"At that time, I will definitely have someone deliver it in person." Lily got up from the chair, and she made a firm promise to Lu Xunyan.Seeing this, Lu Xunyan followed her and stood in front of her, stretched out his hand in front of her, and said to her, "Thank you."

After Lily and Lu Xunyan continued to chat for a few words, Lily's assistant appeared in front of them again, and he walked towards Lily's side. After whispering a few words in her ear, Lilly said After nodding his head in understanding.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Lily explaining to Lu Xunyan in front of me, "I'm going to the Netherlands next time, so let's go first." When Lu Xunyan heard Lily's crisp voice, he could also see that at this time Lily and her assistant acted like they were in a hurry, and they didn't delay her any longer, and nodded at her understandingly.

Lu Xunyan saw Lily and her assistant disappear from his sight, and then saw him follow their steps, and also leave from here and return to the hotel.

Coming here from City A, Lu Xunyan didn't take much rest on the way. At this time, he also felt a little tired. Lu Xunyan, who had just returned to the hotel, was about to walk into the bathroom to take a shower.However, when he took a step forward, he suddenly felt that something was wrong at this time, and he felt the floor under his feet shaking.

This is not a big feeling, and Lu Xunyan didn't spend too much time guessing, and thought it was just his own illusion.Lu Xunyan, who didn't pay much attention, continued to walk towards the bathroom, and the water kept flowing from the faucet.The sound of water hitting the ground formed a crisp 'slap hula' sound.

Water flowed out of the shower and hit Lu Xunyan's naked body.Immediately afterwards, Lu Xunyan really felt that the water flowing on the ground became rushing in an instant, and the shower in his hand also stopped flowing out of water.Lu Xunyan's eyes flickered with a puzzled look, and he was very puzzled by the phenomenon at this time.

He quickly wrapped the dry towel around his body. In the next second, Lu Xunyan felt a violent vibration on the ground he was stepping on. He raised his eyes quickly and saw clearly what was in front of him. It was also shaking constantly, and saw things hanging on the wall falling down one after another.

In Lu Xunyan's mind, an earthquake immediately came to mind.As soon as such thoughts popped into his mind, he felt the shock getting stronger and stronger, and he quickly ran out of the bathroom.Lu Xunyan took a step forward, and he even felt that his steps on the ground were not stable.

After he picked up a few clothes from the bed and put them on, he couldn't care about other things in the room. At this time, his first reaction was to leave the room and run to an open place.

At this time, Lu Xunyan's mind immediately thought of Shen Yanshi, so he would desperately save his life from here.

When Lu Xunyan came out of the room, Mr. Yin who was in the next room also came out together.As soon as the two of them met, the two kept walking forward. On the way, Mr. Yin told Lu Xunyan, "There was an earthquake in New Zealand."

As they walked all the way from the room, they could all hear ear-piercing screams from the room or the corridor. Lu Xunyan didn't seem to listen to what Mr. Yin said to him, and he didn't know what he was doing at this time. talking about something.

When their sense of escape became so strong, they kept walking forward.However, at this moment, a three or four-year-old boy ran out from nowhere, his eyes were filled with tears of fear and panic, and tears were clearly visible on his cheeks.

He walked in front of Lu Xunyan with unsteady steps, and his two chubby little hands also tightly grasped Lu Xunyan's trousers.The little boy couldn't figure out who the person in front of him was, but he still shouted: "Daddy..."

Because of the little boy in front of him, Lu Xunyan did not continue walking forward.He lowered his eyes and looked at the crying child in front of him who called 'Daddy', and because of his actions, Lu Xunyan didn't push him away cruelly.

Lu Xunyan shifted from the child to the people in front of him. He saw that the steps of these people were hurried, and the loud footsteps sounded.However, seeing that they were all in such a hurry, they didn't notice this crying child at all.

In the next second, I saw Lu Xunyan hugging his petite body neatly in his hands, he frowned and asked him in English, "Why are you alone, where are your father and mother? "

Although Lu Xunyan asked him so anxiously, Yu was still a child of three or four years old, and he could only cry now.Obviously, Lu Xunyan couldn't find anything if he asked this question.

Mr. Yin yelled at Lu Xunyan in front, but in desperation, Lu Xunyan had no choice but to abandon the child in his hands here, he could only protect him in his hands, and continued to walk forward with Mr. Yin.

Lu Xunyan hugged the child in his hand and quickened his pace. At this time, he not only wanted to escape by himself, but he also wanted to protect the little guy in his hand.

Lu Xunyan would do this, probably because it is his mission as a soldier, and he has no way to reject any vigorous life.

The little guy in front of him can only help him find his biological parents after this wave of earthquakes.

When the two of them walked from the hotel to a safe open space, Lu Xunyan raised his eyes and looked at the people in front of him. Almost everyone had a strong sense of escape, and he also saw their hurried movements , and walked in the direction where he was.

Lu Xunyan heard the sound of radio broadcasting around him, accompanied by the sound of police cars and ambulances, as well as the sound of crying.He raised his gaze slightly, and looked at the crowd in front of him worriedly, and many buildings in front of him were also damaged to a certain extent.

Lu Xunyan looked at everything in front of him, and finally saw the child in his hand handed over to Mr. Yin, and his tone of voice became commanding and said to Mr. Yin, "Mr. Yin, help me Take care of this little guy, I'll help." He suddenly felt empty, and then he turned around and ran towards the panicked crowd.

Mr. Yin opened his mouth to try to persuade Lu Xunyan not to go, but no matter what he said, he still couldn't stop Lu Xunyan from thinking.He held the child in his hands, with a worried look in his eyes, looking at Lu Xunyan's figure who was going away.

After Lu Xunyan left, the child handed over to Mr. Yin kept crying.

Lu Xunyan walked to the front of the crowd, and quickly jumped onto an open space, pulling the other people who hadn't come out one by one, and said to them in a loud voice, "Come up quickly." They Seeing Lu Xun extend his shot, they handed over their hands to Lu Xunyan without hesitation.

Lu Xunyan's actions at this time continued until he saw other support teams coming, and then he walked up to them, and told these people the situation at this time, and they listened carefully to what Lu Xunyan said. In the end, I did not forget to express my thanks to him.

Lu Xunyan walked back to Mr. Yin and the others, and he noticed that the child's crying didn't seem to stop for a second.At this moment, he could hear the child's crying becoming hoarse, which made people feel distressed.

When he saw Lu Xunyan come back, he stretched out his hand to signal Lu Xunyan to hug him.Seeing this, Lu Xunyan couldn't bear to refuse him, so he stretched out his hand to hug him.Before Lu Xunyan had time to talk to him, he heard his cry mixed with crying, "Daddy, Mommy..." These two names kept coming out of his mouth, which made people feel chilling .

"The earthquake has stopped now. We should look for other places, or go back to China as soon as possible..." Mr. Yin, who was standing next to Lu Xunyan, said to Lu Xunyan like this. Halfway through his talk, he also saw his eyes. The light fell on the child in Lu Xunyan's hands, his mouth opened and closed as if he wanted to say something to Lu Xunyan.

And Lu Xunyan raised his eyes and looked at him, so he could know what he wanted to say at this time. Before he could break his voice and continue talking to Lu Xunyan, Lu Xunyan's voice was one step faster than his and said to him , "I will keep him with me until I find his parents."

When Lu Xunyan's firm voice sounded, Mr. Yin didn't say anything more at this time, he could only respect Lu Xunyan's meaning.

Lu Xunyan walked forward with the child in his hand. He looked down at the child crying until he was exhausted, and it was already so late, he must be hungry too.

When Lu Xunyan thought of this, he raised his eyes and looked ahead. At this moment, he only wanted to find some food for this child to fill his stomach. If he continued like this, he might get sick.

The locals who provided the food watched Lu Xunyan bring the child to their side. They knew what Lu Xunyan wanted to do at a glance, and they immediately handed Lu Xunyan the milk powder that had been prepared. After Lu Xunyan took it, he did not forget Say thank you to them.

Lu Xunyan put the thing in his hand near the little guy's mouth, and his eyes were fixed on watching him slowly open his little mouth, and the crying stopped at this moment.

Although Lu Xunyan had no experience raising children, he didn't know why the little guy in front of him was crying all the time.However, when Lu Xunyan saw that the child stopped crying and was eating the food in his hands, Lu Xunyan knew that he was hungry at this moment.

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