According to Emrido, Pluto is the one carrying the seal-breaking instrument.Wang Hao let Geng Gui hypnotize and control him, and let Xanadu take him away, all for the purpose of obtaining the instrument that broke the seal.Of course, it is also a very effective way to take the opportunity to interrupt the Galaxy team's continued action to destroy the seal.

When Pluto was swept away by Wang Hao's Xanadu, Chi Ri's mood suddenly became terrifying.He ignored Lucario's entanglement, and directly let Rotating Lotem, Hei Lujia and Crow head head towards Wang Hao's position to launch an offensive.The air slash, flame jet, and wave of evil erupted all at once.Wang Hao quickly used his waveguide power to form a defensive barrier in front of him to resist, and at the same time mobilized part of the waveguide energy on Lucario's body.It was only then that the combined offensive of these three skills was barely resisted.

Although Lucario can't freely use the power of his waveguide now, Wang Hao has no problem mobilizing the waveguide on him.Ever since Wang Hao used his wave energy without hesitation to save Lucario, who was seriously injured by Rampage Chaomeng, their waves echoed each other to some extent.Whether it is Wang Hao mobilizing Lucario's waveguide, or Lucario mobilizing Wang Hao's waveguide, it is very easy.It is precisely because of this alliance that Wang Hao was able to resist the joint attack of Rotam, Helujia and Crow Tou Tou.

Seeing the joint offensive being inexplicably resisted, Chi Ri was stunned for a short time!And during this period of time, Lucario returned to Wang Hao's side quickly.Emrido also rushed to Wang Hao's side under Wang Hao's notice.When Lucario and Emrido were already by Wang Hao's side, Xanadu, who swept away Pluto, used his teleportation ability to sweep them away again.

Before Chi Ri had recovered from the fact that the joint attack of Rotating Lotem, Hei Lujia, and Crow Tou Tou was resisted, Wang Hao had already disappeared in front of his eyes.When he realized all the changes, anger filled his mind at once, and he couldn't let go of it for a long time.At this time, Chi Ri had secretly remembered Wang Hao in his heart, and vowed to tear Wang Hao to pieces.

Wang Hao, who used teleportation to escape, has returned to the different space where Yu Kexi lived in the Lake of Wisdom.The most important reason for returning to this place is to use this place to interrogate Pluto.Xinqi Lake has dried up, Xuefeng Temple and Lizhi Lake are being occupied by Team Galaxy, so only Wisdom Lake where Kexi is located is temporarily in stable condition.

When Emrido appeared in the different space where Yu Kexi lived, Yu Kexi immediately noticed it, and immediately rushed to Wang Hao and Emrido's side.The moment the two gods of the lake met, they pushed each other's heads together, as if they were sharing information.Even Wang Hao couldn't understand their way of communication through Bird, but Wang Hao didn't care too much at this time.Instead, he focused his attention on Pluto who was hypnotized by Geng Gui.

The purpose of taking Pluto captive is very simple, that is to obtain an instrument to break the seal.Wang Hao didn't make any detours, and went directly to the topic, asking Pluto about breaking the sealing instrument.At this time, all the information related to the controlled Pluto's memory was displayed in front of Wang Hao.

"The instrument used to destroy the seals contained in the three major lakes and the Xuefeng Temple is actually a special device that combines the device that can induce space energy and the energy of the three major attributes of evil, ghost, and insect attributes! Among them, the device that induces space energy The energy device was purchased by Boss Chiri from the rocket team Sakagi. I just did secondary processing on the basis of that device! I made four copies of this device, and each team that went to break the seal I have prepared a copy! Although these devices are very effective, they are all disposable consumables. I have already used the device in my hand when I broke the seal of Xinqi Lake. Now I don’t have any ready-made ones. Device available!"

Buy the space device that came from Team Rocket?Wang Hao remembered the space device that the Rockets used when they blocked Yuhong City, which should be what Pluto mentioned.Unexpectedly, Sakagi’s business has managed to reach the Sinnoh area. It seems that when he was in Green Ridge City in Hoenn area, the space-blocking device used by the Marine team was also something from the Rocket team.Are Team Rocket products really available everywhere?so hot?

Although Wang Hao was shocked that part of the source of the device was a product of the Rockets, he was soon relieved.The focus now is not to investigate the source of the product at all, but there are a total of four devices that can break the seal.Excluding the one already used in Xinqi Lake, one of the remaining three is still here in Wisdom Lake.That is to say, on the members of Team Rocket who were trapped in a different space by Yuxi!

Judging from the members of the Galaxy team who attacked Wisdom Lake, the most likely person holding the seal-breaking instrument is Sui Xing, who was hypnotized by Wang Hao's Geng Ghost before.Wang Hao immediately asked Geng Gui to bring Sui Xing, who was still sleeping, to his side, and then asked him about the location of the seal-destroying instrument.Sure enough, Suixing carried an instrument for breaking the seal. It was a long and thin metal rod, about [-] centimeters in length, with a split in the middle.According to Pluto and Suixing's instructions, the instrument can be activated by pulling it left and right along the division, and then throwing the instrument to the position where the seal is located can destroy the seal, which is very convenient.

Wang Hao didn't expect an instrument capable of destroying the seal of Arceus to be so simple, but considering that it was a secondary processing based on Team Rocket's space device, he was relieved.The device used by the Rockets to seal off the space was almost such a small metal rod.After knowing the appearance of this instrument and how to use it, Wang Hao felt at ease.

Of the remaining two instruments, one is among the members of the Galaxy team attacking Lizhi Lake; the other is among the members of the Galaxy team attacking Xuefeng City.Wang Hao sorted out the information he had obtained, and then quickly passed it on to Zhulan, asking her to pay attention to the metal devices on the members of the Galaxy team, especially those who are leading cadres or commanding members.

After Wang Hao passed on the information, the special communication between You Kexi and Emrido also came to an end. They slowly floated in front of Wang Hao, and then said to Wang Hao: "The envoy of Bird! The sealed energy has been destroyed. Some of the energy has been released, and that part of the energy should be gathered in the spear pillar of Tianguan Mountain, and passed to the destroyed world through the spear pillar! It is already impossible to seal this part of the energy! What we have to do now is to protect the remaining three energies, especially the one guarded by Regichkas in the Xuefeng Temple! That is the strongest part of all energies!".

Of course Wang Hao knew the current situation, and also understood what the most urgent task was!But there is one thing that Wang Hao has been very confused about, that is why the energy of the channel connecting the destroyed world is divided into four completely unequal components for sealing?If it's just breaking the seal by others, isn't equal division enough?Wang Hao raised his doubts, and Yu Kexi and Emrido also explained to Wang Hao at this time.

"In fact, the channel energy connecting the Pokémon world and the destroyed world is a special energy composed of the Pokémon created by Arceus! These energies include us, Aknom, Dialga, Palu Chia and Giratina have six different powers, among which the energy belonging to us and Yaknom is restricted by Arceus in the different space in which we live! The so-called seal is actually the formation of the different space in which we live. The entrance of the space. Once the seal is broken, the different space we live in will also collapse in a short time. You should already know the situation of Xinqi Lake. The collapse of the space should have caused a huge impact! Except for our energies, the remaining energies belonging to Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are all confined in the different space of Xuefeng Temple, and are guarded by Regichkas !Although those human seal-destroying devices can destroy the seal of Xinqi Lake, they cannot destroy the seal in the Xuefeng Temple! Because their devices only contain energy and space energy that restrain the superpower attribute. Two kinds of energy are not enough to break through the different space of Xuefeng Temple! Unless, they know all the inside stories about the seal and make a unique device! But we think, they should have no way of knowing the inside story about the seal? So they shouldn’t It's very likely that this will happen!"

The energy of the channel connecting the two worlds is actually a combination of the energy of the six Pokémon created by Arceus!This is beyond Wang Hao's expectations, but if this is the case, it can also explain why the energy of the seal has a different proportion.It is quite understandable that the lake where the three lake gods are located seals their respective energies, and then concentrates the remaining energies in the Xuefeng Temple.However, Yuksi and Emrido were still too optimistic.

"About the inside story of the seal, I think Chiri of the Galaxy team should have known it a long time ago! He saw a black shadow similar to Giratina when he was on the top of Tianguan Mountain, and learned about the seal from it! Although he There are all deviations in the information obtained from that shadow, but there should be no mistakes in the content about how to break the seal! Pluto knows that the energy that restrains the superpower attribute to make a device that breaks the seal should also be influenced by the red sun. Let’s guide you! It seems that the black shadow should really be Giratina, right? Why can Giratina, who was sealed in the world of destruction, still appear in the Pokémon world?"

Wang Hao has always been very confused about why Chiri met Giratina, and he doesn't know if Yukexi and Emrido can answer this question!

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