Chapter 96
Afterwards... the Orchid NPC leads the way at the front, Lone Star follows the Orchid NPC, and Alice and Ni Xi are behind, please kiss me, the corners of your mouth are so sweet.

There is one more person—the corner of your mouth is so sweet.

It was originally a three-person team, but Ni Xi strongly urged this person to join the team, so the team became very lively.

Ni Xi and Alice form a team of CPs, talking about things in the human world behind:
"Alice, do you know the means of transportation?"

"Dragon, dragon chariot?"

"Pfft haha~ That's the sedan chair that the emperor sits in. We modern people can't sit in it. We ride in a vehicle with two wheels or four wheels."

With that said, Ni Xi clicked on the webpage and showed Alice the cars, buses and other means of transportation in the human world.

Alice's eyes lit up, she pointed at the picture and asked this and that, and asked if the owner also sat on this kind of thing?

Further back—

Please kiss me and the corners of your mouth are so sweet, forming another pair of CPs, talking about the snake monster boss:

"The snake demon is Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing from "Legend of the New White Snake"?"

"Yes, after you were beaten to death by Xiaoqing, I didn't know what happened afterwards. Afterwards, I was called into a small room by Bai Suzhen. As the protagonist in the game, I was talking with mythical characters. I was so happy~"

"You're so happy, hahaha~"

"Hey, I'm really happy. I bullied Xiaoqing on the bed, but the white lady lost her temper with me."

The second person in the team——

Gu Xing was in a daze for a moment, causing a step on the hanging plank road to become unstable, a piece of wood cracked, and fell off the cliff.Fuck, can this plank crack?Want the old life of the player?

At present, I am walking with four optimistic women on the ancient plank road at an altitude of about [-] meters.

There is a waterfall mountain in the middle. The white waterfall rushes down [-] feet. On the left is the road leading to the crossroads of the Lost Demon. On the right, it is blocked by a short mountain.

Only by taking the plank road can you bypass the short mountain on the right. This is a new road.

It has also been explored by thousands of players, and finally wrote a dead end road with a swipe of a pen in the strategy area.

Following the NPC to a dead end, I had to pray that the NPC would not play tricks on me.

The ape roared in the valley, and occasionally a few level 3 monster birds flew over. The plank road was very narrow, and some places were so narrow that only one person could walk on it. In other places, there were faults that required players to jump over.

No, the terrifying fault plank road appeared in front of it. The distance between the two plank roads was 1.5 meters, which could not be crossed and needed to be bounced.

The orchid NPC in front jumped over easily.

Slightly away from the mountain wall, to prevent the skin from being scratched when bouncing, he jumped, and jumped over, looking back at the woman behind him...

Alice: "Why is there a fault on the plank road...?"

Ni Xi: "Jump over, you won't die anyway, Alice, have you experienced it? Jumping from here, falling to the ground, there's a bang, nothing happens, the system only deducts 50% of the blood. "

The two girls jumped over without any fear, followed by the two big sisters, who laughed and discussed, and jumped over without any fear.

It's amazing, if this is not the game world, but the real world, no woman would dare to jump.

In short, the first checkpoint of the plank road is passed by all, and the subsequent plank road needs to be crossed continuously. The girls looked down and saw that the bottom of the skirt was surrounded by clouds and mist. They deliberately spread their legs and stayed on the plank road to play.

How old is she, she still looks like a little girl.Only Alice was the most obedient, and did not learn the indecent movements of the three women.

The orchid NPC ahead was in a hurry, and followed closely without waiting for them.

Suddenly, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!", there was a scream from behind.

I saw that your little mouth at level 6 is so sweet. You performed with your legs stretched 180 degrees and hung on the two plank roads. As a result, the plank road on your left leg cracked, and she screamed and fell down the cloud.

I was stunned for a few seconds, staring at the cloud where your sweet little mouth disappeared, and then looked at Please Kiss Me.

"Brilliant!! Bully. High-altitude trapeze."

"It's not me, and I didn't push it, she fell by herself..." Please kiss me, put your hands on your chest, with a dull face.

Witnessing this frightening moment, Ni Xi closed her eyes, crossed her arms in front of her chest, and commented: "The action of falling off the cliff has a full score of 100. I will score 20 points, and 30 points are fork legs before falling. A score of 10 means that I didn’t perform bungee jumping at all when I fell, and I screamed in fear.”

"Everyone fell, and you are still a judge?"

"Girls like excitement, and they won't die if they fall from here. Besides, just arrived at the Daba Mountains, a group of people jumped from here at night, and I jumped too." Ni Xi has experienced such a thing, That's why he said that.

Experience falling from high altitude in the game. It was scary at the beginning. The strong wind stimulated the eardrums. After the fall, nothing happened. The comfort brought by the lingering fear is unimaginable.

After hearing this, Alice stepped to the edge of the plank road, bowed slightly, and stared at the thick white clouds, a little eager to try.

A jade hand rested on her back, she thought she was going to be pushed down and fell to her death, so she trembled, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" and turned her head.

Ni Xi jokingly said, "Little cutie, do you want to try? I'll jump with you. It's not painful, and it's very exciting."

"No, no..." Alice turned pale and hurriedly refused.

"What a pity." Ni Xi said, sighing, obviously very comfortable when she fell, like a fairy.

"Alice, don't listen to her, don't get into bad habits in the game world."

"Alice is not from the real world, so she can't imitate jumping off a cliff in the real world." Ni Xi explained.

Ni Xi didn't realize that he was caring about her, but where was he caring about Alice?Alice is a wind dragon herself, and she can fly up even if she jumps off.

The game world is too similar to the real world, it's better for girls not to fall in love with strange hobbies in the game world.

Looking at Please Kiss Me, I found that she was still staring at the clouds below with hopeful eyes.

"Do you want to jump down too?"

"Yeah...captain, I want to experience it. After jumping down, can you wait here for me to come up, 20 minutes will be fine." Please kiss me, put your fingers together, put on a cute expression and show your hospitality.

"You jump, I will wait for you for 2 hours."

"2 hours? Haha, it doesn't have to be that long, I'll be there soon." Kiss me, please. I thought the captain was really funny, and couldn't help laughing.

"Are you sure you won't be mentally damaged if you jump down, and cry for 2 hours down there? Rainbow Guoguo has been a crazy girl since she was a child, and she has a strong psychological quality. You don't know."

"This..." Please kiss me, looking at Ni Xi, wondering if the captain is joking.

As a result, Ni Xi smiled at her with a red face. Gu Xing told her that her character was right. When she was a child, Gu Xing took her to play wildly and liked to run to the top of the building.

When I first came to the Daba Mountains, many women who jumped off the cliff on the plank road cried, but she was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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