Nobody understands cardboard people better than me

Chapter 384 The War in the Mermaid Territory

Chapter 384 The War in the Mermaid Territory

Contrary to Huang Chengyang's expectation, just after the first day, the sphere of influence of the mutated sea beasts spread to the edge of the mermaid territory.

After thinking about it for a while, Huang Chengyang understood that although these sea beasts were affected by Cthulhu's breath, their original memories were not affected much, and those powerful sea beasts still retained a lot of reason.

But no matter what, they can be considered as under the command of Cthulhu. They will invade for Cthulhu, expand their territory, plunder resources, pollute and absorb most of the intelligent creatures to strengthen the group's strength, and also donate most of their resources to Cthulhu. Sacrificed to Cthulhu in exchange for greater power.

Therefore, although they are exaggerating their scope of influence in all directions and have the potential to "devour everything", the powerful sea monsters who organize the operations behind the scenes understand where there are intelligent creatures that are more suitable for transformation into Cthulhu believers.

Compared with intelligent creatures, those low-level sea beasts without the slightest intelligence and only the instinct of beasts are not their goals at all.

Therefore, they will naturally suspend the expansion of power in other directions, and instead transfer most of their power to the mermaid territory.

For them, the value of transforming the intelligent and self-contained mermaid race into Cthulhu believers is much higher than that of the sea beasts in the other three directions.

Therefore, naturally, the mutated sea beasts arrived faster than Huang Chengyang imagined.

The sea beasts seemed to have been prepared for a long time. As soon as they came into contact with the mermaid territory, they flocked towards the mermaid territory overwhelmingly.

And the mermaid territory also seemed to have known the attack methods that the sea beasts would adopt, and the defense methods that had been prepared began to show their fangs.

All of a sudden, the waves in the entire sea area were churning, filled with various auras.

And those sea beasts who are weak and have not been affected by Cthulhu's breath, part of them could not resist the suppression of the blood of the mutated sea beasts, and joined the army of sea beasts attacking the mermaid territory, while the other part used their milking energy , swam frantically, quickly left this sea area, and found another way of life.

Although it may rashly break into the territory of other powerful sea beasts and cause them to be attacked, it is better than losing their lives now.

The intuition of sea beasts to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages is much stronger than that of humans, and they have ways to perceive threats in advance and escape.

"Wow, it's spectacular."

Bing'er stared intently at the battlefield not far away, her delicate little face flushed with excitement.

This is more interesting than catching big fish!
Compared to Binger, who is not afraid of anything, Tohsaka Sakura and Xu Xiaoran are much more normal.

Although the two of them are also the proud children of heaven who have come into contact with extraordinary power, it is the first time that they have seen such a large-scale war.

The cruelty, tragedy, and bloodiness of the war made the two little girls who had no experience in the world turn pale with fright. They could not help but close their eyes and did not dare to look.

Looking at the pale faces of Xiaoying and Xiaoran, Huang Chengyang sighed, but didn't say much.

Another reason why he decided to stay was to let the three of them see the cruelty of war.

They were protected so well before that they never saw a real war.

But Blue Star is no different than before, and there is a possibility of a large-scale war with the invading other world at any time.

Sooner or later, Bing'er and the others will join the team that defends Blue Star, and even become the guardians of Blue Star.

Therefore, war is something they will definitely experience.

Now let them see it in advance, it might not be a bad thing.

Although Xiao Ying and Xiao Ran were too frightened to watch anymore, they watched it for more than ten minutes, which was far beyond Huang Chengyang's expectations, and his goal had been achieved.

As for Bing'er, well, this girl's performance was even more unexpected. If he hadn't said anything, this little girl might have rushed into the battlefield and started killing all directions.

I don't know who inherited this combative character.

Thinking of this, Huang Chengyang sighed again.

With such a worry-free baby girl, he is really tired as a father.

At this time, in the battlefield, after a brief contact, the sea beasts seemed to want to make a quick decision. More sea beasts began to riot and charged towards the mermaid's defense line.

Faced with such a situation, the powerful defense weapons that the mermaids have cherished for many years also began to be brought to the battlefield. At the same time, the strong men of the mermaid clan also began to leave the field one after another, using their own magical powers and secret methods in an attempt to suppress the ferocious arrogance of the sea beasts. .

"This mermaid family really has some abilities. No wonder it has been able to inherit hundreds of thousands of years in this sea area."

Huang Chengyang rubbed his chin, observing the situation on the battlefield with great interest.

The overlord of the sea that he killed before is also a high-level sea beast with inherited memory, which is equivalent to a nobleman among sea beasts, so its 3 memory has a lot of information about the mermaid family, one of which is that the mermaid family has been inherited in this sea area. It has been bred for more than [-] years.

What is the concept of more than one hundred thousand years?
According to the historical research before the recovery of Blue Star's aura, human beings were only in the Paleolithic age more than [-] years ago.

Even in Huaguo, which claims that the fire of civilization has never been extinguished, the most primitive origin is only about 8000 years ago.

The 8000-year history has created such a splendid oriental country.

After more than [-] years of reproduction, no matter how simple the mermaid race is, their racial background is absolutely terrifying.

Of course, this is just a comparison with previous research on Reiki recovery.

Now that the spiritual energy is recovering, countries around the world are speculating that there is definitely more to Blue Star's history than meets the eye.

Maybe those myths and legends handed down are true.

It's just that the environment of Blue Star was no longer suitable for the survival of extraordinary powers. As a last resort, the ancient sages had to use all-powerful means to bury that period of history, and they continued to practice elsewhere, so the past deeds gradually evolved into legends. Pass it on.

well, let's get back to business.

Although the sea beasts are coming aggressively, their offensive is extremely ferocious.

But the mermaid clan is not a vegetarian. There are no less than [-] S-level warriors who have gone deep into the front-line battlefields, and there are also dozens of SS-level warriors.

The power put into the battlefield alone is enough to beat all the forces of Blue Star.

Not to mention, Huang Chengyang was still deep in their territory, feeling a few demigod breaths.

However, after he curiously stretched out his spiritual sense and observed it, he was disappointed to find that only one of the demigod auras was alive, and it did not last for hundreds of years, and the rest were all A wisp of remnant soul, it is estimated that it can only use the power of a demigod once, and then it will disappear into thin air.

It seems that those few demigod breaths are the last trump card of the mermaid clan.

(to be continued.)

(End of this chapter)

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