The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 261 The Tyrant of the Deep Sea (2)

"What a strong gravitational force." An Zi said, and then used more spiritual power to stabilize the boat under her feet.

However, there were miserable screams from all directions. An Zi saw that it was other ships. Besides them, there were other ships in this sea area. A dozen ships appeared in her line of sight. Although the ships had all deployed protective barriers , but all of them were sucked by that suction and quickly moved towards one place.

The huge body was churning in the depths of the seabed, countless black tentacles protruded from the water surface, the huge mouth covered with sharp sword-like teeth was opened, and a stench of stench rushed towards the face.

The tentacles covered with barbs and suckers ruthlessly penetrate the prey, the small ones are directly sucked clean by the tentacles' suckers, and the big ones are rolled up by the tentacles and stuffed into the mouth like a giant door.

"Help! Help!"


The shouts from the ships came from all around, and the protective barriers on the ships prevented these ships from crashing immediately under the impact of monsters or sea water.

A dozen black tentacles shot out like lightning, carrying a pungent fishy smell.An Zi's [Bracelet of the Night God] flashed, and the Zixia Sword appeared in her hand. An Zi held the Zixia Sword and fought several times, and all the tentacles that burst out were cut off by her.

The silver light like moonlight illuminated the sea, and An Zi turned around to look, and saw Sizern holding the silver moon sword and cutting off all the black tentacles attacking other ships.


The giant beast in the sea was enraged after being cut off with hundreds of tentacles, its huge roar echoed in the sky like countless thunders.A monstrous huge wave rises from the sea surface, and a huge sea beast in the shape of an octopus reveals the tip of the iceberg from the depths of the seabed. Its head and body are connected together, and hundreds of eyes are opened above the head.

"The tyrant of the deep sea, the hundred-eyed ghost chapter-Saruksman." Sizern exclaimed.

Astani-Saruksman, a king-level existence among sea monsters, ranks ninth among the eighteen Astani.

Tens of thousands of black tentacles protruded from the bottom of the water, attacking Sizern, An Zi, and Bai Ling.The [Eye of Tears] on Bai Ling's finger flashed, and a long sword like ice flakes was held in his hand.The water mark sword was waving in her hand, and the sword energy cut off all the tentacles that came.

However, as soon as these tentacles were cut off, new tentacles shot over immediately. The monster's self-healing ability was too strong, and when one tentacle was cut off, another one would immediately grow.

An Zi, Bai Ling, and Sizern swung their swords continuously, and at the same time they had to protect the humans on the surrounding ships, so they were in a hurry.

"Leave An Zi and Bai Ling to you, and I will deal with it."

Sizern said that he had already rushed towards Saruxman, and a hurricane was set off when the silver moon sword was swung, and the wind blade hit Saruxman.

Sa Luxman roared, and the terrifying sound wave even scattered all of Sizern's sword energy.The sound wave raised the sea to the sky, An Zi looked at the ships around as if they were about to collide with the tentacles, a red silk flew out of her hand, and then the red silk passed through the ships like a spirit snake, killing them all. entangled. [Huntian Ling] pulled those boats over as soon as he exerted his strength, and tied them together with his own boat.

Then the [Dark Fragrance] in An Zi's hand flashed a light, and a giant phantom pagoda enveloped An Zi and the boats tied together.

An Zi stepped on the top of [Nine Treasures Linglong Pagoda], and Bai Lingfu was four or five meters away from her.An Zi said: "It's also Astani, why is this guy so much better than Ye Guang?"

Bai Ling said coldly: "It ranks ninth in Astani, and Ye Guang ranks seventeenth. Can it compare?"


Baimu Guishang roared again, and countless tentacles locked on to Sizern.Although Baimu Guizhang's target is now Sizern, Bai Ling and An Zi's side were also affected by the monstrous waves that set off.

With a wave of Bai Ling's hand, the water mark sword in his hand turned into a [Wind and Thunder Fan]. When the fan was unfolded, the hurricane pushed back all the incoming waves.Then the fan spread out again, and the wind rolled up the sea water to condense into a waterspout towards
Sa Luxman, the hundred-meme ghost chapter, just made a gap for Sizern who was dealing with the hundred-meme ghost chapter.

The Silver Moon Sword stood in front of Sizern, his long golden hair fluttered, and a huge new moon appeared behind him.Sizern's body emitted a moonlight-like brilliance, and the crescent moon became brighter and brighter, and the moonlight poured down like water, and then all the crescent-shaped light blades in the sky burst towards Saruksman.

crescent moon light

Sa Luxman's shrill cry echoed on the surface of the sea, and the deep red blood immediately stained the surface of the sea.The injured Saruxman was irritated, just now it underestimated the enemy, after all, it has never been injured in a real sense for 10,000+ years.Under Sa Luxman's black body, countless red tentacles were hidden under the black tentacles, floating in the sea water of the deep sea.


The hurricane set off by Sa Luxman violently stirred up the entire sea area. Looking up, the sky was covered with sea water.The coercion of the Astani-level monsters enveloped the entire sea area, and all the creatures in the entire sea area who could not bear the coercion died violently in an instant.

An Zi mobilized her spiritual power, and the [Nine Treasures Exquisite Pagoda] was running continuously, ensuring that people in the tower would not be harmed.Then she was horrified: the coercion of this beast is really fucking strong!
The completely different red tentacles attacked Sizern, more than ten times faster than before.Bai Ling watched as Sizern dodged dozens of tentacles and was knocked away by No. 11 tentacles.

"Sizern." Bai Ling shouted.

Bai Ling furiously slapped the [Wind and Thunder Fan] in his hand, and hundreds of thunderbolts fell from the sky and fell on the top of Astani's head.

Saruxman roared, and in the next second, the red tentacles that were faster than lightning knocked Bai Ling into the air.

Seeing that Bai Ling was sent flying by the tentacles after screaming, An Zi exclaimed, "Dead fairy."

Thousands of red tentacles shot out like countless spears. An Zi watched these tentacles coming towards her. Standing at the top of [Nine Treasures Exquisite Pagoda], she immediately hid in the tower.

There was a loud "clang", and the tentacles hit the body of the tower. [Nine Treasures Exquisite Pagoda] suffered such an impact. Although it was not broken, it was sent flying a hundred meters away together with the pagoda.An Zi swiftly made seals with both hands, driving the runes on the [Nine Treasures Linglong Pagoda], and barely stopped the tower.

On the other side, after Bai Ling flew a hundred meters away, he suddenly crashed into a person's arms.It was Sizern, and Sizern held her shoulders to help her stabilize her body.Seeing that he was fine, Bai Ling immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second, Bai Ling angrily left Sizern, and walked towards Sa Luxman in an instant.

"Bai Ling." Cizern exclaimed.

Bai Ling's body was like a stream of light, and he had already reached the top of Saruxman's head.Just now Sa Luxman broke her two ribs, how could she not be angry!

Bai Ling raised his right hand high, his long hair fluttering, and shouted loudly: "Unseal——Fantian Seal."
A square "big mountain" suddenly appeared in the sky, falling down like a huge meteorite.When you look closely, the "big mountain" is clearly a green jade seal surrounded by eight dragons.

[Tian Tian Yin] It fell at a very high speed, and its huge volume almost covered the entire sea area. When Sa Luxman saw it, hundreds of eyes lit up with red light, and then countless red beams came from each of its eyes. Squirt out.


A huge explosion echoed between the sky and the earth, and the [Tian Tian Yin] shattered into countless pieces.However, this time Bai Ling clearly expected such a result, and cut off his connection with [Fan Tian Yin] early.

【Fantian Seal】When it is broken, her next move has come, her pure white arm turned into countless afterimages, like Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands.The perfect jade arms stretched out five fingers, slapping the air, and countless golden handprints bloomed like golden lotuses.

Dense handprints fell from the sky like a torrential rain, "Bang bang bang bang—" all the tentacles were snapped off.

Lotus Three Thousand Realms
Saruxman's shrill cry hit the eardrums, and Sizern unceremoniously gave it another blow when he saw it.The Silver Moon Sword cut across the air and formed a circular arc.A new moon appeared behind him, and a dazzling and holy light burst out from his body, and then this light slowly filled the vacant part of the new moon, and a huge full moon rose above the sea.

The brilliance of the full moon is brighter than sunlight. In a blink of an eye, the entire sky is covered with bright balls of light, like huge bright moons hanging high, and then these bright moons are moving towards Saruksman at an incredible speed. come down.

full moon light

Sa Luxman looked at these bright moons with hundreds of eyes, and it seemed to smell danger, and suddenly disappeared on the sea.

The bright moon disappeared, Cizern and Bai Ling floated in mid-air and looked at the sea vigilantly. The sea was still rough, and a huge pagoda was looming on the sea. There were more than a dozen ships wrapped in the tower, and these ships were wrapped in red silk cloth. Together, it is stronger than a chain boat.

"Did you escape?" An Zi stood on the top of the tower, overlooking the water.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple," Sizern said, "Saruxman is very good at hiding his breath, so be careful."

As soon as Sizern finished speaking, countless red tentacles shot out from the bottom of the sea, like spears trying to penetrate the bodies of Sizern and Bai Ling.

The figures of Sizern and Bai Ling moved quickly to dodge the tentacles, counterattacking with their swords while dodging.Sizern's finger points in the air, and countless magic circles with more than 100 rings are unfolded, facing Saru
Coxman is a burst of bombardment.Bai Ling kept replacing the magic weapon, coordinating with Sizern's attack.


Saruxman roared, hundreds of eyes burst out with terrifying red energy beams, and even the space collapsed inch by inch wherever the beams touched.

Sizern and Bai Ling dodged at high speed, and Saruxman chased and beat them fiercely.Seeing this, An Zi immediately summoned [Qian Kun Mirror] from the space bracelet.

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