Chapter 383 Simple Mermaids
Since those local creatures infected by Cthulhu's breath have begun to transform in an indescribable direction and become ugly, Huang Chengyang did not take the three little girls to see the legendary naga nearby. plan.

After casually taking care of a few local sea beasts comparable to SS-level transcendents, Huang Chengyang obtained the location information of the nearest continent from their souls.

It is also fortunate that he is the fourth pillar god appointed by Azathos, the mother god of the Cthulhu pantheon, and the three-pillar god. A token of status, otherwise someone else would dare to invade the souls of creatures affected by Cthulhu's breath?It is guaranteed that the invader's own soul is instantly affected by Cthulhu's breath and becomes an indescribable puppet.

"Dad, how long are we going to stay at the bottom of the sea? I want to play in the city."

At this time, Bing'er suddenly pulled the corner of Huang Chenyang's clothes and asked expectantly.


Huang Chengyang thought for a while, then squatted down, his eyes were at the same level as the three little girls.

"This world has many things that our world doesn't have, such as mermaids, sea elves, etc. So now we have two choices. One is to go deeper into the ocean to find these strange creatures, and the other is to go to land and enter Human society. Which one do you think we should go to first?"

He was struggling with this, and it happened that Xiao Binger asked, so he left this question to them.

Anyway, the main purpose of coming out this time is to take the three of them to play, and their own opinions are still very important.

He is a very discreet parent.

The three little girls didn't have as complicated ideas as Huang Chengyang. When Huang Chengyang said this, they put their little heads together and muttered for a long time before making a decision.

"Dad, let's go see the mermaid first, and then go to the city on land to eat delicious food."

Bing'er expressed the results of their discussion with excitement. Looking at her, she didn't know, she thought she was going to a zoo or an aquarium.

"Okay." Huang Chengyang readily agreed.

In fact, if he had to choose, he would choose to see the creatures in the sea first.

It's not that he has LSP problems, but he is worried that when he has had enough fun on land before going to the sea, all the creatures in the sea will become ugly creatures affected by the breath of Cthulhu.

At that time, it would be too disappointing.

"Let's go, I'll take you there."

With that said, Huang Chengyang led the three little girls towards one direction.

The sea beast killed just now was also a generation overlord of the nearby sea area before being affected by Cthulhu's breath. He knew exactly where and what was in the sea, but most of the situation was still known.

It can be said that Huang Chengyang, who has absorbed the memories of the two sea overlords, understands the sea of ​​this world as well as those sea overlords who have lived here for thousands of years.

Huang Chengyang was very fast, and it didn't take long for him to pass through the area controlled by the sea beast affected by the evil god's aura.

Without all kinds of indescribable and strange creatures affecting the perception, the four of them immediately felt how beautiful the ocean in the fantasy style is.

The four people were dazzled by all kinds of strange marine animals and plants, and the three little girls who lacked concentration never stopped exclaiming.

It's a pity that this wonderful scenery will soon be affected by the breath of the evil god.

After traveling hundreds of miles, they approached a gathering place of mermaids.

However, perhaps due to the influence of those indescribable sea beasts, this mermaid tribe seems to be under martial law. From a distance, you can see patrol teams with various professional configurations shuttling back and forth, and the patrol density is also extremely high. It is also difficult for Xiami to escape the detection of these patrol teams.

Just like now, when the four of Huang Chengyang just showed their heads, the patrolling guards immediately huffed and surrounded a large group of mermaids.


A mermaid who was suspected to be a general at the head looked at Huang Chengyang and the other four with a somewhat uncertain tone.

Their tribe is located in the depths of the endless sea, more than 1 kilometers away from the nearest continent. There are countless terrifying sea beasts living in this distance. It is not easy for humans to come to them.

What's more, it's still such a combination.

Seeing a young human man with three human children, the mermaid commander had a strange expression on his face.

Is this a trip with children?

This person is really brave, isn't he afraid of encountering a powerful sea beast, and then he can't care about the safety of the child?

Of course, thinking so, the Mermaid Commander still didn't show it on his face.

In any case, the fact that the opponent came here from the mainland already showed that the strength of the opponent should not be underestimated.

Look young?

It’s a joke, it’s very easy for powerful people to keep their appearance forever.

This human looks so young, but maybe it is an old monster that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

With this thought in mind, the mermaid commander's tone was much gentler.

"Your Excellency is welcome to my Mermaid Clan, but something important will happen to our Clan in the near future, please forgive me for not being able to entertain guests, Your Excellency, please come back."

Huang Chengyang didn't expect that he would be persuaded to leave by his master before he even opened his mouth.

But, thinking about what the mermaid said just now, he understood a little bit.

"You are talking about those sea beasts affected by the breath of evil gods, right?" Huang Chengyang said with a smile.

At the same time, he secretly looked at the mermaids in front of him.

As expected of a legendary race, this appearance is really high.

The upper body of the human being has smooth and delicate skin, but it seems that the skin color is a bit pale because of living in the sea for a long time.

The faces of these mermaids are very delicate, and any one in the human world is a full-fledged classy figure, and the fin-like ears have never affected their beauty, but added a different kind of charm.

The fish tail on the lower body is also very gorgeous, and the scales have distinct layers. Even from a human perspective, they are very beautiful.

Especially the leading mermaid commander, whose appearance is not inferior to Wen Qing and Xu Ling, only slightly inferior to the wives of the paper wives. Fang Lanxing is also an absolute goddess-level figure, with countless beauties who lick dogs.

After listening to Huang Chengyang's words, the Mermaid Commander's eyes flickered, then nodded and said solemnly:

"It seems that you have already encountered those things on the way here. Yes, the territory of those monsters is constantly expanding, and it will expand to the border of our family in a few days. There will be a big battle at that time. Please hurry up Leave, don't risk your life in vain."

"Ah this."

Huang Chengyang was speechless:
I'm afraid this mermaid family hasn't been in contact with humans for a long time, and they are so friendly to me.

Not only did he tell me, a stranger I met for the first time, about important matters related to the survival of the ethnic group, but he also advised me to leave as soon as possible and not to lose my life out of curiosity.

What the hell. Isn't it a bit too simple?Are you not afraid that I will take advantage of the fire?
This made me a little embarrassed.

Speaking of which, Huang Chengyang originally thought that the mermaid clan would be very unfriendly to humans, and he was ready to convince people with physical reasons. But as a result, he was not used to the fact that the mermaid leader cared about them so much.

Shaking his head, driving away the distracting thoughts in his heart, Huang Chengyang made a decision.

As the saying goes, throw me a peach and repay it with Qiongyao.

He decided to help the mermaid clan when the time came.

Well, this has something to do with their appearance.

It would be best to relocate the whole family and settle down near Blue Star's deserted island villa, which would definitely add a touch of beautiful scenery near his home.

As for now, let's leave for now.

The other party was so polite, and he was embarrassed to embarrass the other party.

According to his estimation, the unnameables will expand their sphere of influence here in no more than three days.

Therefore, he will not wait long.

(to be continued.)

(End of this chapter)

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