Chapter 97
Because your little mouth is so sweet and fell off the plank road, the team became a team of 3 people again, and 3 people followed the Orchid NPC who led the way, jumping around on the broken plank road.

Finally, the 3-person team came to an end and came to the dead end mentioned on the strategy website.

The plank road in front was blocked, and was blocked by a steep cliff, so it was broken. At the end of the plank road, a blue teleportation array was drawn.

The teleportation array is divided into inner and outer circles, and the inner circle is a mysterious pattern.

Orchid NPC paused in front of the teleportation array, pointed to the teleportation array and said, "Are there any elves? Only elves understand magic and can activate the teleportation array."

Looking behind him, his elf is a wind elf, and he doesn't know what the other two's elves are.

Ni Xi whispered, "Wind Elf." A wind elf, Sylph, who was exactly like Lone Star, appeared in front of her eyes, swaying left and right in the air like the wind.

Please kiss me and shouted "Fire Elf." A female elf with flaming hair who hugged her chest and looked very aggressive appeared in the air.

"Wind Elf."

After yelling, the wind elf suddenly appeared on Alice's dragon horn.

Wearing a white dress, with two small hands, grabbing the dragon horns on Alice's head, smiling like a dragon knight.

Alice was very dissatisfied with the mischievous wind elf, only the owner could touch her head, so she puffed up her cheeks to hold the wind elf's body, lifted the wind elf from its head, and let it fly in the air.

Seeing the wind elves flying, Ni Xi looked over with a chuckle and said, "Not bad, I chose an elf exactly like me."

"You imitated me, why did you choose Feng?"

"Shameless, you imitated me. I have liked the wind attribute for a long time, and you like the fire attribute, but you chose wind." Ni Xi argued dissatisfiedly.

"Who told you I like fire? How good is the wind, the representative of speed."

"Wind elves are not the representatives of speed, but the representatives of happiness! According to fairy tales, they are the incarnation of the wind of nature. When they blow over, they will wipe away the hard work of the hard-working people and bring people laughter." Ni Xi stared at The wind spirit that belongs only to her, with a warm smile like a spring breeze on the corner of her mouth.

Please kiss me on the side, and hurriedly said: "Don't quarrel, listen to what the orchid NPC has to say, so you don't care where the teleportation array will go."

Gu Xing was stunned for a moment, and looked around. There were thick clouds all over the surroundings, but looking at the top of the opposite mountain, he could vaguely see a plank road leading to the mountain.

This teleportation array should lead to the opposite mountain, and the opposite mountain happens to be the road at the fork.

Recalling the road to the fork, the countless giant rocks rolling down the mountain and the howling of apes, next, you may have to face the truth.

The Orchid NPC only talked to the team leader, so she looked over and said, "Young Master Lone Star, please let the elves stand in the center of the teleportation array."


Nodding, looking at Sylph above her head, she pointed at the teleportation array with her chin, motioning for it to pass.

"Father, huh~" Sylph flapped her thin wings, made a lovely voice, and flew to the center of the teleportation array.

"Father?" Ni Xi stared at him in surprise.

"Huh?" Why are you calling me Dad?
"Pervert..." Ni Xi wanted the female elf to call the player Dad, and there was no one else but her childhood sweetheart. However, this is also the player's freedom, and she couldn't make irresponsible remarks.

"Haha." Kiss me on the side couldn't help laughing.

After the wind spirit Sylph flew to the teleportation array, she closed her eyes, focused her energy and released her magic power. After a while, a faint blue light radiated from her body.

The blue light is like gravel, fluttering and falling on the teleportation array, and the teleportation array is full of green light, spreading out a circle of light.

With a sound of "ding!", the system prompts: "Congratulations, the teleportation array has been permanently activated. Please stand on the teleportation array to teleport to a new area."

Sylph is just a young child, and opening the teleportation array consumes a lot of magic power for it. It hangs its head and flies over weakly.

"Rest, thank you for your hard work."

"Huh..." Sylph nodded, disappeared in the air, and disappeared.

Not only it, Ni Xi's wind elf, please kiss me fire elf, disappeared together.

It is said that the elemental elves are the wind, water, fire, and earth of nature.

They will stay by your side and guard their master forever. When the master calls them, they will condense into a virtual shape.

When the wind spirit disappears, it turns into the wind to protect its master.When the water spirit disappears, it turns into water vapor in the air. When the fire spirit disappears, it turns into an imperceptible hot temperature. When the earth spirit disappears, it turns into the soil under the feet.

Of course, this is a setting in a fairy tale. It is unknown whether this setting is adopted in online games.

The teleportation array was opened, and the orchid NPC pointed to the teleportation array, then pointed to the high mountain opposite, and said: "Li Bai likes to look at the scenery from that mountain, and this teleportation array leads to that mine. For the next road, please Walk on your own."

"Is the leading the way over? But we haven't seen Li Bai yet?" Ni Xi's pretty face was tinged with doubts.

"Li Bai is on the mountain, teleport it there, and you will see it." Orchid NPC pointed to the opposite mountain again, and walked in the same direction as when going back and forth, preparing to walk back to the wine shop.

Orchid is a quest NPC.Next, you have to serve other players and lead the way for other players.

Staring at the back of the Orchid NPC gradually going away, Ni Xi and Please Kiss Me, the two women did not dare to be the first to try the teleportation array, and turned their eyes to Lone Star one after another, looking forward with their beautiful eyes.

There is no way, as the captain, it is too unreasonable not to lead the way.

Pushing Alice's shoulders, standing on the teleportation array with Alice, swallowed by white light...

The feeling of teleportation is exactly the same as entering the mission space, without any discomfort!
When the white glow disappeared, it was teleported to the other side of the mountain plank road. Looking behind him, Ni Xihe raised his hands slightly and looked around.

The two women seemed to know each other, sticking very close.

Ni Xi asked in a daze, "Why is it still the plank road...?"

"Just go, hurry up."

Lone Star didn't want to talk too much, it was already four o'clock before he knew it, and there were two hours left before dinner at six o'clock.

I'm really looking forward to what Kirito and Asuna will cook. As long as it's not my sister's fried pork with potatoes, everything is delicious.

The lack of moisture in the air made his mouth a little dry. On the plank road, he couldn't help but click on the inventory, took out the wine gourd and took a sip of the wine.

The aroma of the wine is mellow in the mouth, and it also quenches thirst.

It is said that everything has a soul. The game company extracted the soul of water and made it into wine in the game. This wine is the first bold attempt, and other drinks will be developed in the game later.

Ni Xi looked a little unhappy from behind: "It's so cunning, we are all thirsty on the way, and you are drinking water alone..."

"I'm so thirsty." Please kiss my dry lips.

Lone Star closed the lid of the wine gourd, looked at everyone, and saw fatigue in Alice's pupils.

Everyone has been on the road for too long, walking with the soul in the game, and the fatigue will be indirectly conveyed to the body in the real world...

"In this case, everyone go back to drink some water and gather here in 5 minutes?"

"Okay!" Ni Xi and Please Kiss Me agreed unanimously.

(End of this chapter)

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