Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 784 Rescue Kapu Mingming

Formatting property: empty?This is a development that Wang Hao never thought of!In fact, the reason why he helped Lillie was just to know the situation of the Kapu family. After all, they still need their strength to fight against the ultimate Necrozma!

However, now Gladion actually said that he wanted to take the attribute: empty to himself?What's the matter?Gift Pokémon?Good or bad attributes: Sora is also a legendary Pokémon among man-made Pokémon.What's the deal with just giving it away?And what the hell is formatting?It's not a computer program. Although it is a man-made Pokémon, it is also a living being. How can there be formatting?
"Attribute: Kong is not the first man-made Pokémon in Ether Paradise, but he is the only one that has survived so far! The reason why he can survive is thanks to a special AR system. All the materials about Sinnoh's legends and myths recovered from the water vein library in the Austrian area. The power of all attributes can be mastered because the information includes the information of Arceus's all-attribute slate (the source of life)!"

"In order to be able to better control this AR system, Lusamine has added a one-click format button to the seal mask of the attribute: empty! Just press this button, then the attribute: empty will enter the format and restore to the original The appearance of the AR system without any memory! I guess this is also for the later attribute: After the smooth evolution of the sky, a special button left to control it!"

One-click format, one-click to clear the memory.Wouldn't that be equivalent to erasing all memories after the birth of attribute: Kong?Then wouldn't the bond he established with Gladion mean that he was blind in vain?As a trainer, how painful it would be to watch your Pokémon forget about you.

"You don't need to format Attribute: Empty at all, I can take him out and guarantee that Lusamine can't find him. After defeating Ultimate Necrozma, I will send Attribute: Empty to Come back! There should be a deep bond between him and you, I can feel it! Therefore, there is no need to format it. The bond is hard-won, why waste this friendship?"

In Wang Hao's view, Gladion's current thinking is a bit too extreme.Attribute: The relationship between Sora and Gladion is far deeper than Lusamine imagined.The reason why it has been unable to evolve is mostly because of Gladion's request.Gladion was afraid that Lusamine would use the evolved attribute: space as a bargaining chip to improve the strength of the ultimate Necrozma, so he kept letting the attribute: space suppress the energy of evolution.

But just because of this, it is too disrespectful to format the attribute: empty.Even if the attribute: Sora is a man-made Pokémon, he also has independent consciousness and the power to choose.Wang Hao reminded Gladion just to make Gladion stop doing such stupid things!
"This is not my decision alone, it is also my attribute: Sora's thoughts! Rather than being used by Lusamine, it is better to start over, master powerful power, and then fight against it! I have never been able to make up my mind because of Lillie's relationship. Determined to fight, this is the real reason for restricting attribute: Sora! Give him to you, I believe you will let him show his full strength! Take him away and treat him as your own Pokémon! Just Treat it as our two wayward commissions!"

When Gladion said these words, his eyes were full of determination.And the attribute at the side: Kong also showed the same look.It appears that starting over was really a decision the two made together.At this time, Wang Hao was a little hesitant.Although there is no difference between the attribute: empty and the newborn Pokémon after formatting, it will take at least a long period of cultivation to transform such an attribute: empty into combat power.Now that the Pokémon world is being invaded by Ultra Beasts, where is there a stable space to improve the attribute: Sora's strength?
"What is the impact of formatting on attribute: Kong? Will it affect his strength? Since you want to be reborn in this way, it doesn't make much sense if your strength is also affected! Whether it is Neither the extreme beast nor the ultimate Necrozma can be shaken by ordinary strength!"

"Don't worry about this! Formatting only affects attribute: Sora's self-awareness, it just deletes his memory. If it will affect strength, then Lusamine will not set such a thing! Formatting Finally, as long as you can obtain the recognition of the reborn consciousness of attribute: space, then you should be able to reach the state of evolution soon!"

Indeed, if the purpose of Lusamine's formatting button is to control the evolved attribute: empty, then this button will definitely not have any impact on the strength of the attribute: empty.Gladion and attribute: Kong both have the will to be reborn, so Wang Hao naturally agreed to them without any further excuses.

After confirming that Wang Hao was willing to take away the attribute: empty, Gladion directly pressed the format button.Attribute: Sora lost his autonomous consciousness at this moment, and his eyes were completely closed.Gladion took the formatted attribute: Kong back into the poke ball, and handed it to Wang Hao.At the same time, there was also a yellow crystal with special black lines.

"This is the pure crystal of Tapu Z, a special pure crystal given to me by Tapu Mingming. Through the guidance of this pure crystal, you can find the Tapu family! However, I guess other members of the current Tapu family should Fighting with Lusamine on the west side of Ether Paradise! If you want to take the Tapu family away, then first get in touch with Tapu Mingming through this Z pure crystal!"

Z pure crystal is a special prop necessary for using Z moves, and Tapu Z is a special pure crystal exclusive to the Tapu family.In Wang Hao's impression, this Z pure crystal can transform the Kapu family's wrath of nature skill into the special Z move of giant guard Alora.This is a terrifying move that inflicts three-quarters of the opponent's remaining health in damage, and it is also the strongest move of the Guardians of Alola.

Being able to let Tapu Mingming give such an important thing shows how good the relationship between Gladion and Tapu Mingming is.Something that can get in touch with Kapu Mingming is Wang Hao's original goal.After getting the pure crystal, Wang Hao didn't delay any longer, and directly asked Geng Gui in the shadow to perform a subterranean surprise attack and take himself into a different space.Before disappearing, Wang Hao said to Gladion.

"The main reason for Lillie's deep sleep is her guilt towards Lunala, and if she wants to get out of the endless darkness of being imprisoned earlier, then she can only rely on her own will! As her brother, you are promoting her The key to returning as soon as possible! Try calling her name in your ears, maybe you can give her some help and let her return sooner!"

Lillie's deep sleep is due to her psychological stress response, and it is also her guilt towards Lunala. It is impossible to eliminate this guilt for the time being, and she can only return through other motivations.If this method does not work, then it will only be possible after defeating Ultimate Necrozma and completely separating the absorbed Lunala.

Because he took away the attribute: empty relationship, so Wang Hao can only temporarily store Mibi Q and Sticky Dragon in the temporary Pokémon system, carrying Lucario, Shanaido, Biting Land Shark, and Jiahe Ninja Frog and Geng Ghost.Geng Gui and Xanadu will be the key to Wang Hao's escape from the etheric paradise, so they will be temporarily separated from the combat power.The only ones Wang Hao can rely on are Lucario, Biting Lu Shark and Jiaga Ninja Frog.

The Tapu family is launching a strong offensive on the west side of Ether Paradise. Even the team led by Zaobo and Quecchis can't suppress this offensive, which shows how fierce it is.Except for the seriously injured Tapu Mingming, Wang Hao thinks that Tapu Diedie, Tapu Momoo, and Tapu Finfin should all be in battle!

In order to contact the Kapu family as soon as possible, Wang Hao asked Geng Gui to connect to a location slightly off the west side of the Ether Paradise, and then let Wang Hao go out.The Tapu Z pure crystal given by Gladion is the only prop to contact Tapu Mingming. It cannot be used in Gengar's different space, and can only be used in the Pokémon world.Wang Hao, who appeared in the jungle of the protected area on the west side of the Ether Paradise, took out the pure crystal of Tapu Z, and then injected his own waveguide power into it.

Gladion did tell Wang Hao how to use Tapu Z Pure Crystal, but that method needs to be on some commanding heights, and it is very eye-catching, so it is not suitable for use at this time.Wang Hao injected the power of the waveguide into the pure crystal of Tapu Z, the most important thing is to check the internal structure of the pure crystal and see if the power of the pure crystal can be induced through the waveguide.At that time, even if the phenomenon caused is more eye-catching, it can be controlled by the power of waveguide.

When the power of waveguide merged into Z pure crystal, Wang Hao seemed to feel the figure of Kapu Mingming.It was a very mysterious state, but fortunately, Tapu Mingming was right in front of him.Tapu Mingming, who was in perception, didn't seem to expect that someone could get in touch with him in this way, but when he confirmed Wang Hao's appearance again, he spoke.

"Are you that human being back then? How did you get in touch with me? Why do I feel a familiar aura in it, as if it came from my power!"

By accident, he got in touch with Tapu Mingming through the power of the waveguide, and there is no abnormal phenomenon in the pure crystal of Tapu Z.Isn't this equivalent to remote communication equipment?Really convenient!Wang Hao briefly explained to Tapu Mingming how he obtained the pure crystal of Tapu Z, and then explained the current situation in the Carlos area to him.

"Sure enough, that guy's goal is the entire Pokémon world. It's also our fault that we didn't protect the Alola area properly, otherwise we wouldn't be in such trouble now! You suggested that we go to the Kalos area to face the ultimate Necrozma. , I have no opinion on this point! However, how many Legendary Pokémon have you gathered? Are they all willing to assist us?"

"About this, you don't have to worry too much! Except for Feng Yuan's three Legendary Pokémon that did not appear, and some extremely rare Magic Pokémon that did not appear, the other Legendary Pokémon have already been prepared. Prepare for the battle! The only unexpected thing is the three dragons of Tao. They were used by humans who betrayed the Pokémon world, and they merged into the dragon of Tao, and stood on the front line of Ultimate Necrozma. !"

Summoning the legendary Pokémon was the task entrusted to Wang Hao by Kapu Mingming at the beginning, and now Wang Hao can only explain the part he has completed.It's a pity that there is not enough time, otherwise he would go to the Fengyuan area for everything, and find Gulardo, Kioka and Rikuza!These three Legendary Pokémon have fought against the meteor from the sky together with Wang Hao, and they are very familiar with each other.Faced with such a thing that endangers the entire Pokémon world, how could they not take action?

After getting a general understanding of the current situation, Kapu Mingming told Wang Hao where he was and asked Wang Hao to find him.Wang Hao directly let Xanadu use teleportation to teleport to the past.When Wang Hao saw Kapu Mingming, he was stunned.The patterned shell that Tapu Mingming held in both hands that could be merged into a golden bird head was already broken.Even the lightning-like feather crown on his head has been broken in half.

Wang Hao knew before that Kapu Mingming was seriously injured, but he never thought that he would be injured like this.The current Kapu Mingming can almost be said to be hanging by a thread, so how can he have any fighting ability?Seeing Kapu Mingming like this, Wang Hao couldn't say a word for a while.

"Did it scare you? After I met you that day, I have experienced countless battles. These injuries on the outside of the body are considered to be okay, but the injuries on the internal organs are more serious! Even if I use telepathy now It is also very reluctant for the power to communicate with you! If it weren't for feeling my own power and the familiar waveguide, I should still be asleep!"

Wang Hao put down his backpack and took out bottle after bottle of recovery potions, trying to find the one suitable for this situation.But whether it's full recovery medicine or high-level wound medicine, it seems that it is not suitable to use at this time.Undecided, Wang Hao sprinkled these recovery potions on Kapu Mingming, not caring about wasting them at all!
"It's useless, don't waste these medicines! My physical condition is very clear on my own, and the effect of these medicines is far from enough. Tapu Butterfly, Tapu Momoo, and Tapu Finfin will attack regardless Ether Paradise, I hope to find a better potion!"

It turns out that the Tapu family attacked the Ether Paradise to save Kapu Mingming, but Wang Hao didn't think that the Ether Paradise would have potions that were more powerful than full recovery potions and advanced wound potions.Unless it is some specific treatment equipment, but that requires human operation!In this case, it is unlikely that Tapu Mingming will receive effective treatment.

When the medicine stone is ineffective, there is only one other treatment that Wang Hao can think of!Wang Hao stretched out his hands without any hesitation, and then used his waveguide power to act on Kapu Mingming's body through his hands.Turn the power of the waveguide into life force, which can be used to restore the life of Pokémon or perform emergency treatment.This is one of the applications of waveguide power, and it is also a way to consume one's own life extremely.However, in order to save Kapu Mingming, Wang Hao still tried.

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