After burying this dead bone, Qin Hao couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The images of the rise and fall of the elves in his mind kept flashing in his mind. The more he recalled, the more doubtful Qin Hao would be about whether he could defeat the abyss dragon.

Although what was shown to him from the jade statue was only some incoherent pictures, it also allowed Qin Hao to clearly perceive how brilliant and powerful the elves were once.

Just one family has three true gods, which is enough to despise more than 90.00% of the world in the heavens and the world.

However, such a powerful race was destroyed by the abyss dragon, and the strength of the abyss dragon at that time was far worse than it is now.

It has been many years since the decline of the elves, and the strength of the abyss dragon must have been improved, but now I only have the strength of seven stars, and there is still a long way to go from the true god.

The more he thought about it, the more doubtful Qin Hao became, doubting whether his ability could support this difficult task.


Looking at the small grave in front of him, Qin Hao fell into deep thought.

On the statue of the Goddess, besides seeing the history of the elves' rise and fall, Qin Hao also felt the emotions of unyielding, stubbornness, unwillingness, and despair from above.

These emotions are the mood of this dry bone when it carved the statue of the goddess, and it is also the epitome of the mood of the entire elf family.

"Such a powerful elf family has failed, can I really succeed?" Qin Hao couldn't help asking himself in his heart.

It's a pity that Qin Hao is the only one around, and no one can answer this question for him except himself.

Standing in front of the grave for a while, Qin Hao sighed slightly, then turned around and continued to leave to the east.

He has already seen this palace built on top of a huge banyan tree, and there is nothing special about it except for the statue of a goddess on the top floor.

There is no point in continuing to stay here. Knowing the history of the rise and fall of the elves through the statue of the goddess is already quite rewarding.

Qin Hao's speed cannot be increased in the dense forest, and he has to be alert to the dangers that may appear at any time in the dense forest, so Qin Hao basically advances at a slow speed along the way.

Along the way, in addition to the banyan tree that blocked the sky and the palace on the crown that he encountered at the beginning, Qin Hao also encountered several towering trees that were no less than that banyan tree.

Without exception, the crowns of these big trees have built a huge palace.

Although these palaces have different shapes, they are almost all built from the trunks and branches of big trees. At first glance, it is really hard to tell whether it is a tree crown or a palace.

Only when you get close can you tell which parts are part of the canopy and which parts are part of the palace.

After entering these palaces, Qin Hao found that all of these palaces were empty without exception, and many of the rooms had become lairs of ferocious beasts or insects in the forest.

It was also for this reason that Qin Hao's exploration of these palaces was not smooth, and danger was inevitable.

When exploring a certain palace, Qin Hao almost ran into a monster that was extremely good at hiding. If the monster hadn't let down its vigilance, Qin Hao's instant magic was fast enough, otherwise he would have been killed by that monster. The first monster was disembowelled.

Fortunately, in the end, the monster was killed without any risk. Qin Hao also harvested a piece of animal skin that can cover the breath, but the area of ​​the animal skin is a bit small, and it can barely cover one person.

That magical beast has such a strong concealment ability because of its fur, and Qin Hao's perception almost didn't detect its existence.

But this is enough for Qin Hao, such a special animal skin can be said to be encountered but not sought after, and he should be satisfied if he has it.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually darkened.

Naturally, there is also darkness in the ruins. At night, the entire forest will become the world of all kinds of nocturnal monsters, beasts, ruins and insects.

Even Qin Hao didn't dare to wander around in this forest at night.

So, before nightfall, Qin Hao packed up a place to rest on a palace.

There were other residents in this palace originally, it was a monster with the peak strength of seven stars, but the strength of peak seven stars was a bit too weak for Qin Hao.

Without any effort, Qin Hao didn't even use the power of the Lingzhu, and just relied on instant wind blade and other magic to drive it away.

The forest at night is usually the most dangerous time, and Qin Hao dare not go directly to sleep.

Although the palace is above the canopy of the trees, most of the monsters and monsters will not climb the canopy, but the danger in the forest does not only come from these huge monsters of monsters.

There are also those insects that are very small in size but extremely poisonous. The danger they bring is the most unpredictable.

On such a night, Qin Hao didn't even dare to light a bonfire. Although the flames could drive away most insects, they would also attract the attention of other ferocious beasts in the forest.

Qin Hao just released his mental power a little bit, and he felt the breath of no less than ten magic beasts whose breath reached the peak of eight stars.

Although he is absolutely confident that he can compete with the eight-star peak monsters, but that is only in single-handed situations. In such a quiet night, if he makes a little noise, it will attract the attention of other monsters.

At that time, it will not be as simple as facing an eight-star peak monster.

Fortunately, these powerful monsters don't seem to be interested in the palace on the towering tree. When they saw Qin Hao's towering tree from a distance, they went around directly, without any intention of approaching, which made Qin Hao relax. Quite a lot.

However, although these monsters and fierce beasts did not approach the palace, Qin Hao still did not relax his vigilance. For almost the whole night, Qin Hao released his mental power and remained quite vigilant.

Once there is any disturbance outside, it can attract his attention at the first time, so as to avoid danger.

Just after dawn, Qin Hao got up and left the palace.

After a night's rest, even though he didn't sleep, Qin Hao still looked energetic. After all, he was already a seven star, and not taking a rest for a short time would not have any impact on his body.


Exhaling a foul breath, Qin Hao stood up and walked out of the palace.

Before leaving, Qin Hao had already confirmed through his perception that the magical beasts and fierce beasts that foraged in the forest at night had returned to their respective lairs. It was because of this confirmation that Qin Hao said generously. Leave from the palace.

In yesterday's day, because Qin Hao's speed was not considered fast, he only walked two hundred miles, and he was far from reaching the border of the ruins, and he didn't know how big the ruins were, Qin Hao couldn't help thinking in his heart.

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