Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 783 Please take him away

"Your concerns are not unreasonable! However, even if the attribute: Sora evolves, it should not have the fate of being swallowed by the ultimate Necrozma! Attribute: Sora's ability is somewhat similar to that of Arceus, Lu Sami Nai is going to let attribute: Sora suppress Arceus, so that Ultra Necrozma can just rule the Pokémon world!"

Lusamine has made it clear before that the attribute: Sora exists to suppress Arceus!No matter how much light source Ultra Necrozma absorbs and how powerful it becomes, it will still be difficult to face Arceus in full attribute state.Use attribute: Sora's full attribute ability to suppress Arceus' full attributes, and then create a chance for Ultimate Necrozma to seriously injure Arceus.

After listening to Wang Hao's explanation, Gladion looked even more unnatural.If it's just being swallowed, then maybe there is a possibility of recovery, after all, as long as the ultimate Necrozma is defeated, there is hope.And if it is to attribute: Kong as the existence of suppressing the creation god, then the result will definitely not end well.Lusamine is planning to use the attribute: Sora's life as a sacrifice for defeating Arceus!
"Even if it wasn't swallowed, the fate of being cannon fodder is still a tragedy! I can't let the attribute: Sora be sacrificed for nothing!"

Gladion has a great bond with attribute: void, which Wang Hao can clearly perceive.Whether it's Gladion or Lillie, they are just tools in Lusamine's hands, it's really pitiful.Wang Hao did not continue to discuss this topic with Gladion, but asked how to persuade Lusamine.

Although Wang Hao felt that it was unlikely to use the power of Boguo to awaken Lillie, Gladion insisted on trying.In this case, an airtight rhetoric is what is most needed at present.The two discussed briefly and came to a relatively satisfactory statement.That is to explain why Lillie's cooperation is needed on the grounds of Gladion's inner concerns?Concerns are real, but cooperation is fake!True and false lies are generally the hardest to guess.

Not long after, Lusamine came to the lounge with the Poké Ball with attribute: Empty.Although Gladion still had a cold look on his face, Lusamine could feel that the strangeness between him and Wang Hao had disappeared, and she immediately believed that the power of the waveguide really played a very good role in communication.

"It seems that you have a good chat! Regarding the issue between attribute: Kong and Gladion, do you already have some ideas? I have brought the attribute: Kong over, if necessary, you can also Communicate with attribute: Kong!"

Wang Hao didn't answer Lusamine immediately, but pretended to think about it, and then slowly said what he had discussed with Gladion before.At first Lusamine was listening seriously, but later she showed an angry expression.When Wang Hao mentioned that Lillie's cooperation is necessary to solve the problem between Attribute: Sora and Gladion, Lusamine's eyes flashed even colder.It didn't look like the eyes a mother would show her son at all, and Wang Hao was instantly surprised.

"Actually, this is a very simple stress psychology! I am worried that the relationship between myself and attribute: Kong will be like my sister's previous experience, so I instinctively cannot reach a tacit cooperation with attribute: Kong! This instinctive reaction, even if it is you Putting a knife on Gladion's neck is probably unavoidable for him! Therefore, the best way is to use Lillie to ease his mind!"

Lusamine understands that if it involves a psychological problem, it cannot be easily resolved no matter how strong the means are.Although she can let Xuwu Yide control Gladion and temporarily cover up this psychological problem, the instinctive reaction of the body cannot be covered up.As a result, there is still no tacit cooperation, and it is impossible to promote the attribute: empty evolution.

After thinking about it for a while, Lusamine finally agreed to Wang Hao's proposal.During this process, Gladion has not spoken.He needs to create an illusion that he is not voluntary, and only in this way can he deceive Lusamine.Lusamine quickly brought Wang Hao and Gladion to the center of the Ether Paradise, where her mansion was located, without delay in order to facilitate the evolution of the attribute: Sora.

According to Gladion, Lillie has been sealed off by Lusamine in the depths of the Ether Paradise mansion since she fell asleep, and no outsiders are allowed to contact her.At the same time, there are still many Ultra Beasts guarding around, even if Gladion wants to break through, there is no way!Following Lusamine's footsteps, Wang Hao finally experienced the strict security of "three layers inside and three layers outside".It can be said that this mansion located in the center of Ether Paradise has the most number of ultimate beasts except for the army of beasts that Wang Hao has seen in Baike City!

If it weren't for Geng Gui's special ability, it would be absolutely impossible to escape from the guard of so many extreme beasts.After entering the mansion, Wang Hao saw Lilia sleeping in a huge room on the second floor.With snow-white skin and long golden hair, she looks like a Sleeping Beauty, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Lillie fell into a deep sleep for some reason. Are you sure that your waveguide power can allow her to cooperate with you to solve the problem of Gladion and the attribute: space? If it's just a try, I hope you can move faster. "

"I really can't guarantee that the power of the waveguide will work, but I still have to try it after all! Wouldn't it be a good thing if Lillie could be awakened? As a mother, do you want to look at your own body? The daughter has been asleep?"

After all, Lusamine was not at ease about solving the problem between Gladion and the attribute: space by waking up Lillie.However, she felt that as long as she was present, Wang Hao would definitely not be able to do anything, so she just urged.And Wang Hao didn't make any promises, he just expressed his opinion on the matter of Lilia's deep sleep.Lusamine didn't say anything else, and handed Gladion the Poké Ball with attribute: empty, and then stood aside.

"Later, I will first try to communicate with Lillie through the power of the waveguide. If it goes well, then I will signal to Gladion. At that time, Gladion only needs to cooperate with the release of the attribute: empty!"

Naturally, this passage was deliberately said by Wang Hao in order to dispel Lusamine's vigilance.Regardless of whether his waveguide power can reach a smooth communication with Lillie, Gladion does not need to release the attribute: empty.But Lusamine didn't know about this matter!Such a well-organized explanation can make subsequent actions go with the flow.Gladion just nodded as he said before, without saying too much.

When the waveguide's power spread out from Wang Hao's body and then acted on Lillie's body little by little, Gladion and Lusamine were both attracted by the light blue waveguide light.This is the first time they have seen the energy form of the waveguide at such a close range, and the power of the waveguide has a great affinity, so it can attract them all at once.

When these light blue waveguide forces acted on Lillie's body, the smile on the corner of Lillie's mouth suddenly disappeared.It seems that Lillie has an inexplicable resistance to this kind of external power!Fortunately, Bird's power is relatively soft and has a very high affinity, Lillie's resistance did not last for a long time.

Wang Hao, who silently sensed all these changes, began to slowly close his eyes.It was the first time for Wang Hao to conduct waveguide communication with a sleeping subject.However, he did not appear to be at a loss, but followed the traction of the waveguide force.Soon, Wang Hao, who closed his eyes, saw a shivering girl in a white dress curled up on the ground in a dark world.

Don't need to guess, that's naturally Lillie.Wang Hao slowly approached Lillie, and released his kindness through the power of Bird all the way.It should be the first time for Lilia to feel other lives in this dark world, and she who was already timid immediately panicked.However, seeing Liliai panicking, Wang Hao stopped his steps.

"Don't be afraid! I came here under the entrustment of your brother Gladion, and I didn't mean to hurt you! If you still feel uneasy, then I can keep a safe enough distance from you! I just I want to know, why are you hiding here? Don’t you miss your brother, your mother, and people who care about you? "

Lillie's character is timid, but the influence of Lunala's incident intensified her fear of Pokémon and strangers.Under such circumstances, a guy like Wang Hao who appeared suddenly would naturally make her very wary.In order to dispel Lillie's vigilance, Wang Hao had no choice but to move out of Gladion and all the humans Lillie knew.When she heard the word "Gladgio", Lillie's lower lip, which was so tensely clenched, released silently.

"Brother, is he okay? How could I miss him? But I can't leave here! I tried various methods, but I just couldn't get out of this dark world! Every time I mustered up the courage When I am moving forward, there will be a voice yelling at me, telling me not to move rashly! It is a voice that I cannot resist no matter what, and it comes from Lunala!"

Sure enough, Lillie's inability to wake up from her deep sleep has a certain connection with Lunala.This kind of deep-seated trauma cannot be soothed with just a few words!Wang Hao also knew that what he said was of little significance.Still, he chose to give it a try.

"Lunala evolved from Cosmog all the way to protect you. How could she have the heart to imprison you in this place? The one who really trapped you here is actually yourself! Why don't you try Have a good talk with that voice, even if you get scolded, so what? You have to express your thoughts and emotions!"

Lilia was very hesitant, she resisted everything Wang Hao said, but she had to try again if she wanted to leave here.This is a very difficult decision that requires a certain amount of courage!Wang Hao has always been an outsider, he didn't say anything more, and he didn't do anything, he just left a wave of waveguide power to pull her.If Lillie can break through the limitation in her heart, then she will naturally be able to follow the guidance of the waveguide back to the outside world.

While Wang Hao was communicating with Lillie, Gladion and Lusamine, who were attracted by the energy of the light blue waveguide, were brought back to reality by the sound of communication equipment.Lusamine connected the device very angrily, and the contact person was none other than Zaobo, the head of the ether branch that Wang Hao had met before, that bald middle-aged uncle!

"President! It's not good! The Kapu family seems to have gone crazy, and they have gathered all the members and launched a fierce attack! They seem to have noticed that Master Necrozma is not in the etheric paradise. I am afraid it is here. I can't suppress it anymore, please be prepared!"

Lusamine also didn't expect the Capu family to attack at this time. It seems that Ultra Necrozma has been away for too long, and the deterrent effect is not as obvious as before!However, if the Tapu family thinks that this etheric paradise only relies on the ultimate Necrozma, then it is really underestimating this place.

"You hold on first, I'll rush over now!"

Glancing at Wang Hao who was still in communication with Lillie, Lusamine turned around and said to Gladion, "Cooperate well with him to complete the following tasks, as long as the attribute: empty can evolve smoothly, then I will give you the right to visit my sister , no one will stop you again!"

When Gladion nodded obediently, Lusamine left without further delay.Not long after Lusamine left, Wang Hao was released from the state of communication with Bird.When he noticed that Lusamine was not there, he couldn't help but glanced at Gladion.Gladion hurried to his sister's side and asked about Lillie's situation.

"I've done everything I can do! The rest can only be relied on by Lilia herself. If she can get out of her inner demons, then naturally she won't sleep again! Give her some time!"

While this wasn't the outcome Gladion had originally hoped to see, it did offer some hope.Gladion touched his sister's hand before releasing the attribute in the poke ball: void.At this time, Gladion's release of the attribute: empty is actually meaningless, and Wang Hao can't let him evolve.Gladion didn't explain anything, just stood up slowly, and then hugged the attribute: empty.

"Lusamine is going to fight against the Kapu family, now is the best time for you to escape! I am very grateful to you for helping Lillie, so, this attribute: empty, you can take it away! I will change the attribute: empty Format it, and he will start over with you with a brand new memory! Hope, one day you can use him in the right place! This is also the true meaning of his existence!"

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