"It's hard to say. I'm not sure how long I'll be angry. Just wait."

Ye Linglan: Your uncle, why do you seem to be begging you to take care of me, you better disappear forever!
Originally, she also planned to ignore that system for a long time, but after watching the movie for a while, she thought of another thing: "I haven't received the notification to start the next mission, which means that both missions must be completed to complete the next mission." OK, right?"


……All right.

Tomorrow is May [-]st, and the date of Zhao Ran's signing has already been set, which is May [-]th, only two weeks away from now.

This period of time is actually enough for Ye Linglan to revise twice, and now it is popular to sign contracts online, that is, as long as the manuscript is edited and the two parties confirm the signing, the online contract entry can be completed in one day.

However, Ye Linglan's heart can only settle down after the draft is confirmed. Her revision work is only halfway through this time, and she still needs to continue to work hard.

Because their school had a lot of people promoted in the city-level competition this time, and with the four-day holiday on May [-]st, the team specially arranged for all the promoted players to go out for fun together, and also emphasized that they could bring "family members".

In other words, Ye Linglan can bring her "fiancé" with her, and the boy will naturally not refuse, so a certain system said again: "I said, how much time are you going to skip this time?"

Ye Linglan: "Look at yours, don't you know how to tell the difference? If you think it's inappropriate, just skip it."

Wen Xingying: "Why, are you arguing with me now?"

"I'm not that boring, you have the leisure to say that I might as well reflect on yourself!"

Being fiance and fiancé all day long is going to be annoying to death!

Ye Linglan really hates the relationship with this boy now. Although he didn't like him in the past, they are companions who were randomly arranged after all. In addition, his personality is also lively and cheerful, which can barely be tolerated. Now, it's really disgusting to be eccentric all day long!

The travel date set by the team is May [-], and the return time can be within three or four days. They have also reserved enough hotel rooms there, and the members can arrange them by themselves.

Ye Linglan was naturally in the same room with her fiancé, so she was inevitably commented by the system: "I see, you just skip to number four and come back from now."

Ye Linglan: Paralyzed, no one asked you!

On the way to the place to visit, which is a famous resort in the suburbs, they all sat on the bus. Ye Linglan and her fiancé sat together, looking at the scenery outside along the way. It was a rare leisure time. Ye Linglan was here The world has been tense for so long, but I really want to relax.

From time to time, her fiancé would hand her a small piece of fruit, chat happily with her, and ask her when they were about to arrive at the destination: "Where do you want to go shopping first?"

Ye Linglan looked at him, "What about you?"

"Me," the boy's smile deepened a little, his eyes filled with ambiguous brilliance, "don't you know where I want to go?"

Ye Linglan: "..."

System: "I rely on..."
In fact, a system surnamed Wen had a thousand words to express at this time, but he resisted not opening his mouth and just looked at the two of them.After another ten minutes or so, they entered the resort area and finally got off at the hotel entrance.

At this time, they can move around freely. The group leader has sent the map of the resort to their mobile phones. Cars are available everywhere in the venue to facilitate their movement, which means that this trip can be relaxed and comfortable, but The fiancé didn't ask Ye Linglan's opinion any more, and brought her directly into the hotel.


Then Ye Linglan's time was skipped to [-] o'clock in the evening.

That's right, it was eight o'clock in the evening, and they arrived at the resort at 10:30 in the morning, but for the next nine and a half hours, Ye Linglan didn't even get a glimpse of the other sights here, and stayed in the room with her fiancé the whole time, If it weren't for the fact that he was so hungry, I'm afraid that kid still didn't want to come out.

Ye Linglan didn't want to say much about what happened during that time. Naturally, there are very few people who are still eating in the restaurant at this time, and the two of them didn't look for other companions. Take Ye Linglan out for a walk.

This person was obviously because he had stayed in the room for a day, so he should come out to get some air. He didn't look carefully for any scenic spots. He took Ye Linglan and walked slowly in one direction after looking at the map for a while.

Although street lamps are lit everywhere in the resort, the brightness cannot be compared with that of the daytime. Ye Linglan's interest in playing has almost disappeared, but she is very happy to breathe the fresh air.

Then I heard the boy next to me say: "I lost control of myself a bit today, I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"..." Ye Linglan looked at him. Even so, there was no guilt in his eyes, and there was a smile in his eyes, which was warm and close.

The girl couldn't help but blushed slightly, "It's okay."

The boy put his arms around her shoulders again, leaned closer to her and said in a low voice, "Actually, I wish I could do this every day. I'm willing to stay here for the rest of my life."

Ye Linglan said again: "..."

In fact, she has never experienced such a thing in reality, and she has never even been in a relationship, so she is really uncomfortable with this way of speaking.

The boy laughed again, "Why are you getting more and more shy now? Come here."

He pointed to a location ahead, where there was a bench, and it was in a dimly lit place, which seemed very secretive on such a night.

He brought Ye Linglan there, picked her up and sat on it.

Ye Linglan was sitting on his lap, being hugged intimately by him.

I have to say that she really felt very uncomfortable, not only because the boy who was still very unfamiliar with this made such an action, but also because another boy was watching them closely.

The strange thing is that the boy not only didn't skip them, he didn't even speak for a long time, Ye Linglan didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, the fiancé said again: "Have I not given you a gift yet? To celebrate your promotion to the provincial competition?"

Ye Linglan: ...you don't have to be so polite.

But the boy took out a small box from his pocket and opened it. It was a beautiful diamond necklace.

He put the necklace on Ye Linglan, and then slowly approached her...

Then, Ye Linglan realized that in the blink of an eye, the next morning came, and the location was changed to a hotel room.

By this time they had already woken up, washed up, and were about to have breakfast in their room.

She didn't want to say anything more, her fiancé had already served her a bowl of porridge, and at the same time, a system voice sounded in her mind: "I said, if you talk to him again today... I'll just skip to the end of this trip for you." .”

Ye Linglan sipped the porridge, "Then what should I do? Reject him?"

"If you don't reject him, I'll skip it for you. We still have tasks to complete. You really have the leisure to travel with him!"

"..." Well, Ye Linglan also felt that she was too carefree yesterday, and the document didn't move at all.

After breakfast, the two had a little activity in the room, and the fiancé pointedly said: "Where do you want to go shopping today? If not, we will continue..."

He didn't go on.

Ye Linglan sighed softly, "Is there any place you want to go? If not, I have to do something serious."

"what's up?"

"You know my novel has never been drafted, and I want to revise it again."

The boy's eyes darkened, "Now?"

"Yeah, right now, it happens to be fine." The girl pretended to be brisk.

"..." It could be seen that the fiancé had nothing to say for a while.

Then he took a deep breath and stood up, "You do it, I won't disturb you, I'll go out first."

Ye Linglan didn't speak, but the boy stopped at the door and turned to look at her, "Don't you think you're paying less and less attention to me now? I can understand that you were busy with business when you were in school, but we are coming out now. If you are still playing like this, I will..." He paused at this point, "Do you still remember that you used to be the center of everything? We don't have to go to class and stay together all day long. But……"

Without further ado, he opened the door and left.

Ye Linglan walked to her notebook and sat down, but didn't start to move immediately.

She doesn't like the boy's phrase "he is the main one", but she has to admit that if the original owner is willing, she doesn't need to say anything more.

However, she suddenly thought of a question and wanted to ask the system, "Do you think the victim in the previous life would be him? If so, am I avenging him now? If the victim in the previous life was my original owner, would he not?" Will you avenge her?"

Wen Xingying still said without emotion: "Now the task has not reached that stage, you don't need to think about those things, just do the work in front of you with peace of mind."

Ye Linglan didn't say any more, and opened her own document.

For the rest of the day, she basically didn't see her fiancé except for lunch, and even during that short meeting time, the boy's attitude towards her was not good, either he was indifferent to answers, or his face was cold, Ye Linglan always I feel that he is very much like a child who is making trouble, waiting to be coaxed by me.

If it was the original owner, this kind of situation is impossible to happen, and there is no need to expand it. The current Ye Linglan is not the original owner, and there is no way to do what the boy wants.

She was even thinking, if she continued like this, would it affect the relationship between the original owner and him?

"You really think too much. As soon as the original owner comes back, there will be a way to coax him. Of course, the premise is that their love is stronger than gold."

Ye Linglan...has nothing to say.

On May 70.00st, she increased the progress of the article revision to [-]%. Today, she worked hard for a day and raised it to [-]. After that, she took a short rest. It is now around six o'clock in the evening, and she suddenly noticed that she came to this resort I didn't visit any of the other scenic spots except in the room.

That fiancé didn't know where she went now, Ye Linglan hadn't had dinner yet, so she called him after thinking about it.

So the boy still came over to have dinner with her, and then took her to a small forest in the venue, where many members of their team were having a barbecue.

Ye Linglan looked at the sumptuous food on the oven, and at the still indifferent faces of the boys around her, not knowing what to say or do for a moment.

On the other hand, her fiancé also took a look at her and sighed, "Go ahead and do whatever you want to do. I'll bring you to play again when you are free."

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