Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 378 Problems with Giratina

When Wang Hao mentioned that Chiri encountered a black figure similar to Giratina on the top of Tianguan Mountain, whether it was Kexi or Emrido, their expressions suddenly became unnatural.Even Bird had some fluctuations, as if this topic poked at something they didn't want to be mentioned.Perhaps this involves the privacy between these legendary Pokémon!Wang Hao no longer has the idea to inquire further!Just when he was about to confirm with Pluto again about the issue of the Xuefeng Temple's seal-breaking equipment, Yuxi and Emrido suddenly spoke.

"That black shadow is Giratina, there is nothing wrong! Although he was expelled by Arceus to the ruined world, he is also our brother! We are also created by Arceus, so how can we let him be alone? How about surviving in that place full of destruction? Arceus also couldn't bear to see such a result. There is no way to expel Giratina! If he hadn't been driven there in the first place, once the antimatter energy on his body If it explodes, it will bring endless destruction to the entire Pokémon world! For the sake of the entire Pokémon world, we have to do that! We always hope that Giratina can learn how to control its own antimatter energy in the destroyed world , as long as he can do this and is no longer being backlashed by anti-matter, then we will naturally lead him to the Pokémon world! So in order to facilitate him, Arceus left a passage connecting the two worlds, and Use our energy as the energy to open the channel! This channel connecting the two worlds is erected on the spear pillar on the top of Tianguan Mountain! The black shadow that looks like Giratina is actually his projection in the Pokémon world Originally, Arceus specially released the ability of this projection for the convenience of us to contact him, but Giratina, who entered the destroyed world, became irritable and fierce under the influence of the aura of destruction. Every time we want to use the projection Communication with him could not be carried out smoothly, and then we fell into a deep sleep and did not go there again! The projection of Giratina can only appear within the scope of the pillar of the spear, and the human being saw the projection on the top of Tianguan Mountain. It’s because Giratina exhausted a lot of energy to barely do it! That human should have some potential to attract Giratina, otherwise it would be impossible for him to do this!”

In order to facilitate communication with Giratina, Wang Hao deliberately left the ability to project, which can be understood as a kind of expectation that Arceus and all the Pokémon he created placed on Giratina!But as Giratina is more and more affected by antimatter energy, and after the major legendary Pokémon have fallen asleep one after another, this expectation will intensify Giratina's inner loneliness!Just imagine, a person who has been expelled can often communicate with people close to him, which sounds very good!But one day, the people close to me never show up again, no matter how good it was before, it will turn into a disaster on that day!
Part of the reason why Giratina is so eager to destroy the Pokémon world is probably caused by Arceus and the others!Thinking of this, Wang Hao suddenly realized why Chiri attracted Giratina's attention?Chihina's radical idea of ​​wanting to create a new world, even at the expense of the Pokémon world, is completely in line with Giratina's appetite!It was like two rebellious children bumped into each other, and their thoughts resonated greatly.

"Chiri feels that human hearts are not perfect, and this Pokémon world is also not perfect. He wants to recreate a new world! And this kind of creation is possible even if it is based on the premise of destroying the Pokémon world! It should be his idea that attracted Giratina, let Giratina feel that he is a chess piece that can be used!"

"When you said that, I also remembered! That guy kept asking me why I should pass emotion to the entire Pokémon world when I was in Xinqihu! Because of emotion, human beings have hearts. And the human heart is the most imperfect thing in his opinion. Good and evil all depend on people’s preferences. There are too many bad-hearted people, and the world is not perfect! I don’t even know how he came up with these thoughts? How could there be such a thing? Strange human being? What has he experienced in his life!"

When Wang Hao mentioned Chiri's ideas and ideas, Emrido also remembered the conversation that happened in the different space of Xinqihu.One of the reasons why Chiri went to Xinqi Lake in person was to confirm with Emrido about emotions and human hearts.At that time, Emrido only thought that Chiri was a human being with an abnormal brain, and did not reply.Thinking about it now, he felt that Chi Ri should have been educated at that time!

"It's no wonder that such a twisted person attracts Giratina! Many of Giratina's ideas, which are backlashed by antimatter energy, are also twisted and scary! These two guys are really a perfect match! It's just that we can't let Let them continue! These are two untimed bombs, which may explode at any time! It's too scary!"

Why did Giratina appear in the Pokémon world?Why did Chiri attract Giratina's attention?These questions have all been answered.But the next thing is the point, can the device made by Pluto destroy the seal in Xuefeng Temple?Regarding this question, it can only be answered by Pluto.Wang Hao asked Geng Gui to continue to control Pluto, and then got this answer.

"The instrument used to destroy the seal of the Xuefeng Temple is completely different from the instrument used to destroy the seal of the three major lakes. It is divided into three different metal rods, one is made of energy of fighting attribute and ground attribute; the other is made of energy of dragon attribute and goblin attribute. One is made of ghost attribute, ice attribute and evil attribute! As long as these three metal rods are placed at the position of the seal at the same time, the seal can be broken! As for the person holding these three metal rods, he is the boss of Chiri! To ensure the victory of Xuefeng Temple in the end, the boss decided to carry out the seal destruction operation himself!"

When Pluto said that the instrument used to destroy Xuefeng Temple was composed of three different metal rods, Wang Hao had already realized the seriousness of the problem!He never thought that he was so close to the most critical instrument, and he should have controlled it together with Chiri before he knew it, and brought it here!However, Chiri is not the king of Pluto, how could he be so easily attacked by Wang Hao's Geng Gui?

Thinking of this, Wang Hao felt relieved.The only instruments that can break the seal are Lizhi Lake and Xuefeng Temple.For the time being, there are members of the alliance such as Zhulan in Xuefeng Temple, so it should be delayed for a while.Therefore, Wang Hao decided to go to Lizhi Lake first.Lizhi Lake is located in the south of the Sinnoh area, on Route 214.Although Wang Hao has never been there, he has been to Jiayuan City, as long as he starts from Jiayuan City and passes through Route 212 to Shiyuan City, and then passes through Route 213 to arrive.

With Xanadu's teleportation and the sonic flight of the biting land shark, this journey does not take too long.After making a plan, Wang Hao told Yukexi and Emrido that he was about to leave.And when they heard that Wang Hao was about to go to Lizhi Lake, they immediately stopped him, and then spoke.

"Don't be in a hurry to go to Lizhi Lake! After some discussion, we decided to explain some of Giratina's situation to you! You should also be very surprised, why is Giratina so eager to destroy the Pokémon world? In fact, this has something to do with the antimatter energy he has mastered! Giratina, just created by Arceus, is a gentle Pokémon who is very kind to all our brothers! But in the control of abilities, he appeared Deviation! Dialga and Palkia, who were created by Arceus at the same time as him, had already mastered the time and space abilities from Arceus, but he has not been able to master any power. Until the three of us When the first one was created, Giratina was still a Pokémon that could not master any power! At that time, he seemed very unhappy, thinking that he did not have any talents! Later, when the three of us also mastered He was completely out of balance when he had three different qualities of wisdom, emotion and will. He felt that he was also a Pokémon created by Arceus, why didn't he even have any ability? It was this unwillingness that made him I came into contact with antimatter. The energy of antimatter means that Arceus is very careful when using it, not daring to deviate in the slightest. However, Giratina, who has just come into contact with antimatter energy, seems to be naturally loved by this energy. This change made him extremely aggressive, and slowly began to affect his mind! This is one of the reasons why Giratina was backlashed by the antimatter ability! Antimatter The energy is very powerful, often accompanied by endless destruction! Arceus was initially reluctant to let Giratina take control of this power, but Giratina has always insisted! Arceus finally agreed to let Giratina He learned to control this kind of power, which made the big mistake later! Both Arceus and us have always hoped that Giratina can master the energy of antimatter, but it is a pity that it has not been realized for so long! Instead, riding Giratina is getting deeper and deeper because of the backlash of this force! The reason why I tell you these things is to let you help Giratina more in the future if you have a chance! As a human being chosen by Bird, you have the following possible!"

All the partners around have mastered powerful powers, but I am the only one who knows nothing?Under such circumstances, Giratina came into contact with antimatter energy. Unexpectedly, that contact directly caused a change in form, which strengthened Giratina's determination to master antimatter energy!However, Giratina never thought that he would be backlashed by this antimatter energy!What is going on with this backlash?Was it antimatter energy that inspired some emotion in Giratina?

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