The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 260 The Tyrant of the Deep Sea (1)

Byrne is 15 years old this year and is an apprentice sailor on the Amandina.Bourne was sitting in his room. There were two beds and four bunk beds, but this room was only used by him now, no, it should be said that it was used by two people now.Bourne looked at the teenager lying on the lower bunk opposite.

The boy rescued from the sea looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, with wheat-colored skin and a thin physique. He looked quite handsome, but Bourne did not forget the time when he rescued him, Bourne He kindly wanted to help him press the water out of his stomach, but as soon as he touched his stomach, he suddenly woke up and pinched Bourne by the neck and pushed him to the ground, as fierce as a wild beast.

Bourne touched his neck, and now the bruises are gone!He looked at the boy asleep on the bed, maybe he fell asleep!It is also possible that he closed his eyes and rested his mind. Although his physique is thin, he is strong and powerful. Bourne has indeed felt the feeling that his neck was almost cut off by him, so he will definitely not think that this boy is an ordinary boy.

This is the third day since he was rescued. There are only a handful of words Bourne has spoken to him. Now he knows that his name is Aaron and he was a mercenary before. If he hadn't been pinched by him, Bourne might have doubted it. For a moment, but because of that moment, when he said he was a mercenary, Bourne immediately had the feeling that it was no wonder.

Mercenaries and sailors are people who yearn for adventure. Most of these people are at the bottom, except for a few people.For example, when sailors become captains, they can leave the lower class and squeeze into the upper class. Even if their Captain Wilson chats and laughs with the first-class passengers like that, Bourne’s wish is to become a captain one day and have own boat.

When the boy said that he was a mercenary, Bourne felt the distance between the two of them suddenly shortened. He felt that the boy must be as adventurous as he was, yearning for the heroes sung by bards.Bourne chattered and pulled him to talk, but although the young man's attitude could not be called indifferent, it could not be called enthusiastic.

Byrne said he just listened, almost humming, not at all interested.After doing this several times, Bourne was a little discouraged.

This young man named Aaron was really indifferent. After he was rescued, the first officer came to see him and asked him some things, but he was silent at that time.The first officer thought that he might have been stimulated when he fell into the sea, and his mind was still not clear.Bourne remembered that in the past three days, the most he had done was to be in a daze and sleep, and thought: Maybe the mate was right.

In the morning, the sun has not yet risen.

Sitting on the bow of the Amandina was a lonely figure with a red-haired boy sitting on the railing, wearing old clothes that didn't fit well.The sea breeze blew slowly, and the hair in front of the young man's forehead was blown up to reveal a smooth forehead. He stared ahead, with emerald green pupils, his vision was as cold as frost.

This place is no longer the Demon World, this place is Ravenfeld, that man actually threw him into the sea just like that, throwing him on the sea surface like a piece of garbage.


Aaron gritted his teeth, and Lancer's figure appeared in his mind.

In the blurred moonlight, a tall and slender man stood on the city wall, his black long hair fluttering in the wind, the moonlight shone on him, and the bare skin on his hands seemed as pale as ice and snow.However, the moment he turned around, all the images were shattered.

A piece of memory in my brain has been gouged out!
He remembered everything that happened in the demon world, and all the demons he had seen, but only Lancer's appearance and his voice disappeared in his mind.

He remembered Lancer von Katim, everything that happened with him, every word he said, but he just couldn't remember what he looked like and what his voice was like.

Lancer von Cartim became a shadow that was both distinct and vague, and he couldn't get it out of his mind.

There was a throbbing pain in his head, and whenever he tried to recall his appearance and his voice, his head hurt badly.Aaron bit his lower lip, staring fixedly into the distance.

So be it!No matter what conspiracy you have, no matter what purpose you have in the end, I will definitely, definitely will return to the Demon Realm again, and it will be your death date at that time!All your dear ones, all your people and your kingdom...

Arimir, Karkus, everyone at the Crazy Heart Academy, and the majestic city of Spytai under the moon, memories flashed through their minds one after another, and then Ilya, Monet, Clay... the blue fox mercenary group... His blood-stained faces, the faces of everyone in Lanfeng City flashed in his mind, his emerald eyes were burning with hatred, and the vast sea in front of him turned into the tall figure under the moon.

Lancer von Cartim, everything about you, I will destroy it all!



Bai Ling stood on the deck and stared at the front in a daze. Today's weather is also very good, and there are already many people standing on the deck.When Sizern came out of the cabin, Bai Ling smiled at him, but when he saw An Zi following him, Bai Ling's smile immediately sank.

Although Bai Ling knew that An Zi had no intentions towards Cizern, and Cizern had no intentions towards An Zi, she just didn't like to see them get close.However, Sizern always likes to be so nice to everyone.

"Morning, Ghost," Sizern said.

"Morning." Bai Ling smiled.

An Zi glanced at Bai Ling, and Bai Ling also glanced at her, but there was no communication between them.An Zi looked at the sea and asked, "Where are we now?"

"We're about to walk out of the Sea of ​​Phantom," Sizern said.

An Zi stood at the railing, looking at the water surface, she saw many colorful fish swimming with the boat.An Zi looked into the distance, the sky was still clear, and the surroundings were very peaceful, but a feeling of uneasiness suddenly made her heart palpitate.

"Do you feel anything is wrong?" An Zi asked.

Hearing what she said, Bai Ling said, "There is indeed a feeling of uneasiness. I just noticed it just now. I just checked with my mental strength and found nothing strange."

Cizern listened to what they said, and listened carefully to the movements around him.At this moment, a group of seabirds flew over from the distant horizon.Thousands of seabirds flew overhead, covering the sky and the sun, attracting everyone to look up.Then countless feathered monsters also flew over from the sky as if fleeing for their lives.

The calm sea suddenly seemed to be boiling, with waves churning wantonly, and various sea monsters frantically fled in one direction in the water.

"What's going on here?"

"what happened?"

"These seabirds and monsters seem to be running away from something?"

Everyone started talking, and a bad premonition arose in their hearts.

Karen came over and asked Sizern, "His Royal Highness, this seems to be a sea beast riot. Will there be sea beast riots in the Sea of ​​Phantom this season?"

Sizern said: "No, under normal circumstances there would be no sea beast riots, something must have happened?"

Sizern, Bai Ling, and An Zi simultaneously spread their spiritual power to the maximum range, and Sizern and Bai Ling also specially flew high into the sky, and after that, they saw nothing except those crazy beasts.

Countless sea monsters were frantically fleeing for their lives. When they encountered obstacles, they rushed over. In order to prevent the ship from being crashed, they immediately activated the protective barrier on the ship.The monster collided with the protective barrier, causing the whole ship to violently bump in the waves.Everyone on the deck couldn't stand still.

"Go back to the cabin."

Sizern shouted, and everyone quickly hid in the cabin, except for a few stronger people, such as Hall and Douglas, who were still standing here.

Countless sea monsters roared, and these sound waves echoed continuously between the sky and the earth. Douglas, Hall and others immediately felt their chests tighten, and then blood sprang from the corners of their mouths.

An Zi formed seals with both hands, and added an enchantment to the protective cover on the ship, which made Douglas and others feel better.Sizern said: "Mr. Douglas, you should go back to the cabin first!"

Douglas said: "Although our strength is low, going back to the cabin is not much better than here. Please let us stay here, maybe we can help a little bit."

Douglas was telling the truth, going back to the cabin was actually not much better than here on the deck.

Sizern looked at him, and then said: "The protective barrier on the ship will be handed over to you."

Douglas and several other magicians nodded.

Everyone in the cabin gathered in the dining room. The window in the dining room was opened and you could see the deck. Karen hugged Princess Mary and kept comforting her, saying, it's all right, it's all right.Princess Mary held his hand tightly, looked at his handsome face, listened to his voice, and felt no fear in her heart.

Karen looked at the densely packed monsters swimming past the side of the ship. Having read a lot since childhood, he could identify the levels of these monsters, A-level, S-level, SS-level and even SSS-level.

Anzi's enchantment protects the people in the boat from the roaring sound waves of monsters. However, Karen maintains his composure on the surface, and his heart has already fallen to the bottom. What can make an SSS-level monster escape crazily?


Sizern raised his head and looked into the distance, he and Karen thought of it together.

Then at this very moment, Cizern, Bai Ling, and An Zi all shook their bodies, and a terrifying mental force violently attacked them.

"It's Astani, protect the ship," Sizern yelled.


With a roar that tore apart the heavens and the earth, countless monsters died in an instant due to the sonic explosion.A red light flashed on Bai Ling's body, and he was already wearing the warm red [Red Silk Battlesuit].An Zi leaped into the air and onto the mast of the ship, and her clothes changed into royal blue [Kunlun Clothes].

An Zi stood on the mast, and the boat that was nearly capsized by the waves stabilized immediately.The [Eye of Tears] in Bai Ling's hand flashed, and the transparent [Yae Sakura] had split into countless petals, tightly wrapping the entire ship.

The dark clouds are churning, the sun seems to be swallowed up, the wind is surging, and a huge suction stirs the sea water to turn up huge waves, and then the monsters in the sky and the monsters in the sea, together with the sea water, are swept away by a wave. The huge suction sucked it over.

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