Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 782 Gladion

"Don't worry! I have promised you before, so I will cooperate with you well now! However, the problem between attribute: Kong and me is not so easy to solve, I need time!"

Because of Lillie's relationship, Gladion finally spoke to his mother.Lusamine was very satisfied with this, so she didn't care about Gladion's indifference before.Next, Lusamine pinned her hopes on Wang Hao's waveguide power.

"Before you said that you want to find out the attributes: the problem between Kong and Gladion, you need to talk to them separately! Now let's start with Gladion! I will give you a little time to have a good chat, I hope you can find out what the problem is as soon as possible!"

After saying this, Lusamine left the lounge and left it to Wang Hao and Gladion.However, the moment Lusamine left, the atmosphere in the entire lounge became very awkward.Gladion directly turned into a cool boy, not only did not say a word, he didn't even look at Wang Hao.In order to ease the atmosphere, Wang Hao could only speak first.

"First of all, I want to make one thing clear! That is, I have nothing to do with your mother. I was caught as an experiment! What about you and the attribute: space? Actually, I'm not particularly interested, if If you don’t want to tell me, then I’ll just tell your mother that I can’t help you! After all, the experiment you caught me to cooperate with shouldn’t include you and the attribute: space question!"

"However, I have some other questions that I want to ask you! I want to know what is happening in the Alola region now? How many Pokémon are still alive? Tapu Mingming, Tapu Butterfly , Tapu Momoo, and Tapu Finfin now? As the son of Lusamine, you should have some understanding of these issues, right?"

At the outskirts of the Alola region, Wang Hao met Kapu Mingming, and learned the fact that the Alola region was invaded from him.Afterwards, Kapu Mingming was entangled by the evil food king who was chasing him.Now that he finally has the opportunity to set foot in the Alola region, Wang Hao naturally wants to know everything about it.

Hearing Wang Hao's question, Gladion's expression changed from original coldness to astonishment.He didn't expect that Wang Hao was not the helper brought by his mother to solve the problem that the attribute: Kong could not evolve, nor did he expect that Wang Hao would ask him about the safety of the guardian god of the Alola Islands.These inquiries made Gladion have a different impression of Wang Hao.

"Alola has completely lost its radiance, even artificial lighting is useless, electricity, wind, coal, and all kinds of energy sources have been controlled. Apart from this etheric paradise, there is no other place where light exists! Ultimate Necrozma does not allow light to exist anywhere else! The inhabitants of the islands are now in a great panic, and so are Pokémon!"

"As for the patron saints of Alola? Tapu Mingming's injury is more serious, because he is the one who resisted the most fiercely among all the patron saints. Tapu Didie, Tapu Momoo and Tapu Finfin, They should be making trouble on the west side of the Ether Paradise now, right? They will go to the Ether Paradise to make trouble every once in a while, trying to break through this place, but they are all suppressed in the end!"

"Since you are Lusamine's experiment, then I think it will be difficult for you to leave here! No matter how Lusamine made an agreement with you before, she will always retort in the end! You should think about it escape from this place?"

Calling your own mother by her first name?Gladion seems to be very strange to Lusamine!Wang Hao didn't know what happened between the mother and son, but he never thought of trusting Lusamine's words.The situation in the Alola region that Gladion mentioned seems to be similar to what Wang Hao expected.The only thing that surprised Wang Hao was that the patron saints of Alola's islands were unable to capture this artificial island.It seems that Lusamine still has some hidden means.

Wang Hao didn't answer Gladion's words, but took out a poke ball and released Geng Gui along the shadow behind him.Geng Gui took advantage of the opportunity to enter Wang Hao's shadow, and then tried to communicate with the outside world.Lusamine is very cautious, the entire ether paradise has a powerful space blocking force, so it is impossible to leave with Xanadu's teleportation.However, Lusamine never expected that Wang Hao's Pokémon had a Gengar who could communicate with different dimensions.

Geng Gui has long set up a space channel in Wang Hao's shadow. Even if the surrounding space is blocked, as long as Wang Hao's shadow is not restricted, the space channel he set will not be restricted.After confirming this point, Wang Hao can ask Geng Gui to bring himself into a different space at any time, and then use the different space as a springboard to escape from the etheric paradise.

This is the most important reason why Wang Hao dared to agree to Lusamine's coming to the Ether Paradise.Of course, if there are other Pokémon who are good at the power of space and discover the space channel in Wang Hao's shadow, then this plan of absconding will naturally fail.Wang Hao still needs to be more cautious.Gladion watched Wang Hao's movements the whole time, and couldn't help frowning.

"Your Geng Gui has mastered the power of space? Do you have a way to escape from the etheric paradise?"

"That's right! The reason why I cooperate with Lusamine's actions is just to see the current situation in the Alola region! The ultimate Necrozma is attacking the Carlos region, and I can't control the Alola region for the time being." I was thinking of taking advantage of this opportunity to see if I could save the patron saint of the islands. However, it seems very troublesome now!"

Wang Hao really wanted to save the patron saints of the islands, even if they were not in good condition, they could barely be regarded as good combat power.If the Tapu family can contribute to the fight against Ultimate Necrozma, then Carlos may really be able to survive!However, the premise of saving the patron saints of the islands is that Wang Hao can get in touch with them. Now it seems that it is very difficult!

"No trouble! I can help you! However, there is one condition! You must take Lilia and me away! If you can't do this, then I won't help you!"

Leave with Gladion and Lillie?It's just adding two more objects to take away, which is not much pressure on Geng Gui.However, where are these two people so easy to take away?Wang Hao really wanted to agree to Gladion's request, but he was not impulsive, but asked about Lillie.

"Liliai is your sister, right? It's not impossible to take her away, but I have to know where she is now? How likely is it that we take her away? If I agree to you rashly, I'm afraid that later There are some unnecessary troubles!"

Wang Hao's words immediately made Gladion stand up, and his cold face became a little more excited.However, such excitement did not last long.Gladion sat back slowly, and then spoke lightly.

"It may be very difficult to take Lillie away! Right now, Lillie is sleeping in the mansion, surrounded by a lot of Ultra Beasts guarding her, it will definitely not work by force! We have to think long-term! "

sleeping?Guardian of the ultimate beast?In Wang Hao's impression, the character Lillie initially became Dr. Kukui's assistant for some reason. She didn't like to let Pokémon fight, and was even a little afraid of contacting Pokémon.How could such a character be willing to surround himself with extreme beasts?And sleeping is also a very strange situation.

"What's the situation with Lillie? Why is she sleeping?"

"This matter is very complicated to say! Because Liliai was frightened by Pokémon when she was a child, she has always resisted contact with Pokémon. One day, when she was alone in Ether Paradise, she found a special Pokémon Dream, Cosmog! At first Lillie didn't dare to contact him, but Cosmog seemed to like Lillie very much. Not only was he very active, but he even used teleportation to take Lillie out of the etheric paradise! Afterwards, Lillie Ai and Cosmog had a strange journey. Lusamine did not know where to find out about it, so she sent members of the Skeleton Team to capture Lillie and Cosmog. During the process, Cosmog Mogu evolved and became Cosmom! However, the evolution did not bring any great power to Cosmoom. Lillie and Cosmomu were brought back to the etheric paradise just like that!"

"Afterwards, Lusamine combined the power of the entire Ether Paradise to collect information about Cosmom, and finally confirmed that she is a legendary Pokémon that can evolve into Solgaleo or Lunala! In order to promote the evolution of Cosmom , Lusamine imprisoned Lillie and Cosmom together, and asked them to fight every day! Lillie couldn't bear such a high-intensity fighting life, and her spirit completely collapsed. Cosmom also evolved again at this time Become Lunala!"

"Lunala is the legendary beast that invites the moon in the Alola area, and is the messenger of the moon! She just completed her evolution and was about to take Lillie out of the etheric paradise, but at that time, Necrozma appeared Yes! With the light absorption effect, Necrozma swallowed and absorbed the newly evolved Lunala in an instant, and transformed it into the form of Dawn Wings! Lillie was frightened again in the process, Completely fell into a deep sleep until today!"

How did Necrozma absorb Lunala?So does it mean that Lusamine has colluded with Necrozma a long time ago?Why did the president of the dignified ether foundation collude with the beasts in the ultimate space?Wang Hao is now very interested in Lusamine's situation, so he asks Gladion.

"How did Lusamine get in touch with Necrozma? I don't know much about this, but it must have something to do with my father! My father, Dr. Moen, once studied the ultimate space and the ultimate space. The authority of the alien beast! However, he disappeared during an experiment connecting to the ultimate space. His whereabouts are still unknown! Lusamine must have contacted Necrozma in order to find her father!"

The missing father?An eccentric mother?With such a family background, it is no wonder that Gladion and Lillie have such different personalities.Wang Hao always feels that he is getting closer to the truth now, but he has reached a dead end.If you want to know how the ultimate Necrozma appeared in the Alola region, it seems that you can only start with Lusamine!

"As far as I know, the power of waveguide can communicate with any life, whether it's a Pokémon or a human being! I plan to let Lusamine take us to Lillie's side and try to use your power to wake her up! I also I don’t force you, no matter if I succeed or not, I will give you the contact information of the Kapu family! Then you can take them away by yourself!”

Awaken Lillie with the power of waveguide?Wang Hao does not think this is a feasible way.Although the power of the waveguide can communicate with any life, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the other party does not strongly resist.Although Lillie fell into a deep sleep now, it was because of a strong mental shock.In this case, even though Lillie seemed to be asleep on the outside, she was still on high alert mentally!The communication effect of waveguide is definitely not ideal!
"Using the power of waveguide to awaken Lillie, as far as I know about the power of waveguide, it should be impossible! However, if you must let me try, I am willing to give it a try! But, now The most critical question is, how do you let Lusamine take us to Lillie's side? She seems to have a lot of restrictions on you seeing your sister?"

"This is very simple! As long as you tell me that the grudge between me and attribute: space is caused by Lillie, she will definitely take us to Lillie's side immediately! In the current Lusamine's opinion, There is nothing more important than letting attribute: Kong evolve smoothly!"

Wang Hao didn't expect Gladion to be so cunning, and he didn't expect that he would give a solution that Lusamine could not refuse so quickly.Wang Hao even doubted that the attribute: Kong has been unable to evolve, is it intentional by Gladion?Wang Hao stared at Gladion with suspicious eyes until Gladion's back felt chills!

"The reason why I and Attribute: Sora can't cooperate tacitly is actually somewhat related to Lillie! You have already learned about Lillie and Lunala. I am afraid that Attribute: Sora will also become A victim like Lunala, so I have never been able to really cooperate with attribute: Sora! Attribute: Sora is a very simple Pokémon, I don't want his final ending to be too tragic!"

Lunala evolved from Cosmog along with Lillie. It would be a lie to say that there was no credit for Lillie in the process!But the end result was instantly swallowed.If the daughter is like this, how can the son have good results?It is actually normal for Gladion to have such concerns!Once this psychological burden is formed, it will be difficult to achieve consistent results in coordination.

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