Anya wakes up early, waking up Ya Si at three o'clock in the morning.Yasi changed his clothes in a daze, picked up the Nether Sword, greeted the guards at the gate, and followed Anya out of Anyi Residence.

"Why did Sister Anya get up so early to go to the Governor's Mansion?" Yasi asked Anya puzzled.

"Go and see Mrs. Arong, the old thief. I always think that Mr. Chobana's murder is related to him, but I can't find evidence. Why don't we go to his house to find out."

"But what can you see in the early morning?"

"At three o'clock in the morning, who can get up so early? We are not going to see people, but to search his mansion."

An Yala picked up Yasi, gathered her strength, and flew towards the Governor's Mansion of the National Defense Army while it was dark.

Stepping on the clear dew, Anya took Yasi and ran all the way to the residence of the Governor General of the National Defense Army.

The Governor's Mansion is located in the southeast of the Wangcheng, which is the outskirts of the Wangcheng. The east and west sides are covered by woods, and the north is a small river.Anya and Ya Si landed outside the Zhengnan gate. It was an empty flat land filled with dozens of carriages.

Four soldiers on duty stood at the gate of the Governor's Mansion of the National Defense Army, patrolling around the gate with long knives in their hands.

"Sister Anya, it's not very hidden here, we have to go around." Yasi hid behind the carriage, pointed to the woods on the west side of the gate, and said softly to Anya.

Anya nodded, looked left and right to see if there was no one, and groped towards the west side with Ya Si one after the other.

The mansion courtyard is very large, and the courtyard walls are also very high. Looking in from the outside, only a few tall buildings can be seen.

Anya and Yasi came to the west wall of the Governor's Mansion. Anya looked up and gestured to Yasi.Just as he was about to get up, he found a group of soldiers walking from the north side of the wall, more than a dozen of them.

The two quickly dodged and hid in the grass under the tree, holding their breath.The soldiers didn't find the two of them, and when they were far away, Anya and Yasi flew up to the wall.

It was still very dark, and I couldn't see the courtyard at all, so I could only use the dim light of the lanterns at the gate of the courtyard building to find a place to stay.

Fortunately, there is a row of houses near the wall.When Anya mentioned Yasi, she jumped down lightly like a feather without making a sound.

The two slowly raised their feet and touched under the house.

"Yasi, keep your voice down, there are people in these rooms." Anya lowered her voice, covered her lips with her fingers, and signaled Yasi not to make any noise, Yasi nodded knowingly.

After touching this row of inhabited houses, the two abducted them out.The courtyard is surprisingly large, and I don't know how long it would take to get around during the day.

There are three-story and four-story attics everywhere, and lanterns are hung on the doors.Anya walked into a building and looked up, only to see 'Service Department' written on the house number.I touched another one-story house, and the house number said 'Ordnance Department'.

"These are the places where the various ministries and departments of the Governor's Mansion usually work." Yasi tugged Anya and said softly.

Anya nodded, and continued to move forward.These were not the places she was looking for, she looked at the house number and continued to move forward.

Go around several bungalows and attics, and come to a building in the center of the courtyard.To say it is a building is an understatement.This building is a hundred and ten meters long from east to west and five stories high, occupying the center of the Governor's Mansion compound.

Ya Si followed closely behind Anya, twirling his hands and feet from the west foot of the building to the main entrance. Looking up, he saw a few large blue characters: National Defense Army Dating Hall.

Anya didn't know where it was, thought for a while, and then looked back at Ya Si.Yasi whispered in Anya's ear and said, "It looks like Mrs. Arong's office."

When Anya heard this, she was a little excited.This is the place she was looking for, but she understood what Yasi said, that is to say, she was not sure that this was Arongtai's office.Anya turned her head and asked softly, "Are you sure?"

Ya Si shook her head, she was not sure either.

"Go, go up and have a look, or it will be dawn." Anya pushed the door and window left and right after speaking.

The windows couldn't be pushed open, and the door was locked tightly with a lock.Anya looked up and looked upstairs, and found that there were no balconies on all floors.

"It seems that we can only go straight to the top of the building." Anya looked at the top floor of the "National Defense Army Soldier Hall", pulled Ya Si, flew up and went straight to the top of the building.

On the five-story building seventeen or eight meters high, Anya flew up with Ya Si in one breath, and landed gently on the roof.

Yasi didn't know how he got up, and before he recovered, he was already standing on the top of the building.

"Sister Anya, you are amazing!" Ya Si looked at Anya in surprise.

"Hush!" Anya made a gesture, and looked around the roof, trying to find the entrance downstairs.

On the north side of the roof, there is a low hole, which is the exit from downstairs to the roof. Anya and Ya Si ran over lightly.

Ya Si pushed the wooden door of the cave with his hand, and found that the door was ajar.The wooden door opened with a slight push, and Yasi led the way down.

This hole is the only stair passage leading downstairs, and after two turns, it leads to the fifth floor.

From the door on the top of the building, you will reach the corridor.On the right side of the corridor are separate rooms, the doors of which cannot be locked.Anya tugged at a few doors, all of which were locked, and walked forward.

Go to the end of the corridor and find a gorgeous door.It was very dark inside the building, but the moonlight happened to shine on the corridor through the window on the left, making it very bright.

Anya touched the big lock on the door, but found that it couldn't be opened.Ya Si squeezed over and took a look and said, "Sister Anya, let me come." After speaking, he pulled out the hairpin from his head and inserted it into the door lock.

With a 'click' sound, the door lock opened.Yasi turned around and smiled at Anya, complacent.

Anya pushed open the door and walked in.

It was dark inside, so Anya took out a firearm and lit it.Ya Si took out the candles that Anya asked her to prepare in advance from his pocket, lit two of them quickly, and handed one to Anya.

An Ya took a picture of the inside of the house. This is a living room with more than 100 square meters, spacious and comfortable.The living room is filled with various tables, chairs and flowers.

In the corner is a wooden frame covered with precious stone tools.If this is Arongta's place, it means that he is a person who likes to collect strange stones.

Another door appeared next to the shelf, but it was not locked.

Yasi gently pushed the door open and lit a candle in.It is a study room, and the whole room is filled with classics and ancient books.Near the study is a large office chair, which is full of documents.

"Ath, see if there is anything worth noting." Anya said to Yath.

"Hmm! Understood." Ya Si picked up the candle and looked around.

I searched in the bookcase, in the drawers, and under the table, but didn't find anything.

"Sister Anya, what exactly do you want me to find?" Ya Si asked Anya confused.

Anya just lowered her head to look through the things in the drawer, and said, "I don't know, it should be a letter or something."

"Oh! Don't look for it, go to the house inside!" Ya Si said to Anya, but his eyes were fixed on the wall near the inside.

Anya put down what she was doing when she heard what Yasi said, got up and turned around, and followed Yasi's eyes to see a door on the wall.

"Another door?" Anya looked at the door on the wall strangely.She walked over and pushed it casually, and found that the door was firmly embedded in the wall.

If you look carefully, you really can't see that there is another door here.If it's daytime, I really can't see it.

Ya Si also pushed in the past, but did not push, as if the door was painted on the wall.

"This door is inlaid on the wall, and there must be a mechanism button nearby." Anya said to Yasi.

Yasi found it from the wall, and checked it carefully one by one.Anya also checked from the bookcase, not letting go of any one.Finally found a button the size of an egg under the table.

Anya pressed lightly, and the stone door on the wall 'clicked' and turned towards the inside of the wall.It was so dark inside that I couldn't see anything.

Anya held up the candle and stepped in, followed by Yasi.

This room is also big enough, almost the same as the study outside, except that it is a little dark and damp.

"This should be the secret room of the old thief Arong Tai." Anya said.

"Why do you think it's Arongtai's secret room?" Ya Si asked.

"Look." Anya pointed to the table.

A large seal was wrapped in yellow cloth and placed on the table.Ya Si walked over and turned the official seal over and placed it in front of Anya, saying, "Sister, look, it's really an old thief's secret room."

Anya looked at Ya Si, Ya Si turned over the big seal and read: "The Governor-General of the Holy Dynasty Defense Army."

"It's really Arongtai's secret room. It seems that we're hitting the right place." Anya smiled.

"There should be some kind of secret here, otherwise this secret room wouldn't be made." Ya Si started to rummage through the boxes and cabinets.

"Yasi, don't make a mess, it will be restored to its original appearance in a while, and Arong can't be too aware that someone has been here."

"Understood, I will be careful."

Anya took the candlestick to look around, and suddenly found an iron brazier in the north corner, and she walked over immediately.

Anya squatted down and found that it was a brazier for burning paper, and there were still a lot of ashes inside.She pulled it out with her hands, and picked up a corner of paper that hadn't burnt out from the ashes.

Anya took a closer look with a candle, and a few lines of characters that hadn't been burned came into view.

But there was no light in the secret room, and even if there was a candle, it was impossible to see what it was, so Anya simply put it in her pocket.

Ya Si searched very carefully, and she didn't know what she was looking for, anyway, she just knew what to look for.She opened several cabinets, and there were some messy papers inside.There was a lockable drawer in the middle of the cabinet that attracted her.

"Sister Anya, come quickly, look."

When Anya heard Ya Si call her, she walked to Ya Si holding a candle.

"Every cabinet here can be opened, but this drawer is locked. There should be something wrong." Ya Si pulled out the hairpin again and poked the lock.

"Be careful, don't mess it up." Anya reminded Ya Si.

Yasi carefully fiddled with the lock. This lock is different from other locks. Yasi failed to open it after trying several times.

When the two were concentrating on studying the lock, a sudden howl broke the silence, scaring Anya and Ya Si, who were still in shock, and hurriedly backed away!

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