose a threat to themselves?

Glenn jumped to the scene of the incident within a few minutes in the jungle, but when Glenn arrived, there was nothing on the ground except a charred and charred corpse
Glenn was full of knowledge and domineering, and he still didn't feel the breath of any living things around him, but he sensed the breath of Zefer and Garp. He looked up into the air, and soon, Zefer landed on the ground with Garp in his arms. in front of glen

Seeing Glenn standing in front of him, Zefa asked in a daze:
"Glenn, did you fire the flare gun?"

Zefa couldn't believe that Glenn fired the first flare gun, Glenn shook his head
"No, my flare gun is here"

Speaking of taking out his own flare gun and showing it to Zefa, Zefa breathed a sigh of relief and asked:
"Who beat that?"

Glenn pointed to the charred corpse on the ground
"I think it's him"

Only then did Zefa notice that there was a charred black corpse on the ground. Looking at the charred black corpse, Zefa showed sadness. He thought that there might be casualties in this assessment, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Garp patted Zefa on the shoulder.
"I'm sorry, if I don't go to bed and accompany you earlier, I might be able to save him."

"Not necessarily, I came nearly 2 minutes earlier than you, but when I arrived, it was already like this, and I have sensed it with the domineering color of knowledge, and there are no living things around here."

Garp stared at Glenn with wide eyes. He wanted to take the responsibility on himself to make Zefa feel better, but Glenn slapped him in the face unexpectedly.
Glenn ignored Garp's resentful gaze, knelt down and touched the corpse, he gently pinched the corpse, and directly crushed the corpse into ashes, Glenn was taken aback, this must have been burned too thoroughly , he looked up at Zefa and asked:

"Are there fire-breathing animals on this island?"

Zefa cheered up from the grief of losing his student and thought for a while, saying:

"As far as I know, no, but the last time I came was 10 years ago, and I don't know if anything happened to the island during this period."

Glenn was about to continue to ask something, when suddenly the sound of a signal gun sounded on the island

The three of them looked up at the sky in unison, a red flare was flying into the air quickly, Zefa and Karp looked at each other, Zefa said to Glenn
"We're going to save others, be careful yourself"

Glenn nodded, Zefa and Garp had disappeared from Glenn's sight, this time he didn't plan to join in the fun, it was too far away
Glenn looked at the signal flare in the distance, thinking that this night was destined to be uneventful

After Zefa and Garp left, Glenn didn't leave immediately. He checked the surrounding trees again. There were some scorched marks on the surrounding trees, and there were still many claw marks on the trees.
Glenn grabbed the tree with his beastly arm, and compared his own claw marks with the original ones on the tree. The original claw marks on the tree were much smaller than the ones Glenn grabbed, which meant that the person on the ground was burned to charcoal. Creatures are not very large as long as they are not deformed
However, there are many claw marks on the tree, which are densely packed, and it is obvious that they were not caught by the same animal. This shows that the attacking animal is likely to live in groups, which is more troublesome. Animals living in groups are more difficult to deal with than those acting alone. too much

Then Glenn found a few red hairs on the tree, which felt strong to the touch

Glenn silently wrote down in his heart that he has red hair, is small in size, lives in groups, and knows how to use fire. Be careful when encountering them in the jungle in the future.
After that, Glenn didn't find any valuable clues anymore, but now there is still one thing that is very troublesome. The corpse on the ground can be regarded as his companion, so it is not good to just leave it here. when suddenly a gust of wind blows

The scorched black corpse was blown by the wind, and turned into black ash all over the sky, drifting away with the wind

Glenn stared blankly at the body that had turned into ashes, thinking that it was not my fault, and left here, preparing to return to the cave

Glenn was not in a hurry when he went back. He walked slowly in the jungle. When he was halfway there, he suddenly heard the roar of a wild animal. He wondered if it might be an animal attacking the students, so he quietly go in the direction of the sound

As he was walking, Glenn suddenly felt that the surrounding environment looked a little familiar. Then he suddenly remembered that this was not the place where he had left the dead bear during the day. After walking a few steps forward, Glenn saw the dead bear he had discarded.

However, there was a big tiger beside the giant bear's body, surrounded by a group of fairly normal wolves.

Glenn looked at the size of the wolf's paws, and he was sure it wasn't the animal that attacked the students just now, but he didn't just walk away. Instead, he stood on a nearby tree and looked at the two sides with great interest.
But after waiting for a long time, the two sides did not fight. Glenn got a little impatient, broke off a small branch, and threw it on the tiger's butt.

As the saying goes, the tiger's butt cannot be touched, not to mention that when the tiger is so nervous, after being hit, the tiger jumped up in fright and let out a cry.

When the tiger moved, the surrounding wolves thought it was going to attack, and the wolf king gave an order, and the surrounding wolves rushed towards the tiger, and the two sides finally fought.
The battle was extremely tragic. Glenn watched it with relish from the tree. The tiger was very ferocious, but the tiger couldn't hold back the pack of wolves. In the end, the tiger fell to the ground with hatred after killing 5 wolves.
After killing the tiger, the wolves did not immediately eat the corpses of the giant bear and tiger, but ran away with the corpses of the giant bear and tiger in their mouths under the command of the wolf king. The direction of running seems to be the direction of his own cave

The wolf king recognizes the giant bear. The giant bear can be said to be the king of this small forest, occupying the cave with the best location. After seeing the corpse of the giant bear, the wolf king started to occupy the cave of the giant bear. Knowing that the murderer who killed the giant bear is still there, but the risk is worth taking, so he directed the wolves to run towards the cave.

Glenn didn't want these wolves to run into his den, so he turned his arms into beasts, raised his index finger and thumb with both hands like two pistols, and aimed at the wolves running below.

Musket · Burst

Countless small fireballs flew out from Glenn's index finger, hitting every wolf's head with precision, killing them all

Looking at his precise "shooting skills", Glenn happily snapped his fingers. During the six months in Sky Island, besides practicing guns, he also specially practiced his "shooting skills"

After killing these wolves, in order to avoid attracting other wild animals, Glenn dug a hole and buried all the corpses of these wolves, and then returned to the cave to sleep
(End of this chapter)

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