As deep as you are as hell

Chapter 122: There is something wrong with the medicine I take

A deep sense of powerlessness came from my heart, but my mother seemed to have guessed why I apologized to her, and comforted me in turn: "Silly boy, what can you do to be sorry for Mom? In Mom's heart, you have done a good enough job." gone."

"Aunt Cheng will accompany me when I move tomorrow, so don't be too tired. By the way, I sent you something recently, and it will probably arrive tomorrow."

The night was dark, and the hour hand turned to eleven o'clock.My mother didn't want to disturb my rest time, so she cut off the phone first.

I leaned in front of the desk and calculated the accounts carefully. Now I still owe 20 to the He brothers and sisters, and [-] to sister Tan. I have not settled Wan Yijun's investigation and evidence collection fees.

There is a calendar on the desk, and the date of NO.15 next month has been circled and marked by me.

After swallowing two sleeping pills, I still have a sleepless night.

When the sky was bright, I went to the bank to apply for a new credit card, intending to use the card to support the card and get through the most difficult days first.At eight o'clock in the morning, I came to the restaurant on time, and the head waiter just saw me, smiled rarely, and patted me on the shoulder.

"Go and settle your salary today, and you won't have to come to work again in the future."

"Why?" I widened my eyes and asked inexplicably, "I haven't been working for a month yet? And I have almost never made mistakes in my work..."

"Oh, my aunt, you haven't made a big mistake? Do you know why you were fired? Just yesterday, you offended a person who can't afford to offend! They called by name and said they don't want to see you in the restaurant To you, if you have, immediately withdraw the loan funds for our expansion of the parking lot, how can we offend such a benefactor, right?"

My lips twitched, and I finally gave up the unnecessary struggle: "The foreman, do you know where people are still recruiting around here?"

Maybe it was because my gaze was too hot, or maybe it was because the foreman couldn't bear to fire me too much, he sighed: "It's not that I don't want to give you a way out, but that person yesterday...he is in the circle he can get in touch with." Here, it is completely announced that you will be included in the 'blacklist'. Now no regular company or factory dares to ask you."

My left ear was buzzing, and I asked a question I already knew the answer to: "Then, who is that person?"

The foreman struggled for a while, and still revealed some information to me, "That man is very young, and he was a guest in the private room B614 yesterday. Oh, by the way, there is also a dark red mark on his arm that looks like it was left after being burned. scar."

I laughed at myself, it's rare that I didn't feel angry in my heart, after all, isn't Chu Ting's attitude towards me always like this?
He thinks that my work has made him ashamed, and he is afraid of leaking in the private room yesterday, so he forced me to leave the restaurant first, so that no one can find me.

I went to collect my salary, and the amount was not too impressive.

When I was walking aimlessly on the street, I saw my own figure from the window, with a hunched back, as if my spine was bent by life; I looked sad, as if my life was full of things that bored me.

But when did I live like this?

Suddenly, dense pain came from my heart, and the pain made me bend over, and my face turned pale.

Subconsciously, I fumbled in the pocket of my coat, took out two painkillers from the medicine bottle, and swallowed them dryly.

On weekdays, as long as I take this painkiller, the dull pain in my heart and the bursting pain of a splitting headache can be relieved after half an hour.

But this time, I sat in the commercial plaza for nearly an hour, and my heart still felt a dull pain like being stabbed by a knife.And the sun was shining brightly above my head, which made me dizzy.

The water in the body is evaporated, turning into drops of sweat rolling down the forehead.

My eyes began to turn white, and my eyes became more and more narrowed into a line; the overwhelming pain lifted me up and down like a boat in a violent storm.

I suddenly lost my center of gravity, my body suddenly fell forward, and my knees hit the ground straight.


The sound of the hospital's instruments working kept echoing in my ears. I felt like a thick bandage was wrapped around my forehead, and my top-heavy feeling became more and more intense.

I forcefully opened my eyes, the rain was flying outside the window, and the cloudy sky made it impossible for me to tell which time of the day it was.

It's just that I'm lying in the hospital bed again.

So who sent me to the hospital this time?
I was wondering in my heart when the door of the ward was pushed open and a head poked out.

I also know the person who came in. He was holding a fruit basket and eight-treasure white fungus porridge in a thermos cup.

A hand stretched out in front of me, wanting to shake hands with me: "My name is Wu Hao, we met at a banquet, do you remember me?"

Responding politely, I nodded to him, but I couldn't understand why he appeared here?Could it be because of Chu Ting again?

Wu Hao sat beside my bed familiarly and helped me peel the apple: "You have been lying in the hospital bed for three days, and I thought to myself that if you still don't wake up today, I will complain to the doctor Well, it’s a good thing he’s not a quack doctor.”

"By the way, sister-in-law... ah bah." Wu Hao used the address he used to address me, and quickly changed the subject after realizing something was wrong, "This is your mobile phone."

In the commercial square, shortly after my eyes went black, I started lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth and unconscious.

It was only later that a kind person called an ambulance.

"When you had surgery, the doctor called the only number stored in your phone, but that number..."

Since the last meeting with Zhongrong, she said that her personal mobile phone is not used very often, so she asked me to call her work number in the future.

And the phone record with my mother was also deleted by me last night.

"It's Chu Ting, right? But he seems to have blocked you." Wu Hao deliberated his words, and the volume became lower and lower.

The doctor kept calling Chu Ting that day, but no one answered the dozen or so calls.

"It just so happened that my grandma suffered from high blood pressure again that day. When I accompanied her to the hospital, I lived in the next ward." That's why Wu Hao appeared by my side by such a coincidence and took care of me for two days.

A forced smile appeared on my lips: "It's okay to be blocked."

I am most afraid that Chu Ting will give me back the remaining hope, and repeatedly "whip the corpse" and deceive me with memories and vague tenderness.

The atmosphere in the ward was oppressive, Wu Hao realized that he had thrown the wrong topic just now, and abruptly turned his words: "Then Miss Chen, do you know why you fainted?"

When I heard that I was put into the ambulance, the nurses and doctors who were on board were shocked.

Now I haven't had a comprehensive examination, and even the doctor can't figure out why I suddenly fainted.

I had acid reflux in my stomach, and my face was still pale: "Maybe it's because I haven't rested in the past few days. But I just lost my job recently, and I will have a lot of rest time."

I underestimated it so lightly, Wu Hao didn't think deeply about my illness.

"Lost my job? I remember that Miss Chen also worked in Yuanshui before?" Wu Hao didn't have a deep impression on me.

I nodded, my hands clenched into fists unconsciously, and my back was tensed into a straight line.

"When Chu Ting and I were friends, he once praised you to me." Wu Hao recalled the scene at that time, "I really rarely heard him praise anyone from his mouth. When talking about you, He seems to be a completely different person, and he praised you very highly that day."

"It's just, I didn't expect that he will marry Miss Ji's family next month." Wu Hao was worried, "But Miss Ji is not a very generous person..."

But I think Wu Hao is a little too worrying, because in my opinion, I even feel that the relationship between Chu Ting and Ji Jiarui is more like a "contract couple", and the two must have their own lives after marriage.

Wu Hao seems to have seen through my thoughts: "When you met Ji Jiarui for the first time in Yuanshui, did she immediately let Chu Ting force you to resign and pull you into a black hole in the venture capital world?" list'?"

"Her style of doing things has always been like this, and now she hasn't shown any clues about your attitude. But when the wedding day is approaching, there is no guarantee that Ji Jiarui will have other thoughts about you..."

"Women's heart needle, if Ji Jiarui really regards you as a potential threat, then how will you protect yourself? Are you really going to let her bully you like a disfigured face?"

I rubbed my temples and felt a sudden pain in my head: "Thank you for your concern and reminder, I will leave City A in the next few months to avoid the limelight."

Wu Hao sighed helplessly, just as the doctor opened the door and came in: "Chen Jiao, bed No. 31, how long have you been awake? Is there any serious discomfort in your body now? We will do a few more checkups tomorrow, basically everything is fine." Find out the reason for your sudden fainting."

I nodded, the bed was raised, and I was looking at the doctor: "Then how many days do I have to stay in the hospital? Can I be discharged early?"

Debts and my mother's relocation are both heavy stones on my heart.

"You are not in good health. Why are you leaving the hospital so early? And your fainting this time is not a small problem. We initially suspect that you may have a heart problem or a problem here." The doctor poked his forehead with his index finger .

I grinned reluctantly, but I still had luck in my heart. Wasn't it just because I didn't have enough rest recently and I was under a lot of pressure?

Loss of appetite is only due to possible stomach problems and indigestion.Frequent headaches may also be due to depression and serious psychological problems.

But why now the doctor and Wu Hao look at me more and more strangely?
The doctor glanced to the side and was attracted by the medicines on the table: "Paxetine hydrochloride tablets, why haven't I heard of this medicine? I have heard of paroxetine hydrochloride tablets."

The small white medicine bottle turned around in his hand. The more the doctor looked at the "non-OTC" sign with red background and white letters, the more strange he felt: "I have been a doctor for so many years, and this is the first time I see a prescription drug with this sign." .Where did you get this bottle of medicine?"

He began to read the instructions carefully, and listened to my explanation by the way: "I have very severe depression, and I was treated by a family doctor before, and he also prescribed these medicines for me."

It's just that when I say it like this, I seem to feel a little bit wrong.

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