I can summon worlds

Chapter 513 Elf Queen Sila

The moment he saw the jade statue, pictures appeared in Qin Hao's mind unconsciously.

There are many of these pictures, and they all pass by in a flash, and each picture lasts only a short moment. Although Qin Hao is very energetic, it is difficult to remember every picture.

However, although Qin Hao didn't memorize all the pictures, he managed to memorize most of them.

Although he didn't memorize all the pictures, Qin Hao managed to coherent the pictures depicted in the pictures after simple piecing together. After these pictures are coherent, what they show is actually the development process of the entire elf family.

From the beginning when we were weak, we struggled to survive on the canopy of trees. As the elves gradually became stronger, the elves gradually took the footsteps of the elves to the entire abyss world. At that time, the abyss world was not called the abyss world, but the elves world. .

After the footsteps of the elves traveled across the entire abyss world, many different branches of the elves gradually appeared, such as night elves, blood elves, sea elves and so on.

During the most prosperous period of the elves, their living footprints have traveled all over the entire abyss world. There are almost elves' footprints in the sky, on the ground, in the water and on the trees.

However, the so-called prosperity must decline, in the most prosperous period of the elves, the abyss dragon was also born in this world.

Qin Hao didn't see the final ending, but even if he didn't see it, he could guess the ending of the story. It was nothing more than the fierce conflict between the elves and the abyssal dragon as the strength of the abyssal dragon grew stronger. .

At the end of the story, the abyss dragon ruled the entire abyss world, and the name of the elf world has since become the abyss world. The elves have almost completely withdrawn from the stage of history, and now only a few branches are left to survive.

All the pictures flashed by, and Qin Hao's consciousness returned.

Qin Hao's eyes fell on the jade statue again. This time, when Qin Hao looked at the statue, those pictures did not appear, and only a nearly perfect jade statue caught his eyes.

"What happened to those pictures just now?"

No matter how you look at it, the statue in front of you is just an ordinary statue. Apart from the fact that the carved jade is pure white jade, the carving technique is also very exquisite, almost perfectly presenting the image of an elf goddess.

"Elf Queen Sila?"

While observing the statue carefully, a name suddenly appeared in Qin Hao's mind.

"Elf Queen Sila? Is that the name of the prototype of this statue?"

Qin Hao quickly noticed the difference in this statue. The person who sculpted this statue devoted all his heart and soul to the sculpture.

In addition to showing the statue's owner's form and spirit as perfectly as possible, he also devoted all his efforts to imprint the statue's owner's life story into the statue.

In this way, when others see the statue for the first time, they can see the life of the owner of the statue. These are the origins of the pictures Qin Hao saw.

However, limited by the strength of the sculptor, he couldn't show all the pictures coherently, nor could he restore the body of the statue [-]%, so Qin Hao saw the picture frame by frame, not a coherent picture .

Those who can achieve this step are at least at the peak of nine-star strength, but people with this kind of strength still cannot [-]% restore everything about the owner of the statue.

The reason is also very simple, that is because the owner of the statue is a true god, and it is not so easy to carve a true god.

The prototype of this statue, that is, the elf queen Silla, is one of the three true gods of the elves, and the first true god of the elves, who led the elves to take the first step.

Her strength is not the strongest among the true gods of the elves, but her reputation is the strongest. Her growth history is almost the development history of the elves.

The elf family gradually prospered as her strength increased, and finally with her death, they were on the verge of disappearing.

Qin Hao didn't approach the statue immediately, but walked around the statue first.

As soon as he walked to the back of the statue, Qin Hao found a dead bone at the foot of the statue.

In one hand of the withered bone was a chisel made of unknown material, and in the other hand was a hammer with only the hammer head left.

Obviously, this statue of the true god came from the hands of this withered bone.

Qin Hao was not surprised at all when he saw this withered bone.

Because Qin Hao guessed the fate of the person who sculpted the statue when he saw the statue.

How could it be so easy to carve a true god, and in order to integrate the development history of the elves into the statue, he devoted all his efforts to the sculpture.

At the moment when the statue is completed, the sculptor will surely wither his blood and die on the spot.

"Hey~ Is it worth it for this statue?" Qin Hao couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the withered bones.

Through those pictures, combined with the scene in front of him, Qin Hao quickly connected everything together.

When the elves were at their peak, they had a violent conflict with the abyss dragon, and then the three true gods of the elves had an almost devastating battle with the dragon.

The outcome of the battle was that all the true gods of the elves were devoured by the dragon, and then the entire elves suffered a catastrophe.

I don't know the reason for the dead bone in front of me. Maybe it is to remember the deeds of the Elf Queen, maybe it is to pass on the civilization of the Elf family, or it is to encourage the remaining Elf family, prompting him to make a carving out of it. The decision of such a statue of a true god.

Then such a statue that poured all his heart and soul into it appeared like this, and his life also came to an end.

Qin Hao guessed that when he made the decision to carve this statue, there was a high probability that this dead bone had suffered an incurable injury.

In order to inspire the remaining elves, he decided to give everything to imprint the history of the elves.

Of course, these are all just Qin Hao's guesses. In fact, there is no evidence to prove this point. The Lord may know something, but he has to go back to the trial ground to know whether his guess is right or not.

After walking around the room, Qin Hao didn't find anything else in the room. Except for a jade statue and a dead bone, there was nothing else in the room.

Finally, Qin Hao strode towards the dead bone, ready to bury it in the forest.

People who have given everything for one thing like this deserve the respect they deserve, and shouldn't just lie on the ground like this.

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