famous first flash marriage

661、Who is not a baby anymore?

"I have no choice, sister Xiaoyi, all I know is that you have to leave now, immediately, immediately." Mu Zihao said seriously to Jin Xiaoyi: "If you don't want to leave here, then you can stay in my room temporarily However, I can’t go anywhere. If you have any needs, you can call me and I will try my best to meet them.”

After all, Mu Zihao still couldn't be cruel, for Jin Xiaoyi, he was always making concessions.

Jin Xiaoyi bit her lip, her always capable face showed a begging look, she looked very pitiful.

"My only request now is to go in and have a look at him again, Zihao, no one is here now, he seems to be in a deep sleep, and he probably won't wake up, give me the last 5 minutes, okay? If I leave now, I will feel so bad and die," she said with a painful expression while pressing her heart, "It hurts so much, it's about to burst. Have you ever felt this way? Zihao, you Do you also feel reluctant to part with someone? Do you also feel that leaving someone is as uncomfortable as dying?"

Yes, of course I have, but that person will never know, even if he knows, he will not care, so my heartache is not worth mentioning in front of this person, even if it is broken, it has nothing to do with this person any relationship.

Mu Zihao said in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, and he said very rigidly: "No, sister Xiaoyi, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Jin Xiaoyi closed her eyes, as if trying to endure the uncontrollable pain.

"Zihao, do you want me to kneel down and beg you? For the sake of our work together, give me another 5 minutes, can't you?"

"No." Mu Zihao said quietly, "Sister Xiaoyi, are you going to make things difficult for me and force me to do things that I don't want and can't do?"

Jin Xiaoyi was silent.

Mu Zihao smiled wryly and said, "Sister Xiaoyi, let's go."

Jin Xiaoyi took a deep look at Mu Zihao, then suddenly pushed him away, and rushed into Pei Yuancheng's ward by herself.

Mu Zihao was so shocked that he had no time to react. At this moment, Jin Xiaoyi closed the door of the ward.

Mu Zihao reached out to turn the doorknob, but found that Jin Xiaoyi had locked the door behind him.

What is she going to do?Is she crazy?

Mu Zihao reached out to knock on the door, but his outstretched hand barely stopped in front of the door.

He couldn't knock on the door. If he knocked on the door, he might wake up the young master.

How to do?
If someone were to forcibly open the door now, Jin Xiaoyi's affairs here would no longer be hidden.

Mu Zihao scratched his hair irritably, deeply regretting his decision once again.

In the ward, Jin Xiaoyi stood on the bed and looked at Pei Yuancheng for a while, then suddenly smiled, with a crazy light in her eyes.

"Let me be yours, okay?" she asked softly.

Pei Yuancheng lay there quietly with his eyes closed, and hadn't moved at all since just now.

He slept so deeply.

However, that's fine too.

Jin Xiaoyi stood in front of the bed and slowly took off her long skirt.

The woman's slender and fair body was exposed in the air, adding a touch of charm to the elegant ward.

It's just that the person on the bed never opened his eyes, like a beautiful doll.

Jin Xiaoyi sat on the edge of the bed, took the man's limp wrist from the bed, and gently placed his slender and clean fingers on her chest.

"This is yours, this is all yours. Feel it, do you like it?"

She giggled, unbuttoned her corset with her backhand, and grabbed his hand with the other hand and walked around her body.

This is really a funny and ridiculous scene.

However, the desire in Jin Xiaoyi's eyes became stronger and stronger.


In the corridor, Mu Zihao paced back and forth anxiously.

It has been more than ten minutes, but Jin Xiaoyi still hasn't come out.

The soundproofing effect of the ward was very good, he stood outside the door and could barely hear anything.

What the hell is she doing in there?

Mu Zihao couldn't figure it out.

He just hoped that no one would come over before she came out.

He swore secretly in his heart that he would never agree to such a request from her again.

People's hearts cannot be satisfied, especially women who are addicted to love.

From now on, he really can't let her get close to the young master anymore.

However, at this moment, Mu Zihao heard footsteps coming from the end of the corridor.

Then came Ji Xiaoru's signature very bright and hearty laughter.

"Haha, smile, you really..."

What is it?Mu Zihao thought subconsciously, and soon, he realized that Ji Xiaoru was back.

Not only Ji Xiaoru came, but that Miss Tang also came - it seemed that there was a man's footsteps.

Who is it, Miss Tang's lover Cheng Dashao?
Mu Zihao's heart skipped a beat.


What he didn't want to happen finally happened.

It turned out that Miss Ji borrowed the car just now, not for going out for a drive as he imagined.

Instead, pick up Miss Tang and Young Master Cheng.

He's so stupid, why didn't he think of asking her exactly what she was doing out there?

He should have thought of it earlier.

The young master fainted, even though he is now the dead "Young Master Lu" in Miss Ji's eyes, at this time, the only person Miss Ji can rely on and count on must be her best friend, Miss Tang.

Miss Tang came, and her lover Cheng Dashao, as the young master's close friend, couldn't help but come.

It was he who was careless.

He shouldn't have made such a mistake.

In a short time, Mu Zihao's thoughts changed.

How to do?
How is he going to stop them?
Can he stop it?
What reason should he use to stop them?
After stopping, how to delay the time?


Most importantly, when will Jin Xiaoyi come out? !

For the first time in his life, the young and steady Mu Zihao was upset.

The footsteps were getting closer.

If he continued to stand here and do nothing, the three of them would soon come to the young master's ward.

Can't wait any longer.

Doing something casually is better than sitting still, right?
Mu Zihao clenched his teeth and finally made up his mind.

He clenched his fists tightly and walked forward bravely.

At the end of the corridor, Mu Zihao who was rushing forward with his head down bumped into Ji Xiaoru who was walking towards this side with a smile.

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoru screamed, staggered by Mu Zihao's bump, and fell backwards unsteadily.

"Be careful—" Tang Xiao quickly reached out to help Ji Xiaoru.

However, no one moved faster than Cheng Lie, who was a special soldier.

But in the blink of an eye, Cheng Lie, who was at Tang Xiao's side and the farthest away from Ji Xiaoru, came behind Ji Xiaoru at an extraordinary speed, and quickly raised Ji Xiaoru who was almost in close contact with the ground— —

"Eh... eh?"

Even Ji Xiaoru herself couldn't understand how she suddenly became upright again from the angle where her upper body was almost parallel to the ground.

But she could feel a strong arm supporting her behind her.

Then a deep and elegant voice sounded: "Are you all right?"

"No, nothing." Ji Xiaoru blinked and stood up straight.

Turning his head, he showed a smile of the rest of his life: "Brother-in-law! You are really my own brother-in-law!"

Cheng Lie: "..."

Seeing that Ji Xiaoru was fine, Tang Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "It's good that it's fine."

Ji Xiaoru said with a smile: "I almost hit the back of my head. Hey, blame me for not being greedy for looks. I deliberately wore a pair of high heels before going out, otherwise I wouldn't be so unstable."

She spoke casually, but in a few words she attributed the fault to herself.

It was as if she wasn't the one who was hit by someone while walking and almost got a concussion, but she was the one who accidentally bumped into someone else.

Mu Zihao, who was ignored by the three, showed a mixed expression of gratitude and guilt: "I'm sorry, Miss Ji, I was too reckless, I'm sorry, is your foot okay? Do you need a doctor to see it? "

"Doctor? Isn't there a doctor with excellent professional ability next to me, do you need any other doctors?" Ji Xiaoru stretched out his arms to hug his best friend Tang Xiao.

Although slightly dissatisfied with his wife being snatched from his arms, Cheng Lie just frowned slightly, and put the hand that was originally on the back of Tang Xiao's waist back into his windbreaker pocket.

In the face of a woman's best friend, love, husband, etc., can only temporarily stand aside——

Other women forget their friends when they see sex, but his own wife is an exception.

It wasn't the first time he had encountered such a situation, and he had long been used to it.

Besides, is jealousy like Ji Xiaoru worth eating?

Cheng Lie would not care about Ji Xiaoru, even if Tang Xiao turned his head and dropped him and ran to take care of Ji Xiaoru.

He had already deeply realized the friendship between these two women since Ji Xiaoru was willing to risk his life to protect her wife during the earthquake.

If it wasn't for the fact that Ji Xiaoru was so lucky that he didn't get hit on the head, and his arms and legs were injured all over his body, then Ji Xiaoru is probably still in the hospital until now.

A big fool who is willing to protect his wife in a critical moment, doesn't care about his own safety at all, never asks for favors from the beginning to the end, never mentions the matter afterwards, and regards protecting his friends as instinct, why is he Want to argue with her?

Cheng Lie didn't care that Ji Xiaoru snatched his wife away, but Tang Xiao still looked back at him in his busy schedule, and reached out to hold his little hand by the way.

The meaning in that look is very simple and clear: "Baby play by yourself, I will come to accompany you later".

Cheng Lie is also used to the fact that his wife treats himself as a "baby".

To ask him what it feels like to be a "baby" again at the age of nearly 30, Cheng Lie can only say——


Who can't be a baby anymore?
Cheng Lie smiled at Tang, and told her with eyes of understanding and righteousness: "It's all right."

Tang smiled and nodded, relieved.

Over there, Ji Xiaoru was talking to Mu Zihao: "Mu Zihao, are you okay? Did you twist your foot?"

Don't mention the other party bumping into yourself at all.

Mu Zihao sighed in his heart, it's really rare for Miss Ji to be such a carefree person who actually considers each other's feelings carefully.

From the point of caring about the other party's feelings, Miss Ji is many times better than Jin Xiaoyi.

No, it can't be said exactly.

The old sister Xiaoyi was not like this.

When she just came to Island N and just started to be the butler next to the young master, when she pretended to be calm on the surface, but she was actually uneasy in her heart, it was Xiaoyi who was always by her side to encourage, comfort and help herself.

At that time, sister Xiaoyi was so beautiful, so confident, so elegant and so calm in his eyes.

He had never seen such a perfect and capable woman.

His young heart throbbed just for her without hesitation.

He used to think that she always helped him inadvertently, and even when he accidentally made a mistake, she helped him solve it without telling others and pretending that nothing happened, and she didn't want anything in return at all. It's because she might also like him a little bit.

But soon he knew, no, she didn't like him at all.

She treats him the way she treats a colleague, or a junior in a company.

If it were someone else, even if it wasn't herself, she would do the same to anyone who gets along with her day and night.

To her, helping a colleague who does not affect her promotion and has no interest in her seems to be just a workplace etiquette.

She didn't have the slightest interest in him.

The person she likes is not him.

Why did Mu Zihao soon know that Jin Xiaoyi was interested?

That's because when alone, Jin Xiaoyi often giggles at the phone, or is in a daze.

That is the performance of a person who likes someone.

Mu Zihao secretly observed, and soon found out who Jin Xiaoyi liked.

The moment he got the answer, his heart fell to the bottom.

The person she likes is someone he can never compete with.

Whether that person is alive or dead, whether that person likes her or not, whether that person treats her well or not——

He is not half qualified to compete with that person.

He is not his opponent at all.

He is even more unworthy to be his opponent.

He deeply understands that her love is hopeless.

The same goes for his love.

Jin Xiaoyi is a person who is extremely focused and persistent in everything.

What she wants to do, she will definitely do, regardless of the consequences.

With this stubbornness, she changed her original ordinary appearance and her life that should have been ordinary.

She tried in vain to have the unattainable man she loved, but in this regard, she could only hit the wall again and again.

Mu Zihao felt sorry for her, and sometimes he even thought, when she received more blows from the young master and her head was bleeding, would there be even a slight possibility to look back at herself?

As long as she is willing, he will always wait for her and protect her, no matter what time.

It's a pity that until now, she is still on the road of knocking herself to death.

This time, is it really the last time?

Mu Zihao sighed in his heart.

Try to delay as long as possible, he thought, this is the last thing he can do for her.

"Miss Ji, why don't you ask the doctor to see if your ankle is sprained first? If Miss Tang is willing, Miss Tang can do it for you, okay?"

In the corridor, Mu Zihao stood in front of Ji Xiaoru and the others, showing no intention of giving way.

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