"..." Ye Linglan blinked, "Actually, I'm pretty busy today, so I can do it tomorrow."

"Okay," the fiance smiled, "Then I'll grill a few skewers for you too, my grilling skills are quite good."

Ye Linglan: "Okay!"

Wen Xingying: "Okay."
Then, skip again, and the time came to the next morning.

A certain girl: Damn it!Can you let me enjoy it for a while before I die?can die!

A certain system: "Of course not, but I still say that, I don't have time for you to enjoy here."

"..." Ye Linglan didn't want to say more. After having breakfast with her fiancé, the boy left very "self-aware". She couldn't help sighing, "Where do you think he will go?"

"Don't worry about him, you finish the correction quickly, and I can come out."

Ye Linglan continued to revise her manuscript with only a thousand words left, and asked him, "How long can you come out?"

"One hour, if it is seen by others, it will be reduced to half an hour."

"Under what circumstances can you come out?"

"It can be done under any circumstances, or I can come out for an hour every day."

"..." He hasn't come out once in such a long time!
"Because I don't need to come out, I'm staying here well, and there's nothing in your world worth seeing with my own eyes."

Ye Linglan: ...I have nothing to say.

She corrected the last point very quickly, and felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction after it was finally completed. This is already the third beginning she wrote.

She is a person who has been at the top of her academic performance since she was a child and has not put in much effort in the two things of being invincible in martial arts schools (except universities), or because this is something she likes very much, she is willing to put in the effort , but now I feel that this writing is really time-consuming and tiring.

She sighed and stood up, "Okay, come out."

Then... In fact, there is no such ceremony as chanting spells and shining brightly. Just after she finished speaking, the boy appeared beside her out of thin air.

Ye Linglan... really didn't know what to think.

Taking the time of this world as the standard, she has not seen him for more than 40 days. Although they are "talking" every day, seeing the real person now still gives her a sense of encountering an old friend in a foreign land.

Naturally, the boy's clothes have changed into another set, but his appearance has not changed at all. He is still radiant and heroic. In fact, Ye Linglan has always been unwilling to admit that he is also a very good-looking person, and he will never lose to his fiancé and Senior An.

Wen Xingying smiled lightly at her, "Why, I haven't seen me for so long, you look stupid?"

"..." Ye Linglan coughed lightly, and quickly looked away.

The boy sat down in front of her computer, "I probably won't be able to finish it today, but it's okay, the editors don't go to work these days, we'll submit it on the [-]th."

"it is good."

The boy didn't speak anymore, and worked very seriously. Ye Linglan was a little bored by the side, and his eyes would slip to him from time to time.

He is good-looking, and when he is concentrating, there seems to be a light in his eyes, lighting up the entire field of vision, and his appearance is more three-dimensional and seductive, and it is pleasing to the eye just by looking at it casually.

Ye Linglan adhered to the principle of "handsome guys just look at who they don't look at", not being above board, but appreciating it to the fullest, and later, she looked at his dancing hands on her keyboard.

The skin of those hands is also not white, but the fingers are slender and graceful with well-defined bones, and the palms are not too wide to be eye-catching, as if they were carefully designed and crafted.

This is a very pleasing person from the outside, but...Ye Linglan also has to say that the unhappiness he brought to herself has not dissipated.

After half an hour, the boy stood up, "I'll go back first."

"... Huh?" Ye Linglan subconsciously felt a little reluctant, "Isn't there still half an hour left?"

"Originally, you could watch it for an hour," Wen Xingying glanced at her lightly, "but I haven't calmed down with you yet, so I'll go back first."

"..." It seemed that his little actions had not been hidden from him, but, did he come out just to let himself see?

"I know you still have a lot to ask, so let's tell you together now. You said that you don't like people who are stronger than you, so let me tell you, the ones I don't like are those who don't listen to me."

"..." He meant that he didn't listen to him, so he was angry?But why should I listen to him!
"As for when my anger will disappear, I'm not sure. I don't know how long my anger will last. Just wait. By the way, I'll come out tomorrow to show you. Don't be too sad."


Before Ye Linglan had time to say it, the boy disappeared in front of her eyes. She was so angry that she almost had the urge to smash the tables and chairs. This person's self-esteem is so good that the whole universe can't hold it!
Today was the last day for them to play, Ye Linglan did a few more questions and then had lunch with her fiancé, and they went back to school in the afternoon.

Although there is no difference between this trip and not going there, it is still very meaningful to Ye Linglan. On the one hand, she also took a break and saw the scenery of the world except the school. On the other hand, she finally completed this trip. Modify, and the next thing will be handed over to that system.

In the following time, she will still focus on doing the questions. Although she is not sure whether advancing in the provincial competition will be the next task, Ye Linglan still hopes that she can do this, which is also to help the original owner lay a solid foundation. Foundation.

The boy surnamed Wen still shows his face every day, and each time is only half an hour, but now he is revising on the basis of his own revisions, and the work is not too difficult.

Their plan was to submit the manuscript again on Monday, and Wen Xingying did complete the revision on Sunday morning. Ye Linglan asked him again, how likely is it to pass the manuscript this time?
He tilted his head and thought for a while, "The one you repaired is about 70.00%, and now I've changed it for you again, it should be [-]%."

After speaking, he disappeared before her eyes again.

Ye Linglan was speechless, "According to what you said, even if you don't help me, the probability is not low. If the draft is overdue, the credit will be yours and mine?"

"It's the two of us, isn't this our common task?"

"..." Damn, you probably don't know how much effort you put into this task!

On Monday, Ye Linglan was still a little nervous before submitting the manuscript for the third time, "Tell me, the editor won't be bothered if it's me again?"

"Probably not, maybe she is waiting for you."

Ye Linglan took a deep breath, success or failure should be decided here... right?

"Okay," she said pretending to be relaxed, "I'll continue with the questions."

The editor can't give her an answer in the next second, and he doesn't have to worry about it all the time. Let's do something serious.

Now there are only six days left before the signing of the Great God Zhaoran, Ye Linglan tacitly believes that he still has a chance to revise, of course, it is best not to.

It wasn't too long for her to wait for the reply. She had to go to class and do the questions, and she was very happy.When she finally received the reply email from the editor the next afternoon, she put her palms together and recited a prayer.

"You said, will we pass this time?"

"I think the possibility is very high." The system said very "conservatively".

Ye Linglan took a deep breath and clicked on the email.

"Dear author, you are welcome to pass the review and sign a contract with this site. Please add the editor's QQXXXX."

"It's great!" Ye Linglan almost jumped into the air!


Rao has experienced countless glory in her life, but this notice still makes her feel happy from the bottom of her heart. After all, this is the result of her hard work for dozens of days, and she also experienced two failures during the period. give up.

She laughed and looked at the email, and couldn't look away for a long time. It's a pity that everything she has in this world can't be brought into reality, otherwise she really wants to take a screenshot as a souvenir.

Then she opened QQ and began to add and edit friends, and asked the system at the same time, "Hey, I have completed these two tasks, what should I do next?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she couldn't help noticing one thing, that is, the system notified immediately after the last task was completed, but this time it remained silent...

"Although I really want to congratulate you, you still haven't completed the task. You have to go through the process and become an official signed author."

All right.Ye Linglan didn't want to complain either. After adding the editor's QQ, she began to fill out the contract as required. At the same time, countless fantasies unfolded in her mind. For example, if she signs a contract today, she can post articles tomorrow. In less than two days, I can be called a great god like Zhao Ran, and then...

"Hey, wake up, don't get too excited," the cool voice of the boy surnamed Wen sounded in his mind, "You are just completing the task in this world, and the rest of the things are the original owner's, and have nothing to do with you."

"Damn it!" Ye Linglan was not convinced, "Can't I imagine it? Besides, how do you know that I can't sign a contract to become an online writer in reality?"

"Of course it's possible. Let me tell you by the way, because the words in this world are all written by you yourself, so they can be used in reality. However, the standards of the two worlds are different. If you fail to pass, you must If you change the text, it doesn’t matter.”

Having said that, Ye Linglan doesn't really plan to bring what she wrote to reality directly. She hopes that these are unique and belong to the original owner. Besides, the original outline itself is also the original owner's idea, and she should also innovate independently .

The process of filling out the contract was not complicated, and the process before signing the contract was also very easy. She asked the editor when it could be completed, and was told that it would take one day for review, and it should be approved tomorrow.

Ye Linglan was finally able to be thorough so far... She should be relieved for the time being. The review process was very fast. The next morning, she received a notification as soon as she logged on to the website, and at the same time, the sign of the signed author appeared behind the pseudonym she created. .

"Congratulations, the task is completed!" The voice sounded in my mind at the right time.

"The next thing you have to do is the same two tasks. The first is to participate in the programming provincial competition and advance, and the second is to participate in the signing event."

Ye Linglan: Well, this did not surprise her.

And the combined difficulty of these two things... always makes her feel that it is much lower than the previous one, and the signing will be completed in a few days.

Even so, she still wanted to ask: "I said, are there any more after these two missions? We have almost finished the daily missions, right?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on the arrangements above. But I really advise you, cherish the current level of missions, our investigation is that murders will happen in every world, and it is not right to know about those killings too early What a good thing."

...Well, I have no other choice.

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