HP calls me Queen

Chapter 84 Labyrinth

Unlike the previous four projects, the final project was carried out in the afternoon or even near dusk.

The warriors simply padded their stomachs - except for Daphne and Meng Yuchen, both of whom had big hearts and had a full meal.Then came to the arena to prepare for the final competition.

Today's audience is extraordinarily large.In fact, many parents of Hogwarts and visiting house students came to Hogwarts.If it weren't for the special magic cast on the venue, the huge Quidditch stand would not be able to seat so many people.

The audience communicated excitedly, and there were more than bursts of smiles.Excitement filled the air.

The sky is a clear dark blue, and some stars can already be seen faintly.But in England in June, even at night, you don't feel the slightest chill.

The members of the competition organizing committee are conducting the final inspection, and the warriors are already standing in front of the maze.

Mr. Crouch still didn't show up this time, and Delphine secretly wondered if this guy had already been killed by her son.Was this the original plot?Delphine couldn't remember very well.

"Victory is important, but safety is more important!" Professor McGonagall is watching the three Hogwarts warriors—Snape is completely unreliable at this time, so this work is unified by Professor McGonagall, who is the vice-principal. do it.She used as soothing a tone as possible, not as harsh as in the past: "We will always patrol outside the maze. If we encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, we will shoot red sparks into the sky! Someone will help you immediately! Listen! do you understand?"

All three of Delphine were nodding.

At this time, members of the competition organizing committee came out of the maze.Delphine took a glance, and the five of them were all powerful wizards!
"Ladies and gentlemen!" Mr. Bagman, who came out of nowhere, blessed himself with an amplifying spell, "The last competition of the Tournament is about to begin! First of all, I want to talk about the current situation. The points situation!"

Subsequently, Bagman introduced the Warriors in order of points from most to least:

"Wait a minute, when I blow the whistle, the player ranked first can enter the maze, and then enter the next name every 1 minute. Two people with equal scores enter at the same time! Somewhere in the maze, there is a competition The final trophy, whoever gets that trophy, is the final winner! Do you understand?"

The warriors nodded.

"Although the deans of the colleges should have reminded you, I still want to remind you again! The competition organizing committee and the professors of the college will always be patrolling outside the maze. Fire a red spark! Someone is going to help you immediately! Of course, this also means that you have abandoned the project, understand?"

The warriors nodded again.

"So..." Bagman picked up the whistle: "Three...two...one..." He blew the whistle, and Angelina immediately jumped out like a leopard, and was the first to rush in. maze.

Percy, who was next to Bagman, conjured a huge hourglass and put it on the ground almost at the same time.The sand in the hourglass flows down quickly.

"When the sand in the hourglass runs out, the next batch of players can start!" Bagman said to the remaining players.All the players immediately stared at the hourglass.The moment the hourglass ran out, Kaiming Ray swung his wand, and he rushed into the maze like a gust of wind.Percy reversed the hourglass at the same time.

When the hourglass drained again, Delphine also entered the maze swiftly.

Almost as soon as she stepped into the maze, Daphne's figure faded, and she disappeared from sight after taking two steps.

Invisibility!The true complete invisibility is not the same as the illusion technique that conceals the body.Delphine looked back, and was surprised to find that there was a wall of trees behind her, and there was no path she just walked in!
Is this to prevent a sneak attack at the door from the front?Delphine thought to herself, in fact, she really thought about doing it.But behind her was Jacob, and Delphine had a good impression of that werewolf kid, so she gave up.At this moment, it seems that even if you want to, you can't do it.

The maze is quiet and dark, giving people an eerie feeling.

Delphine quietly blessed herself with an eagle eye spell.She is in a state of invisibility, of course it is impossible to reveal her whereabouts with fluorescence.Looking at the six-meter-high tree wall, Delphine thought for a while, and quietly added a levitation technique to herself, wanting to try it on it.

However, a wonderful thing happened again, no matter how high Daphne rose, she still seemed so far away from the top of the tree wall.

It seems that they have been prepared to put an end to trickery!Delphine muttered secretly.I also feel that I underestimate people.Immediately, he stopped thinking about stealing and playing tricks, and just found a fork in the road and got in.

Delphine walked close to the wall, and her speed was not fast.It took almost 1 minute to pass a corner, and I didn't touch anything during the period.I am proud of my luck.However, just after the second corner, he was attacked.

Countless branches suddenly protruded from the originally peaceful tree wall, entangled Daphne who was against the wall, and then tightened to pull closer to the wall.

Heavenly Demon Vine!Delphine made a judgment immediately.This is a magical plant similar to the devil's net, but the winding speed is faster, and it will not relax like the devil's net without fighting!The powerful demonic vines can easily strangle a cow to death!And it doesn't have the disadvantage of the devil's net being afraid of light and fire - as a plant, the demon vine is also afraid of fire and will be burned, but it won't curl up when it sees a little fire.The slight disadvantage is that it is not as tough as the devil's net, and it can break free with a sharp knife or a strong enough impact.

Delphine secretly exclaimed that she was careless. It is reasonable to arrange vine traps inside the tree wall, but she actually walked against the tree wall, what a murder!

Self-deprecating is self-deprecating, of course it is impossible for this kind of thing to restrain Daphne.He whispered a spell, and an invisible shield appeared around his body, and then stretched open.Those vines were blocked by invisible barriers, opening huge gaps.Delphine got out easily.

The sky gradually darkened.

Delphine learned from her experience and did not continue to walk next to the tree wall.It is estimated that after walking for about seven or eight minutes, turning three times, I smashed a swallow-tailed dog that was obviously crossbred.

Delphine suspected that it was Hagrid's masterpiece again. Although the swallowtail dog was fierce, it would not be this big!And usually only attack normal people who don't have magical powers.This is one of the few low-level magical creatures that can clearly distinguish wizards from ordinary people.Very friendly to wizards.However, the one that Daphne met barked wildly at the invisible Daphne and then rushed forward.

The three-star magical creature faced Delphine, and there was no other possibility except to be hanged.Even if it has a huge body nearly two meters long, it is no exception!
Although invisibility is very effective for wizards, it is not effective for magical creatures with a sensitive sense of smell!If it's a vampire or a werewolf wizard who has a special sense of smell or other senses, this trick doesn't seem to work very well!Delphine remembered the first time she fought Fenrir Greyback.The werewolf Fenrir Greyback was able to discover his invisible self.

Unbeknownst to Delphine, the last warrior has also entered the maze.On the top of the maze, the live projection that appeared during the third project appeared again.Let all viewers see the situation of the warriors.

When Delphine hit the swallowtail dog, she happened to be on the large projection in the center.

"Hey, it's such a big swallowtail dog. When Delphine beats it, it's like a pug dog!" Ron was amazed in the audience.

"Let's not talk about the swallowtail dog, even Hagrid's three-headed dog, Delphine can easily take care of it now!" Hermione pouted.Delphine's fighting power is something she is very envious of.

At this time, the screen changed, and the big screen in the center was replaced by Harry.However, the screen is empty, only the blades of grass on the ground sag from time to time and a footprint lets people know that someone passed by here.

In the middle of the road lay a huge reptile—it was Hagrid's new species of crossbreeding a manticore and a fire crab, a fried-tailed snail!The fried-tailed snail in front of me was six meters long. It crawled and crouched there, its tail crackling from time to time.

However, the viewing angle of the screen slowly moved away from it, and the snail didn't respond at all.

Brilliant invisibility and confusion spells!The discerning wizard made a judgment.Although the sensory ability of fried-tailed snails is relatively poor, at least it is definitely not as good as swallowtail dogs, but it is not impossible for someone to pass by without feeling it.It must have been cast with a very clever confusion spell, making the Blast-tailed snail, a creature with no intelligence after all, ignore his existence.

Angelina is also in the same situation as Harry.Daphne gave the two of them an assault training last night, specializing in invisibility and confusion spells.As for Delphine herself, she didn't use the Confusion Charm, and she didn't mind a fight with what found her.If it's something that can't be done, even the Confusion Charm can't be fooled!

Whoosh!A fiery red firework rose into the sky, and most of the warriors in the maze looked up, wondering who sent the distress signal.You know, when a distress signal is sent out, it also means that the project has failed!
From the audience's point of view, what they saw was that Krum calmly released the fireworks, and then put his wand in the hand of Audelina who fell unconscious on the ground.

A few seconds ago, Audelina had just relaxed after knocking a Boggart that had turned into a dementor into the air with the Patronus Charm.Krum, who was hiding aside, shot suddenly and knocked him unconscious with a stun spell.

They never expected that the first one to be eliminated was the most favored among the eleven warriors, Audelina, the direct descendant of the Hillieux family!

After doing all this, Krum left quickly. A moment later, Mrs. Maxim with an ugly face appeared next to Audelina, and then took her out.

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