Anya suddenly grew the eyes of the gods, and her mind was wide open, and she could see into a hundred thousand worlds in all directions.

"I have to see Brother Junnan." Anya suddenly thought of Junnan, who was still fighting in the Nigusi Plain, and didn't know what was going on now.

Anya's consciousness flew to the southern part of the Nigusi Plain mainland. Looking down, the land was dead silent. There were fallen demon soldiers and generals everywhere, and there were also many soldiers of the National Defense Army.Houses were razed to the ground and forests were burned as if death had just visited them.

Anya looked for Jun Nan everywhere, but found no one alive.She looked forward again, and gradually explored the battlefield where the National Defense Army and the demons fought, and where to find the traces of Jun Nan's brother.

Suddenly, an orangutan monster jumped out of a pile of corpses and rushed straight at Anya.Anya was startled, and hurriedly closed her eyes to avoid it, but the monster kept rushing towards Anya from the direction where Anya closed her eyes, and hit Anya directly.

Anya exerted her prehistoric strength, withdrew her mind, and stepped back a dozen steps at once, almost falling down.

Anya was covered in cold sweat, her body was extremely weak, and she leaned against a tree.It turned out that she was separated from human beings and her mind flew into the sky, and a magical force caused her mind to fly hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Anya supported the tree, and then looked up at the clear sky above her head, she was almost insane and strayed into the way of God.Fortunately, I have superb internal strength, otherwise the soul would fly out of the body and cannot be recovered.

Anya carefully recalled the scene of ascension just now, she felt that the sky of Baicao Garden had a great energy, which could absorb her seven souls and six souls at any time, making her lose the ability to control herself.She didn't know what kind of power it was, but if she could grasp it well, she could instantly see where she wanted to go.

Just now I felt that my body was overdrawn and I didn't have any strength.After a little rest, I feel much better.She suddenly thought of the battlefield between the National Guard Army and the Demon Race on the Nigusi Plain just now, with corpses everywhere, and the orangutan monster that suddenly pounced on her, and she still had lingering fears.

Anya thought to herself: Is this ape monster the one in St. Louis Harbor?It looks like it.The terrifying shadow with bared mouth and fangs came to mind once again, making people daunting.

Don't think so much, maybe this is an illusion, not a real scene.Anya got up and walked towards the south gate of Baicao Garden. It was already late and she had to go back to the Exorcism Mansion.

On the way back, Anya walked very slowly, walking all the way back to the Exorcism Mansion.Yundie and Luluo are still waiting for her, as long as the master does not come back, these two girls will not sleep.Although they only got along for a few days, Anya's approachability made Luluo and Yundie especially like this new owner.

The tense and formal atmosphere in the palace is suffocating. If you make a mistake in any sentence or thing, you will be punished by the housekeeper and the chief manager Tokuro.

Coming to a new environment and serving their new masters liberated the two girls.However, the two of them did not dare to neglect their due respect and courtesy.

"My sister often goes out at night, which is worrying. If you need to go out in the future, you should take Yin Kexing with you!" Lu Luo said, taking Anya's coat.

"Yes, my sister has to tell me and Luluo again when she goes out, otherwise people will be worried to death. After you left, Yin Kexing paced up and down in the yard for countless times, which made people worry." Yun Butterfly also interjected.

"Hehe, I taught you two a lesson." Anya smiled.

"Don't dare to teach my sister a lesson, but you are our master, what should we do if there is a mistake? And Yin Kexing, how will he explain to General Jun Nan?" Yundie said with a small mouth.

"Okay, I just got it, I'll let you guys know when I go out in the future, okay?" Anya said to the two with a smile.

Luluo wanted to say more, but Anya stared and pretended to be angry and said, "Why is it not over yet? If you keep talking, I'll find a few old men to marry you all, so you don't have to worry about it every day!"

"We don't dare, that sister should go to bed early, so we're leaving." Yundie pulled Luluo and was about to leave, but Anya said to the two of them: "Wait a minute, I'm hungry, go and make me something to eat. "

The two looked at each other in a daze, and Yundie said, "Didn't sister have dinner?"

"I said what's the matter with you two? I said I'm hungry." Anya stared at Yundie and said.In fact, Anya was really hungry. After a hallucinatory ascension through the Baicao Garden, she had consumed a lot of physical strength, and then walked back from the Baicao Garden to Anyiju, she was indeed a little hungry.

The two hurried out of Anya's room to get food for Anya, when Ya Si walked in, holding a roasted pheasant in his hand.

"Sister Anya." Yasi jumped up to Anya with a playful smile.

"Luluo, Yundie, no need, I have it." Yasi sat down in front of Anya and put the pheasant on the table.

"Is Ya Si specially rewarding my sister?" Anya asked Ya Si with a smile.

"That goes without saying, Sister Anya is a god in my heart, isn't it normal to bring something to the god in my heart!" Yasi said with a smile.

"Yasi is the most obedient, okay! I'll help you digest it!" After speaking, Anya started to move.

Yundie hurriedly snatched it up and tore it up before the owner could do it.

Anya took the barbecue and started to eat it. Yasi leaned on his elbow and looked at Anya.

"Oh! What is this?" Yundie suddenly called out, and took out a rolled up note from the barbecue.

Anya took the note and stretched it out, her eyes suddenly fixed.I saw two lines written on it: Don't meddle in your own affairs, the sun god on August [-]th!
Anya looked at the note in surprise, Yasi didn't know what was written, so she came over.

"Sister, what does this mean?" Ya Si also asked in surprise.

Anya thought for a while and asked Yasi: "Where did you get this wild game?"

"It's in the residents' alley on the east side of the Exorcism Mansion. Two old men were selling it there. I didn't see anyone buying it, so I went to do a good job and bought one." Yasi said.

"Two old men?"

"Hmm! There was only one pheasant in the basket, so I bought it."

Anya was a little puzzled, and asked again: "Why only one? What do those two old men look like?"

Yasi thought for a while and said: "I don't know, anyway, they only have one in the basket, and it's cheap as hell, but they just didn't buy it. As for what it looks like..." Yasi tilted his head and said : "One is skinny, like a skeleton, without any flesh. The other is fat, full of fat. They are pushing a small car and parked on the side of the road, with a basket on it."

"One is skinny and the other is fat?" Anya asked Ya Si in surprise.

"That's right! Besides, the two old men were very polite. They said they would sell it for the money. I was not polite, so I bought it and put it in the house. I was about to come in just now. I heard you were hungry, so I went back to the house and brought it."

Anya stayed there for a long time, silent.Ya Si, Yun Die and Lu Luo all stared at Anya, and there was no response after calling a few times.

"An, Ya, sister, sister." Ya Si shouted at Anya loudly.

"Don't make trouble... By the way, Ya Si, if I guessed correctly, these two old men are the second elder Yun Ji." Anya suddenly remembered.

"Elder Yunji?" Ya Si looked at Anya suspiciously.

"Well! Last time, senior brother Botong Li and I ran into two old men, Yun Ji, and even fought against each other. These two old men still have a lot of skills, and they are quite nimble when they run." Anya said to Ya Si.

Yasi was curious and asked, "Then it's impossible for Sister Anya to let them run away?"

Anya smiled and said, "I just let them escape on purpose, just to find out where they went."

"The results of it?"

"As a result, they disappeared at the gate of the Pope during the pilgrimage of the State Teacher." Anya paused and said, "From your description, it should be the two of them, who habitually push a small cart and sell things."

"Then what does this note mean?" Ya Si asked puzzled.

Anya thought for a while and said, "If I'm not wrong in my analysis, it should be to let me mind my own business and focus on the battle with Duan Qiufeng in the Helios Square."

Yasi nodded, and felt that Anya's words were polite, and said: "There are still more than ten days until August [-]th, sister Anya must actively prepare for the battle. It's also strange, what does my sister have to do with this Qiufeng Villa for solving the case for me?" ?”

Anya couldn't figure it out either, she didn't understand why Duan Qiufeng reminded herself to prepare for the battle of the Sun God on August [-]th.Generally speaking, he wanted Anya to be more distracted and pay less attention to him.But at this juncture, Duan Qiufeng wants to concentrate on dealing with him, which is really puzzling.

"Oh! The incredible Duan Qiufeng." Yasi was also incredible.

"It may not be what he meant. Maybe there are people watching the fun, or people who I am in the way of his business, and want me to stay away from him so as not to delay his business. These are all possible." Anya bowed her head again Looking at the note.

Yasi nodded again, thinking that what Anya said made sense, and said: "Then who has Sister Anya hindered recently? Let him use Yunji to send a warning in person?" 
Anya thought hard and couldn't figure out who it was, and said to Ya Si: "This person must be in the case I solved, the Pope of the Holy Dynasty? Mo Yunling? Or the murder of Lord Chopin's family? I don't know. "

"Sister Anya, oops, my head hurts from thinking about it, I don't want to think about it anymore, I'm going to bed." Yasi waved his hand, got up and was about to go back to the room.

"Yasi, wait." Anya called Yasi to stop.

Ya Si looked back at Anya and said, "Sister Anya, what else can you do?"

Anya got up and said to Yasi: "Accompany me to the Governor's Mansion of the National Defense Army tomorrow morning."

"Yeah! Yasi obeyed." Yasi agreed.

"Remember to change your clothes and call you early in the morning."

Ya Si agreed, turned and walked out.

Anya thinks in her heart: Mrs. Ah Rong, there is a reason for what happened, you are the reason, it is not enemies who do not get together!

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