After K woke up early in the morning, she saw a tablet computer in her hand, but at this moment, she saw a piece of news jumping in front of her eyes. Her eyes were fixed on the words written on the screen. Word.

In the next second, her brows began to wrinkle, the pupils in her eye sockets were also flickering with disbelief, and her entire face became worried because of this news.

Immediately afterwards, she was seen bouncing up from the bed in an instant, her movements also became neat and swift, and she pushed open the bedroom door. He walked downstairs to the living room, still shouting Shen Yanshi's name on his lips.

At this moment, Shen Yan was eating breakfast at the dining table, when she heard K's anxious voice, she also knew that she was calling for herself.She immediately stopped what she was doing at this time, and looked in the direction K was walking with her curious eyes.

I don't know exactly what happened, which made K flustered early in the morning, and even became flustered when speaking.

When Shen Yan saw her stop in front of her, she put down the knife and fork in her hand, and said to K in front of her, "What's the matter? You're in such a hurry early in the morning?" At this moment, Shen Yan saw the expression on her cheek. With that touch of panic, she also began to become nervous.

K's eyes fell on Shen Yanshi, and he said to her, "Sister-in-law Yanshi, today's morning news reported that a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in New Zealand, and houses in many places collapsed."

Shen Yanshi tilted his head and listened carefully to K's words. In the next second, Lu Xunyan's figure subconsciously appeared in Shen Yanshi's mind.At this time, Shen Yan tried to calm herself down as much as possible, and she confirmed with K again, "You mean there was an earthquake in New Zealand?"

K didn't have time to explain too much to Shen Yanshi, she directly placed the tablet computer in her hand in front of Shen Yanshi.Shen Yanshi's eyes indeed saw the eye-catching words displayed on the screen tablet, and immediately after seeing Shen Yanshi took out the phone from his pocket, her fingers stayed on the phone screen, and dialed that person's phone number .

Shen Yanshi put the phone to her ear, and what came to her ear was the sentence, "I'm sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off." She didn't hear that familiar voice, but heard this one. Words that make people feel anxious after hearing it.

Shen Yan put down the phone and continued to make several calls.However, what came to her ears was still such a sentence.In the end, she had no choice but to put the phone on the table and didn't make any more calls.Immediately afterwards, she raised her eyes slightly and said to K in front of her, "His mobile phone is turned off, and he cannot be contacted."

When Shen Yan said these words, there was a touch of worry and fear, how could K standing in front of her not feel it?When she looked at Shen Yan, a worried look appeared on her face for an instant.

She knew that she was also worried about something bad happening to Lu Xunyan at this time, but she said in a voice in front of Shen Yanshi, "My brother is a soldier, he will be safe, don't worry , he'll be fine."

Shen Yan could clearly hear K's words, and at this time she also believed that what K said was indeed what she said.Lu Xunyan is a soldier, facing such a thing, he will definitely find a way to save himself.So, on this point, Shen Yanshi really firmly believed in this point.

"I hope so." After a long time, Shen Yan raised his eyes to look at K, pulled a low pressure from her mouth and answered K.

K knew that even though Shen Yanshi said this to herself, she was always thinking about and worried about Lu Xunyan in her heart.However, at this time K did not bring up this matter again, but put away the tablet computer in his hand, and sat on the seat opposite to Shen Yanshi.

However, when she saw Shen Yan in front of her, she didn't continue to eat breakfast, but picked up the laptop, slid the computer, and watched her fingers tap the keyboard.

It is estimated that Shen Yan at this time should be checking the relevant news, K did not speak, so she could only keep silent beside her, eating the breakfast on the plate absent-mindedly.


After K finished her breakfast, she went back to her bedroom.All I saw was that she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and dialed Lu Xunyan's phone number.And the few phone calls she made still didn't have any clues, and what came to her ears was still that voice and that sentence.

Before, because of work needs, Lu Xunyan asked her to transfer the phone numbers of Mr. Yin and his assistant into the address book.She also heard from Shen Yan that Lu Xunyan went to New Zealand this time with the two of them.She slid her fingers on the phone screen, trying to dial their numbers,
However, there is still no gain, still the same sentence.


A day and a night have passed since the earthquake occurred.

New Zealand is a country with frequent earthquakes, so they have taken precautions in this area to minimize the damage and quickly deal with the current problems.

Lu Xunyan took the little guy in front of him to the police station. He hoped that the police station could help him find his lost parents.

The people in the police station saw Lu Xunyan coming with him, and they took Lu Xunyan to a quiet room.In front of them, Lu Xunyan described the whole process of meeting this little guy, only hoping that the police station could help him find his biological parents.

Before that, the police station had already investigated the dead persons, their family members and backgrounds very clearly.After they heard what Lu Xunyan said, they handed the documents in their hands to Lu Xunyan.

Lu Xunyan was still a little puzzled by their actions.I only saw him frowning and lowering his eyes to look at the words written on the document and the photos attached to it.

As soon as the little guy in his hand saw the two people in the photo, his hands also clapped their palms out of excitement.Immediately afterwards, he pointed his chubby finger at the person in the photo, his small mouth opened naturally, and he grinned and said, "Daddy, Mommy..."

After finishing speaking, he saw a smile on his lovely face, turned to look at Lu Xunyan's cheek, and saw his hand slowly raised, as if trying to touch Lu Xunyan's cheek.

Lu Xunyan watched his every movement until the staff in front of him broke their voices and said to Lu Xunyan, "I am very sorry to inform you that the parents of this lovely baby passed away in this earthquake." Hearing this At that moment, Lu Xunyan's eyes followed the source of the voice.

Although he couldn't believe the bad news, it was true.In the next second, he transferred to this cute little guy.Even though he knew the little guy was so small, he didn't know what death was or what it meant.However, Lu Xunyan knew clearly that this little guy would lose his parents who loved him the most.

When thinking of this, Lu Xunyan's heart suddenly felt distressed...

"Then how are you going to arrange him?" Lu Xunyan shifted his eyes from this little guy to the two people in front of him, and spit out from his mouth a question that he was most concerned about at the moment.

Facing Lu Xunyan's question, the person in front of him answered him without hesitation, "We will arrange for him to be raised in an orphanage, and if anyone wants to adopt him, he can go through the formalities. "

Lu Xunyan listened carefully to what they said, but at this moment, Lu Xunyan didn't have any questions to ask.

If at this time he knew what life and death were, and what death was, then he would definitely be very sad.

Lu Xunyan lowered his head and put his mouth close to his ear, not knowing exactly what Lu Xunyan was muttering to him at this time.However, at this moment, the little guy still had the brightest smile of his age on his cheek.

Lu Xunyan got up from his seat, handed the little guy to the person in front of him, and told them, "I hope you can take him well." After saying this, the little guy's eyes rolled But it landed directly on Lu Xunyan's body, and didn't leave for a moment.

After Lu Xunyan finished speaking, he was about to leave here.When he stretched out his hand to push open the door, he heard the little guy behind him yelling in a crying voice, "Daddy..." These two short words fell into Lu Xunyan's mouth In the ear, it caught Lu Xunyan's heartstrings, making him stop at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xunyan heard the cries of the little guy behind him getting louder and louder, accompanied by his crying.Lu Xunyan had no choice but to turn around and look at him. He saw the little guy struggling constantly in the hands of the staff, with his mouth opening and closing.

The staff did not continue to hold him hostage, but put him on the ground.Immediately afterwards, I saw him walking in front of Lu Xunyan with his light steps, like when we first met, he was holding on to Lu Xunyan's trousers tightly.However, at this time, he spit out a sentence in English and said, "Daddy, don't go, take me with you, okay?"

Hearing what he said, Lu Xunyan lowered his head and looked at his face full of reluctance, still begging in his mouth.In the next second, Lu Xunyan saw his eyes moisten.Seeing Lu Xunyan squatting in front of him, the tears in his eyes rolled down like a bank, and he continued, "Don't go!"

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