Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 781 Ether Paradise

Those who know current affairs are heroes!Even if Wang Hao wants to escape now, he has no other way when the space is blocked.Of course, the bigger factor for Wang Hao's decision was Lusamine.

The result of Bird's perception told Wang Hao that the Lusamine in front of him may be much stronger than what he saw.Although Wang Hao can fight with the Pokémon he carries, it doesn't mean that the opponent has no backup.Quecchis was still in the conference room, and he could join the battle at any time.At that time, how will Wang Hao's lonely family fight against them?
"It is not impossible to cooperate with you to complete some experiments! However, you have to guarantee two points. First, the content of the experiment is absolutely gentle, I am afraid of pain! Second, let me leave immediately after the experiment is completed!"

Lusamine didn't expect Wang Hao to agree to her request so readily, and suddenly she didn't know how to answer.But thinking about it carefully, Wang Hao seems to have no other choice besides agreeing to his own request!The black air bag covering Lusamine is disappearing bit by bit, and those terrifying tentacles are also disappearing.

"Thought you would resist a little bit? It's boring! Follow me!"

"Isn't it good to take him to Ether Paradise? You must know that he is the waveguide messenger who has always hindered our plan, so be careful to be bitten back! Moreover, shouldn't the Mewtwo who defeated Sakagi's Dark Pokémon Legion plan follow him?" Are you by his side? You must guard against it!"

As soon as Lusamine finished speaking, Quekis had already come downstairs.When Kuiqisi saw Wang Hao, he immediately realized the seriousness of the whole matter.In his opinion, Wang Hao's degree of danger is even much higher than that of the champions of several major leagues.Taking such a dangerous person to the etheric paradise is nothing more than leading wolves into the house!
"Don't worry! My ether paradise is not that simple. Even if Mewtwo breaks in, he can't escape easily! The waveguide power he has mastered may be the key to attribute: Sora adapting to the seal quickly. If you want to join the battle, you still need to try some more methods! This matter is settled like this, and the third plan cannot be missed!"

The power of the waveguide can assist attributes: Kong masters the power of all attributes?Why is Wang Hao not clear about this matter?Lusamine seemed to have her eye on Wang Hao long ago, and persuaded Quecchi with an unquestionable gesture.Queches, who was already a little apprehensive towards Lusamine, immediately gave up the idea of ​​persuading Lusamine after feeling the aura of the other party.

After that, Lusamine directly opened a space passage in front of her, and invited Wang Hao to walk in the front.Wang Hao was very indifferent, and directly crossed the space passage to the center of the Alola region, the etheric paradise.This is the first time Wang Hao set foot in the Alola region after the world was updated, and he was isolated by the shady scene when he was on the periphery.

At this time, the sky above Alola was pitch black, not even a single starlight!I don't know if it's because of the geographical location of the Ether Paradise, or because the entire area has lost light. Anyway, Wang Hao can't see anything except the light in the Ether Paradise!If it wasn't for sure that the Ether Paradise is located in the Alola region, then Wang Hao would never believe that such a place is the Alola region!

Aether Paradise, an artificial island located in the center of the Alola region.Although the area here cannot be compared with other archipelagos in the Alola region, it is still very vast.On this island are the Pokémon Sanctuary, the Research Area, the Pier, and Lusamine's Mansion.It can be said that it is a very clearly defined private island.

Being able to maintain the light source under the invasion of Ultimate Necrozma can be said to be enough to explain a lot of things.What is the relationship between Lusamine and Ultimate Necrozma?This is what Wang Hao wanted to know the most when he came here!However, it is obvious that Lusamine did not intend to give Wang Hao a chance to know everything.

"You don't need to look around! In the Alola region, all you can see is everything here. Other places have been shrouded in darkness, and the naked eye can't see clearly! Of course, if you think your waveguide perception range can go beyond Thousands of nautical miles of ocean, then you can also try to perceive other situations in the Alola region!"

"However, I still want to advise you not to do such unnecessary things. After all, this is a waste of your waveguide power! Use your waveguide power for the right things! Help us complete a few simple experiments and we can go people!"

After saying this, Lusamine took out a communication device from her pocket and dialed it.Not long after, a half-bald man with yellow hair, dressed in white monster-fighting clothes, green gloves in his hands, appeared in front of everyone on a scooter.When the man stopped the scooter in front of Lusamine, Wang Hao also recognized him.He is Zaobo, the head of the ether division known as the "King of Invention of Alola".

"The president is back so soon? Have you found a suitable experimental target? Gladion can't wait!"

"Is he still obedient today? Cooperate with attributes: Did you have any emotions when you were free? The evolution problem still needs to be solved with his cooperation, so nothing goes wrong!"

Lusamine has a son and a daughter.Gladion is one of the sons. In Wang Hao's impression, attribute: Kong's partner trainer is Gladion.Now it seems that in "Pokémon World", this is also the setting.However, the current attribute: Kong and Gladion don't seem to have a tacit cooperation.Attribute: Sora's evolution actually has a lot to do with the bond between trainers.

"It may be because you asked him to meet the lady before, so today he cooperates very well! However, the cooperation between attribute: Sora and him is not particularly good! It seems that there is some kind of grudge between the two! We I am investigating the problem, but there is no result!"

Listening to Zaobo's explanation, Lusamine's face suddenly changed.She has always paid special attention to the evolution of the attribute: Kong, and it seems that it is about to be realized, but she did not expect to have side effects.She knows her son very well.If it weren't for his sister's relationship, it would be impossible for him to obey himself.However, this doesn't matter to Lusamine, as long as her daughter is in her hands, Gladion will be obedient.

"I remember that Bird's power can communicate with any Pokémon and gain the trust of Pokémon! Attribute: The grudge between Sora and Gladion, maybe you can use Bird's power to help and appease it?"

Wang Hao, who had been listening silently, was suddenly taken aback by Lusamine's question.However, he also understands that the reason why he was brought here is also because of his unique waveguide ability.Now it seems that Lusamine has already made plans.

"Yes! Bird's power can indeed communicate with any Pokémon, but only if the Pokémon is in a normal state! If it is in a negative state such as rampage, then communication will become very difficult! If you want me to find out the problem between Attribute: Kong and Gladion, then first of all, you need to ensure that the two of them are in good condition, and at the same time communicate effectively with me!"

"Don't worry about this! Whether it's the attribute: Kong's state, or Gladion's state, we are always monitoring. As long as you can communicate effectively with them and find out the problem between them, then I can Let me tell you a piece of information! Information about the true face of Ultimate Necrozma!"

The true face of Ultimate Necrozma?Necrozma was imprisoned in the ultimate metropolis for a long time, suddenly broke through the seal, and traveled through the ultimate space, something must have happened in between!Moreover, how did Necrozma, who just broke through the seal, find Solgaleo and Lunala in such a short period of time!Even with the cooperation of Lusamine, it is impossible to do so quickly.

Now Lusamine's words aroused Wang Hao's full interest, how could Wang Hao not seize the opportunity?Wang Hao agreed to Lusamine's proposal, and decided to take a look at the situation between Attribute: Sora and Gladion.After Zaobo understood the current situation, he immediately led the way ahead, ready to take Wang Hao there.At this time, a loud noise came from the west side of the island, and thick smoke rose.Immediately, the communication device on Zaobo also rang.After he quickly connected, he got a general understanding of the situation on the west side.

"President! Those guys are starting to make trouble again! Do you want to suppress them with all your strength? Every time they just exhaust their power, it seems that they can't have any deterrent effect? ​​And recently their resistance has become more and more frequent, I really don't know Life or death!"

"They are still useful, just continue to exhaust their strength! You can take Quecchis there, and let him lead a group of staff to carry out the work of suppression!"

Queches didn't expect that he would be dismissed by Lusamine so soon, but it was better than any other condemnation!Perhaps as long as he behaves well and assists in the successful completion of the suppression work, Lusamine will forget her previous problems!Wang Hao is now full of interest in everything in the Ether Paradise. You must know that this is the only place where there is light in the entire Alola region, and it is also the only place where people and Pokémon can live normally.What kind of Pokémon will survive in this place?What Pokémon will be locked up?

"There are still Pokémon in the Alola area who will resist your etheric paradise? Even if they are extremely powerful existences? However, as far as I know, the gods of the islands in the Alola area should all be controlled by the ultimate Necrozma. Solved it?"

"You know quite a lot! It is true that there is no existence in Alola that is enough to threaten the existence of Ether Paradise! Those who make trouble are just experimental products that we have locked up! They are very helpful to the production plan of attribute: empty , I won’t completely eliminate them until it’s necessary! Right now, there’s only one left with attribute: Empty. If the follow-up evolution steps go well, then I plan to make a few more! Therefore, these experimental products Can not be less!"

Attributes: Sora is an artificial Pokémon after all, and his existence needs to be completed through constant experiments and constant adjustments.In this case, leave something conducive to manufacturing attributes: empty guinea pigs, and that's as it should be!Wang Hao didn't continue to ask anything about this matter, and quietly watched Lusamine and Zaobo arrange the so-called suppression work.

"Okay! Just follow me to the attribute: empty research institute! You don't need to care about the situation over there, just let my subordinates deal with it!"

After explaining everything, Lusamine led Wang Hao straight to the east side of the Ether Paradise.The research institute area of ​​Ether Paradise is very large, among which the research institute with attribute: empty occupies the largest area.In order to train attributes more comprehensively: Kong has control over various attributes, so various attribute venues have been set up in this research institute.

Lusamine led Wang Hao straight through various venues and came to a lounge.The lounge is not particularly big, only a boy is sitting and resting in it.The boy was wearing a black suit, red sneakers, his right eye was covered by a yellow slanted bang, and he looked like a stranger!
This is Lusamine's son, Gladion!However, when Gladion saw Lusamine, he still didn't change his stinky face, and it even became a little more stinky.Lusamine ignored Gladion's expression, walked straight in front of Gladion, and said coldly.

"Have you done a good self-examination, why do you have a grudge with the attribute: space? It is obvious that the attribute: space was taken away by you in the first place, and there should be a deep bond between you!"

Gladion didn't pay attention to Lusamine's questioning, and didn't care about answering. He just glanced at Wang Hao, and then continued to close his eyes and rest in a cold manner.Lusamine was also helpless, but she knew very well that no matter what she said, she would not get an answer. The relationship between her son and her was already incompatible!

"His name is Wang Hao! He is a waveguide messenger! With the power of waveguide, he can communicate with Pokémon and understand the problem of attribute: empty. I hope you can cooperate with him and find out the relationship between you and attribute: empty as soon as possible." Problem, let the attribute: Kong complete the evolution as soon as possible!"

"If you don't cooperate well, then you don't want to see Liliai again in this life! You have met Liliai before, and you know her current state. If you don't cooperate with me to complete the attribute: Empty's evolution as soon as possible, Then Lillie won't be able to regain her freedom! You should be very clear about this!"

Gladion, who was originally cold, immediately frowned and clenched his fists when he heard the name Lillie.Sure enough, sister control is really scary!Lillie is like the reverse scale of a dragon to Gladion, even if his mother wanted to hurt Lillie, he would not agree!I don't know why Lusamine has such a bad relationship with her children?

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