The villain is too difficult to tease

Chapter 262 The Tyrant of the Deep Sea (3)

[Qiankun Mirror] Throwing it into the air, the mirror emits a dazzling light, just like the sun hanging high, that dazzling light shines on Saruksman's eyes, Saruksman's hideous red eyes are covered by the strong light As soon as it was photographed, it immediately squinted conditionally, and it was illuminated by the light from the mirror, and immediately felt that the magic power in the body froze for a moment.

Sizern immediately seized the opportunity, and a magic circle with more than 300 rings unfolded in front of him. Countless runes were linked in the magic circle in an instant, almost filling the entire sky. The eyes of the formation spurted out——

Dazzling light, accompanied by Sa Luxman's shrill cry, the stench of blood sprayed on the sea surface.

Bai Ling was overjoyed to see the huge gash on Saruxman's body.

"Be careful--"

An Zi shouted, Saruxman's body was soaked in the sea water, and countless tiny tentacles burst out from the bottom of the water again, faster than ever before.

Countless tentacles attacked Bai Ling and Sizern, and even Anzi did not fall here. Countless tentacles wrapped around [Nine Treasures Linglong Pagoda], like a python trying to strangle the pagoda.


An Zi looked at the cracks on the tower in disbelief, and thought: How strong is this guy?Seeing that the tower was cracked, An Zi slashed down with his sword without even thinking about it.

The roaring sword intent of the Yellow River descended from the nine heavens, and the roar resounded through the heaven and earth.

Eighteen Forms of Kunlun——The Yellow River Comes to the West

The tentacles wrapped around the tower were all reduced to dust under An Zi's sword energy.

An Zi stood on the top of the tower, looking at the sea surface, almost all the water surface visible to the naked eye was occupied by the tentacles of the Astani monster, as many of those tentacles were cut off, as many were shot out from the bottom of the water, it was really annoying.

An Zi looked at the body of the Hundred Eyed Ghost Scalp emerging from the water, and some wounds were still oozing blood. She looked at Bai Ling and Sizern who were dodging the tentacles again and again, and said loudly: "Bai Ling, Sizern Your Highness, if we see the opportunity, we will attack it together and hit its wound."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Two voices responded.

An Zi stood on the top of the tower, her whole body erupted with a strong breath, a huge black dragon appeared behind her while her long hair was flying, and the sound of the dragon's chant resounded throughout the world——

Kunlun Eighteen Forms - The Dragon Pours into the Sea
The blue dragon roared and headed towards Saruksman the Hundred Eyed Kishang——

At the same time, Bai Ling and Sizern shot at the same time, and the golden lotus flower and the beautiful sword energy like a crescent moon fell from the sky again like a rainstorm of pear blossoms. The difference is that this time all of them were concentrated in Saruksman's place. on the wound.


With a shrill cry, the sound wave set off a ten thousand-foot-high ocean wave, and countless water jets shot towards Bai Ling, Sizern, and An Zi. The three of them either dodged or directly scattered the water jets.

After the sea calmed down, Saruxman disappeared again.

A strong smell of blood permeated the surface of the sea, red or black tentacles and severed limbs were everywhere, and it started to rain heavily on the surface of the sea.An Zi stood on top of the [Nine Treasures Exquisite Pagoda], looked around vigilantly, and searched the side with mental power, but there was no sign of Sa Luxman.

An Zi asked: "Did it really escape this time?"

Sizern put away the Silver Moon Sword, "Well, the combined blow we just hit did hit its wound, and the wound added more wounds. It is impossible for it to come back."

An Zi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that, "That's great, it's really embarrassing. Fortunately, the three of us met it together."

Fortunately, the three of them faced this Astani together, and thanks to the battle in the Ansebunal Mountains, both Bai Ling and her strength had been greatly improved.If one of them faced it alone today, the consequences would be unpredictable.An Zi thought of Astani Yelu, the battle with Yelu, and how she was cornered by Yelu, she still vividly remembered.

Bai Ling snorted coldly, and put away the sword in his hand.

An Zi put away [Nine Treasures Exquisite Pagoda], and took back [Huntian Silk], and Bai Ling also took back his [Yae Sakura].However, although these dozen or so ships were protected by An Zi Bai Ling without any risk, even though most of the Astani-level coercion was weakened by An Zi and Bai Ling's magic tools, and with the filter of the barrier, It is not something that mortals can easily bear.

As a result, many patients appeared on each ship. Under such circumstances, Sizern and Anzi were naturally not stingy with the treatment they could do.

Everyone has witnessed the horror of the Astani-level monsters, and after the catastrophe, the gratitude to Cizern, Bai Ling, and An Zi will not be elaborated.

The ship sailed all the way to the southwest, and all the islands along the route were destroyed. Standing on the deck and watching, the remains of overturned ships and the remains of various creatures were floating everywhere on the sea.

Here I want to come to the place where Saruxman passed by.

"It is eating." Sizern said, "The last time it appeared was more than 5 years ago. At that time, more than 40 coastal countries were affected by the tsunami caused by it eating, and tens of millions of people were killed. Life. Astani doesn’t show up, it’s fine, every time they appear, it will cause a huge disaster. Now I don’t know where Sa Luxman has gone, and the injured Astani will go even crazier.”

Bai Ling looked at the remains of corpses floating in the sea. She held Sizern's hand and said, "I know you want to do more, but there are many things in the world that cannot be avoided."

Sizern stared into the distance, he sighed and said, "I know."

The salty smell of the sea breeze floated in the nostrils, and now the salty air still carried the pungent smell of blood.An Zi stood not far away, and the conversation between Bai Ling and Cizern reached her ears.

An Zi is also worried about the Astani that escaped, not knowing where it is now and how many people have suffered because of it.However, they can't control these anymore, they have their own things to do.




moonlight sea
The moonlight like water sprinkled down from the sky, and the leisurely sound of the piano fluttered on the sea, blending into the sky, the moonlight melted into the sound of the piano, and the sound of the piano also melted into the moonlight.

The red-haired, blue-eyed boy was sitting in a remote corner of the stern, sitting on the railing, looking at the sparkling sea under the moonlight.A very young sailor stood beside him. The sailor closed his eyes and was intoxicated by the beautiful sound of the piano.

At the end of the song, Bourne opened his eyes, and he admired: "What a beautiful piano sound, I don't know which noble and beautiful lady has such superb skills." He praised, and then looked at the indifferent expression boy, he said, "Aaron, don't you think so?"

"Hmm." Aaron replied casually, not knowing whether he agreed or disagreed.

Bourne said: "Aren't you curious at all? Which lady in the first-class cabin played the music."

Aaron said, "Not curious."

Dejected, Bourne said, "Aaron, you're a weird guy."

After a while, someone came and called Bourne, who followed him.Aaron was the only one left here, and the sound of the piano was heard again from the first-class cabin.Aaron looked up and glanced up. He was standing five floors away from the deck of the first-class cabin. Of course, this height and distance would not cause trouble to Aaron, but he was not very interested in pursuing Bo The beautiful and noble lady in En's mouth just took a casual look.

Men and women in fancy clothes gathered together in twos and threes. Aaron's eyes fell on a blond man in a black dress. Even though he was wearing a dress, it was hard to hide his strong and powerful figure. His eyes were sharp and his breath restrained. master.

But Aaron just glanced away and looked away. With his current strength, such a master is no longer in his eyes.Aaron jumped off the railing and walked into the cabin.

And the blond man standing there on the first-class deck——Matt, he was intoxicated by the sound of the piano, he leaned on the railing and looked at the room on the upper floor, the soft light from the window in that room Float out.Matt looked at the soft light and listened to the sound of the piano, his eyes were tender.

Another wonderful night!Everyone thought to themselves, but suddenly the bright moon was covered by dark clouds, and the waves on the originally calm sea surged.

Is it going to rain?
It is very common for the sea to have a variety of climates, but some sharp-eyed people have discovered that something is wrong.Countless sea monsters seemed to have gone mad, rushing over from the sky in groups, as if they were running for their lives.

The sea water seemed to be boiling, shaking violently, and the waves were getting bigger and bigger.The boat also bumped violently, especially when those sea monsters recklessly bumped towards the boat, causing the boat to shake even more violently.

"what happened?"

"What's going on here?"

"Why is the boat shaking so much?"

"What's the matter with these monsters?"

Everyone became uneasy.

Captain Wilson stood on the deck, watching the sea densely packed with all kinds of sea beasts swimming frantically from both sides of the ship to the distance, and the hull was hit by their huge bodies from time to time.

An S-rank monster shark rushed towards this side. Its huge body was even bigger than the Amandina. Captain Wilson shouted: "Quickly open the protective barrier——"

The transparent cover enveloped the Amandina, and then the body of the thresher shark hit the barrier outside the Amandina, and the ship shook violently.Fortunately, the body of the thresher shark just brushed past the ship, and it was not intended to attack the ship. It passed by the Amandina, and its huge body disappeared instantly.
"How is this going?"

Matt stood on the deck looking solemnly at the sea, a female voice came from behind, and then Uma and Princess Ave appeared behind him wearing a veil.

Matt bowed to the two of them, then looked at the fleeing sea monster and said, "It seems to be a sea beast riot."

Uma said: "The sea beast riot, how could it cause a sea beast riot? Even monsters above S level are fleeing frantically. What happened?"

Matt said, "I'll check it out."

Matt disappeared on the spot in a flash, but he came back here after a while, "I don't know why, all the monsters in this sea area fled to the distance, and there is no reason."

The Amandina kept bumping, the cabin was shaking, and the screams of people's panic merged into one.

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