HP calls me Queen

Chapter 83 The Final Project

The final exams are over, and Hogwarts has entered the busiest time of the year.It's just that what students look forward to in previous years is the last game of the Quidditch Cup.And what I look forward to this year is the last project of the competition!
The last project is coming.However, many warriors have already seen the venue in advance.

The venue is still on the Quidditch pitch.Only this time a huge change was made.A twenty-foot-high wall of trees surrounded the edge of the field, and Delphine knew it was the labyrinth of the fifth project.

Usually in a Quidditch match, it usually only takes a dozen seconds to go from one end to the other, but that's because the players are all riding Quidditch brooms!Even the now obsolete Nimbus 2000 can hit 70 mph!In this case, you can go back and forth quickly. If you rely on your legs, it is a long distance.In fact, a Quidditch pitch is the size of three or four football fields.At this time, it is arranged into a maze, and the area is quite large!
On the last Friday before the start of the project, what was supposed to be the penultimate duel club was cancelled.Delphine takes Angelina and Harry and a group of friends to the Room of Requirement for final assault training.

"Tomorrow is the final battle!" Angelina encouraged Harry carelessly: "We two Gryffindors must choose the Slytherin, Daphne the British!"

"Hey, hey, I'm still here, Angelina, are you really okay?" Delphine looked helpless.

"That's right, it's as if you can beat my cousin!" Draco shouted.A few Gryffindors and a few Slytherins suddenly stared wide-eyed.Well, there are many Gryffindors, so there are many eyes, and the advantage is obvious.

"All right, all right! Stop messing around." Daphne waved her hand with a helpless expression.After several research projects together this year, the relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin is already very good.Of course, although they already regarded each other as friends in their hearts, no one meant to let anyone go when they talked about it.

When a group of students saw that Delphine had spoken, they laughed and laughed.

Delphine cleared her throat and said, "Everyone has seen it too. There is a big maze on the court. It must be used for the last project! Frankly speaking, my premonition is not particularly good!"

"How to say?" Angelina was a little confused.

"In the maze, there must be some traps or monsters arranged by the organizing committee. But I guess these things are relatively less dangerous in this event!" Daphne said with a solemn expression.

Most of the careless Gryffindors looked confused.It was the Slytherin students who were thoughtful.

"I don't understand!" Miss Angelina Mang insisted, and asked if she didn't understand.

"My cousin means that the warriors from other colleges may become a real danger!" Pansy said.

As soon as this remark came out, the Gryffindors were all taken aback. Obviously, none of them had thought of this possibility before.

"Do you still remember the third project!" Delphine said: "At that time, Horton attacked Angelina underwater. If Kaiming Ray hadn't just arrived, I think Angelina would have It's a loss!"

Angelina nodded when she heard the words: "That's true. At that time, I transformed into a shark and it was inconvenient to use magic. And because I was not proficient enough, I couldn't recover quickly, so it was really dangerous. And..." Angelina hesitated, Finally, he said the truth: "And judging from the fight between Daphne and that Horton underwater, I guess even if I return to my human form, I won't be his opponent!"

The whole process of the third project was broadcast live, and people with good intentions in various colleges recorded it with crystal balls.Afterwards, it will be shown to players who have not watched it, so that players can understand the strength of opponents who may be in a state of battle in the future.Delphine's strength shocked the other academies.Let the teachers of various colleges be extremely afraid of it.

Angelina naturally also watched the recording. She saw Delphine and Holden's underwater battle, and Holden's escape afterwards.After careful evaluation, she determined that if Kaiming Ray hadn't gone, even if she could return to human form, she wouldn't be able to persist for a few rounds.

"After that, neither my behavior nor Horton's behavior, the competition organizing committee said anything," Daphne frowned slightly, "That means the competition organizing committee acquiesced to this kind of behavior. They did not I don’t think there is anything wrong with the battle between the warriors for clues. That’s the case for the project that is just looking for clues, so naturally the project that decides the outcome is even more so.”

"So, in the maze, the warriors may attack each other?" Angelina seemed a little unbelievable, but she couldn't believe it.

"It's not possible, it will be!" Daphne nodded affirmatively: "The championship of the competition is a very meaningful achievement for the academy! It will have an advantage when recruiting students! You know, there are 200 students in the world. There are hundreds of millions of wizards in many countries and regions, but there are only eleven magic schools recognized by the Magic Alliance. The competition between them is still very fierce. Like ours in the UK, they usually enter Hogwarts, but there are also many To Beauxbatons and Durmstrang!"

"I almost went to Durmstrang!" Draco immediately jumped out to show his presence, but no one paid him any attention.

"So, the academy will be very concerned about the results of the competition!" Daphne continued, "The academy will also allow the warriors to win as much as possible!"

"But our academy doesn't seem to have said anything like that!" Hermione obviously didn't agree with this statement, and she still retained the naive idea that magicians are good friends with each other and can hold hands and play together.

If it was Hermione in the original plot, it probably wouldn't be the case.Because the relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin in the original story is extremely bad, Hermione can't say that she has a particularly good impression of wizards in her own country, let alone foreign ones.But this point has been changed because of Delphine, and two foreign warriors are showing affection for her... Little Hermione doesn't say anything, but she is actually very proud in her heart!
"No way, with Dumbledore's status in the wizarding world, he might not be able to say some things." Daphne spread her hands, thought for a while and added: "Maybe he doesn't care. As long as he is still alive, he will Hogwarts' gold-lettered signboard! He has a very large influence in the wizarding world throughout Europe and the world!"

Although Hermione still didn't quite agree with Delphine's point of view, but after all, there was Horton, the black sheep of Nagud Inarf - yes, the only villain Hermione recognized now was Horton.And he's a pretty bad guy.With his presence, it doesn't mean wizard battles are impossible!

"No matter what, we have to be on the safe side!" Delphine continued: "Every academy has two warriors, of course, we have three! Although Harry is an independent warrior in name, we are all warriors after all. From a college. This can be said to be an advantage! But it is also a disadvantage!" Seeing that Harry and the others didn't understand for a while, Daphne explained: "Although the final champion of the championship is determined by the individual, as far as the college is concerned , No matter which warrior wins the championship, as long as it is from their academy, it is good. Therefore, they must first cooperate and then compete. The warriors of the same academy must cooperate with each other first, defeat the warriors of other schools, and then compete with each other for the final championship. But in this way, there will be a problem! There are three of us, even if Harry wins, it doesn't count as Hogwarts winning, but they will still think that we must cooperate first."

"That's the truth!" Harry and Angelina both nodded. The three Hogwarts warriors have a very good relationship with each other, and cooperation is inevitable!

"That's the problem!" Delphine frowned, "We have three people, while the other colleges only have two! In their view, we are more threatening! Therefore, there is a high probability that we will be focused on first !"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of Harry and Angelina suddenly became a little ugly, but Delphine continued to explain.

"The ranking situation is not friendly to us! Angelina is ranked first. According to the situation of the previous projects, she is the first to start. I am now ranked third, with a Kaiming inserted in the middle Ray, and the interval is 2 minutes. It is not easy to find Angelina. Not to mention Harry, who is at the end of the queue. So it is difficult for the three of us to get together. Although it seems that apart from Beauxbaton's two The ranking of the two warriors is closer, and it is possible to meet quickly, and it is also difficult for the warriors of the other three academies to meet. But as I said before, we are more likely to attract fire from others!"

The complexions of Harry and Angelina became even more ugly.

Delphine didn't say anything, and the room fell silent for a while.

"Then... what should we do?" It was Ron who broke the silence.Of the three warriors present, Angelina was probably the most eager to become the champion of the competition.Delphine was fine, Harry thought, but far less strongly.And the one who wants to see someone become the champion most is probably Ron!He very much hoped that Harry would be the final winner!
Although you can't win the title of Ron, the champion of the hegemony, but the achievement of Ron, the best friend of the champion of the hegemony, is not bad!
"If you want me to say, it's to act first!" Daphne's tone was very calm, as if she was saying something that should be taken for granted.

Harry and Angelina hesitated.Not only them, several Gryffindors also hesitated.At this time, the gap can be seen, and Draco and Pansy obviously agree with Delphine's views.

"Delphine..." Angelina considered her words and said, "Although I think your idea is very likely to be correct, but what if, what if it's not the case. Let's start a dispute first, Wouldn't it make it more reasonable for others to fight back against us!"

Angelina's words aroused the approval of the little lions.Delphine secretly slandered, she was a little lion, why did she love peace so much?

"Then..." Delphine shook her head and smiled lightly. She had expected this situation a long time ago: "You two, prepare to work hard tonight!"

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