Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 100 18. Crash!collapse! 【23100】

Chapter 100 18. Crash!collapse! 【23100】

Carol was surrounded by bright flames, and blue and red light filled her skin.

This is the new form formed after she absorbed all the energy from the explosion when she personally destroyed the energy core made by Mar-Vell for the photon engine 6 years ago.

Powerful, gorgeous, yet unruly.

On Halla, in order to control Carol and prevent the uncontrolled energy from destroying Carol, the Supreme Intelligence placed a suppressor on Carol.

Whenever Carol's energy reaches a critical point, the suppressor will take effect, suppressing her continuous power increase.

So even Carol himself didn't know what level he would reach after his energy fully exploded.

But even so, Carol still felt a sense of fear and trembling from the bottom of his heart when facing the big man who walked out of the star gate.

She saw with her own eyes that the highest wisdom of the Cree was broken in an extremely humble way in front of this big man.

Around where the two stood, the thinking world of the highest intelligence was rapidly collapsing, as if a whole and complete world had suffered a doomsday disaster.

The sky, the earth, and the tides were all burned in self-annihilation flames.

This represents that the source of the highest will is collapsing, and the spiritual pillar of the Cree civilization is collapsing.

Carroll could easily imagine that this was a sudden disaster for the Cree people.The role of the highest wisdom in the Cree civilization is really important.

"Girl, help me hide this matter, and I will help you release the shackles."

The boss didn't care about the crumbling world around him. He looked at Carol and said to her:

"You help me, I help you."

The attitude is friendly, but there is a sense of refusal in the tone.


Carol's fists were clenched, and she looked at the big man in front of her vigilantly. She was not stupid enough to ask his name, which might offend him.

Carol asked:

"Why hide it? Merlin is right, there is a secret behind his existence, and that secret is you?"

"It's not just me."

The man looked back at the collapsed and stripped time around him. In his gaze, the self-annihilation of this world suddenly stopped at this moment, as if the time of this thinking world was also stopped.

Those jumping flames, scattered rays of light, cracked rocks on the ground and the whirlpool of the sea, etc., are all imprisoned in the stagnant time at this moment.

"The secret behind Merlin is beyond your imagination."

He said to Carol:

"If you can't detach, you can't bear the truth."

"Carol, you just need to know that this is an accident, an accident that I exceeded my prediction. In order to ensure that my prediction goes smoothly, I have to rush to clean up this mess."


Carol savored the word, and she looked at the boss:

"So, in your original calculation, Merlin shouldn't have encountered these things?"

"I mean, in my original prediction, you... shouldn't have appeared at all!"

The boss glanced at Carol, and he said:

"This is a small mistake. In my world, there is no such person as Carol Danvers, and there is no story about you."

"So I didn't realize that at this moment, your experience would bring out Supreme Wisdom, a bastard who dares to do anything. The pressure he exerted on his soul almost made Merlin 'awaken' early, which is very bad."

"I mean, he will eventually wake up and know everything behind this, but not now."

The boss raised his head and looked at the collapsed sky, he said:

"Without experiencing the real darkness, without realizing the cruelty of real existence, and without the accumulation of so many factors, no one can predict the choice he made after awakening in advance."

"This will make the game go into a disorderly direction... I am not a person who likes surprises. Surprises mean that you are not prepared, and I like to be prepared for everything."

"Oh, by the way, you can call me Seber."

Big Boss looked back at Carol and said:

"You have to hide all of this. With your strength, you shouldn't appear at this stage of the story... You are an 'accident', so I must rule out your interference in Merlin's life."

"What are you going to do?"

Carol took a step back, and she looked at Seber:

"Kill me? Erase all traces of existence? You have the strength, right?"

"No no no."

Sable flicked the ash, and said softly:

"It's disrespectful to do something like that to a lady. And erasing you here will make observers aware of the worldline change... If cheating is caught on the spot, it can turn into embarrassing situation."

"I just persuaded you to leave."

"Leave the earth and come back after more than ten years. At that time, Merlin's strength should be about the same, and the hidden power of this world should also appear. Your return will not cause the predicted waves."

As he spoke, Saber stretched out his hand towards Carol.The latter tried to dodge, but Seber said softly:

"do not move."

These two words are like laws and regulations. The moment it was spoken, Carol lost control of her body and energy. Her consciousness seemed to be trapped in an invisible barrier, and she could only watch helplessly. Saber put his fingers on his neck, and then twitched lightly.


A delicate energy suppressor implanted in Carol's body was just 'pulled' out.

Carol felt only a faint pain.

Logically speaking, this should not be the case.It is like the suppressor that the highest intelligence personally implanted in Carol's body. Once it is forcibly removed, it will easily lead to extreme consequences, such as Carol's immediate death and so on.

"Damn stuff."

Saibo looked at the thing on his fingertips with disdain, and with a light pinch of his fingers, the metal suppressor turned into a mass of flying ashes.

"Okay, Carol Danvers, you are free."

Cerber took a step back and Carol regained control of her body.

The unfettered power on her body gushed out like a manic flame at this moment, raising Carol's energy to a state that could destroy the world almost instantly.

Big Boss Cyber ​​looked at this scene, he nodded in satisfaction, and then said with a little surprise:

"It allows you to enter the heavenly father level, and even approach the single universe. It's amazing! Speaking of which, if there were people like you in my world at that time, then the battle we fought with those bastards would not have been so hard It's..."

"Okay, all that needs to be said has been said, and all that has to be done has been done."

Saber turned and was about to leave. He turned his back to Carol and shook his head, as if saying goodbye. He said:

"Remember to keep your mouth shut, you probably don't want to see me get angry?"

"One more question, Cyber!"

Carol called after him:

"You ruined the highest intelligence, and the Cree will not let it go! With their temperament, they may send a fleet to retaliate against the earth. With the current level of civilization on the earth, even if I try my best, I can't stop that kind of revenge! "


Big Boss Cyber ​​turned around and looked at Carol with a smile that was not a smile. He said:

"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure the Kree can destroy Earth by sending a random fleet?"

"You underestimate your hometown, don't you?"

"Don't think too much, Carol. I'll just tell you..."

"Unless the Cree prepare for the extinction of their own civilization and do everything they can to launch a suicide attack, everything you worry about will never happen...Even if the earth is really destroyed, I will create a new one for you So, go ahead and do it boldly.”

"That Merlin!"

Carol yelled:

"Have you been manipulating his fate?"

"Manipulation? No, no!"

The boss walked to his own star gate, he looked left and right, opened the star gate, and replied in a deep voice:

"This is Merlin's story. We are just bystanders, and occasionally...occasionally make this story a little more exciting. But, this is still his story."

He didn't seem to want to answer any of Carol's questions anymore. At the moment when the star gate was closed, the big man looked unhappy and said in a voice that only he could hear:

"Tyrion, you are really lucky."

"Just draw out such a damn story! The back door that was so hard to leave is wasted in the hands of a little character like Supreme Wisdom who doesn't know what to say."

"Oh, what a losing business!"


The star gate closed, and Carol watched the mysterious boss disappear. She raised her head, and the time that was stopped was restored at this moment, and the thinking world of the highest wisdom began to collapse in a crazier manner.

The sky rolled back, the ground collapsed, the sea churned, and the flames of annihilation came roaring like this, trying to drag all of these into hell.

"time to go."

Carol clenched her fists tightly, the red and blue energy on her body converged into a burst of burning energy, shattering the closed crystal wall behind her, and then walked away from this collapsed world.

Carol returned to reality, she opened her eyes, the burning energy flames in her eyes and the tumbling golden energy around her melted away the steel bulkheads around her body.

She hurriedly gathered her strength, and the long golden hair that was floating in the energy also fell back to her shoulders.

She lowered her head and saw Merlin lying beside her in a coma.A smile appeared on the corner of Carol's mouth, she bent down and hugged Merlin.Then strode out of this cabin.

"Merlin, Merlin, your really not small."


On the other side, at the end of the stars, in that mysterious place.

"You cheated!"

Grim Reaper stared at the Overlord across the gaming table, and said calmly:

"The direction of the story should not be like this!"

"Look at what you say, Lord Tyrion."

Saibo played with the cigar in his hand, he said softly:

"The so-called fate means that there is no fixed direction. Maybe for some reason, Ms. Carol suddenly broke through the limit and killed the highest wisdom. It is not impossible. Why do you say that I cheated? No Evidence, don’t talk nonsense!”

"Merlin's consciousness is just approaching here quickly..."

Death said:

"Everyone here can feel it, but he suddenly disappeared. You prevented his 'awakening'! And just now, I was only one step away from victory!"

"That's right, the current Merlin is still very immature, he hasn't seen the truly dark things, he hasn't seen clearly the cruel truth of that world."

"He hasn't really grown up yet, his thinking is immature, like a fledgling little hero."

Seber straightened his body and said to Death:

"Once he knows the truth, the naive him has a high probability of making the choice you expected...Indeed, just now, you were only one step away from victory. But, the story is just beginning, you have the heart to let it Did it end so abruptly?"

"Don't be so hasty, Lord Death, this game is still going to be long, let's play slowly!"

Facing Saibo's speech, a smile appeared on Reaper's cold face, and he said:

"Well, the story has indeed just begun."

"But you started cheating, you broke the rules, then I will do it too."

"up to you."

Saber leaned back in his chair, he shrugged:

"As long as the cheating is not caught on the spot, it's up to you."

"The Cree fleet has set off!"

The quarrel between the two came to an end, and then there was a sudden exclamation in the audience:

"Look! They have launched a fleet! Wow, this is a good show!"

At this moment, all eyes turned to the other side of the galaxy, and then the bosses in the auditorium began to make noise:

"Quickly bet! Quickly bet! I bet this fleet can't even break the skin of the earth! I bet 30 star diamonds!"

"I follow! I bet they will be destroyed in orbit around the earth!"

"Hey, hey! Have some confidence in the Cree, okay? It's Ronan, that bastard leading the team! I bet 100 Yuan Devourer eggs, and I think the Cree can throw at least a dozen missiles towards the earth." Then it will be destroyed!"

"Hehe, ignorance! I bet the Cree can destroy at least one city before they are killed!"

"It's so boring? Let's have some excitement! I bet their fleet will be eaten by passing stars on the way!"

"The Asgardians will kill them outside the solar system! I bet on 20 unowned planets in the multiverse!"

"Gao Tianzun! What are you waiting for? Come and sit in the manor!"


On the planet Hala, the panic-stricken Cree didn't know that someone had already made a bet with them.

At this time, on the glorious home planet of the Kree Empire, the mechanical tower representing the existence of the highest intelligence is burning.

The building that represented the spiritual pillar of the Kree civilization seemed to be destroyed by an invisible hand, and it made an overwhelmed rattling sound in the raging flames.

"The mind of the highest intelligence is rapidly disintegrating! We are losing him!"

"Start the backup program! Quick!"

"His data has collapsed by 60%! Too fast...too late to start!"

"Activate the final defense module! Isolate the source of the shock! Try to rescue the data! Where is the source of the shock? Tell me!"

"In the orbit around the planet C-53! A force recoiled along the node there and entered the core of the highest wisdom, like the most terrifying virus. Something must have happened there! Something very bad !"

"Call the fleet closest to there! For the survival of the highest wisdom, at all costs! Destroy that node!"

"Ronan! Ronan! Did you hear that? This is the highest military department! I grant you the highest level of war authority in the name of the War Council! Destroy planet C-53 at the fastest speed! Do you hear me? Destroy it !quick!"

On a battlefield hundreds of thousands of light-years away from the earth, the Cree warlords who are besieging the Skoru fleet, the violent accuser Ronan received a message from Hara.

A savage light flashed in the eyes of this blue Cree nobleman wearing armor and holding a warhammer. He raised the warhammer, and the silent command was instantly transmitted to every battleship in the powerful fleet through the communicator.


The starship fleet, which was besieging and suppressing the remnants of the Skrull fleet, forcibly left the battlefield at this moment.

Among the stars, the jump engines of dozens of warships started simultaneously, and one after another hexagonal solid wormhole grids illuminated the starry sky in this star field.

Those Kerry battleships with unique shapes, like black monsters with wings, jumped into the transition window one by one. After a few minutes of continuous jumps, they appeared outside the earth in a posture that covered everything. of the stars.


In Mar-Vell's laboratory, the sunglasses in Fury's hand fell to the ground at this moment, and everyone's eyes, including those Skrulls, were attracted by this scene.

"Here they come. It's Ronan's fleet!"

Carol stood on the observation deck of the bridge, watching the rapidly appearing Kree warships.

A trace of worry flashed across the face of this blond shrew, she raised her fist, and the energy flame transformed into golden red was beating, she said:

"The war has begun..."

(End of this chapter)

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