Shadow trail of the beautiful world

Chapter 101 19. Pioneer of Destruction 【24100】

Chapter 101 19. Pioneer of Destruction 【24100】

Ronan, a Kerry nobleman, a member of the "Supreme Accuser" of the Kerry military high-level group, or in other words, has won numerous meritorious deeds for commanding the fleet to fight against the Skrulls all the year round, and now has the qualifications to become the leader of the accusers hope.

He is a pure Kerry general, brutal, cold-blooded, and will stop at nothing for the perfect execution of orders.

He is also a true "Kree supremacist". In his eyes, the Kree is the most perfect race among the stars, and one day, under his leadership, the Kree Legion will rule the entire galaxy and even the entire galaxy. universe.

For other civilizations in the galaxy, Ronan will always play the role of a destroyer.

He is the Hand of War, the Herald of Destruction, and wherever he and his fleets go, he burns an unquenchable flame, engulfing all existence in his wars of conquest.

This is a formidable fighter.

And Ronan's talent is not only in commanding the fleet to siege cities, he is also one of the most powerful fighters in the Kerry Empire.

Invincible in the past thousand years, Ronan has been rewarded by the highest wisdom of the Cree many times. A few years ago, the highest wisdom passed a resolution to integrate all the superb military technology of the Cree into one, Almost with the power of the whole country, Ronan forged a real magic weapon.

That thing is called "universal weapon".

At this time, it was held in Ronan's hand.

He is taller than most of the Cree, standing more than 2.5 meters tall.Very strong, wearing metal armor like an ancient warrior.

But that armor is the most advanced defensive armor of the Cree, and because of Ronan's preference, it was specially shaped into this warrior-like image.

His skin is blue, which is especially admired by the Kerry nobles, and represents the indigo blue of the most perfect blood.

His eyes are gray, representing his indifference.

He is like the physical incarnation of the Cree's will to fight for thousands of years.

This is also his wish, he hopes to become an existence beyond symbols, and he hopes to lead the Cree people to the most glorious future.


The metal warhammer in Ronan's hand tapped the ground on the bridge of his flagship "Dark Star", and there was a metallic hum, like a doom bell ringing.

In front of the glass-like observatory in front of him, the blue image of the planet C-53, which is the earth, is floating there.

Ronan held out his finger, his gray eyes rippling without emotion.

"Destroy it!"

Ronan said softly.

This is not the first time he has destroyed the world. Maybe at the beginning, things like destruction and conquest can still make people feel excited and feel the flow of blood, but when it becomes a daily routine, it can no longer be mentioned. interested.

In the eyes of Ronan the Accuser, the world in front of him is no different from the other worlds he destroyed.

Ronan's will was quickly carried out.

The thick black hulls of the first batch of Kree starships that jumped into Earth orbit roared open, and heavy, four-cone-shaped ballistic missiles were sent into the launch ports.

These Kree-crafted weapons of destruction would plunge into a planet's atmosphere with extreme speed, and then fall to the ground with unparalleled kinetic energy, causing the first wave of seismic attack.

When they penetrate the mantle layer under the earth's crust, the nuclear bombs placed inside will explode, blasting the solid crust, triggering violent activities in the mantle layer, and using scorching magma to cleanse the civilization of the entire world.

As long as enough missiles are dropped, it only takes 3-5 rounds of bombing, and the blue world in front of me will fall apart from the inside.

"click, click, click"

With the heavy-duty missiles in place, besides the pyramid-shaped missiles, rings of blue halos are lit up, representing the final stage of the launch.


At this moment, Ma-Vell's laboratory, suspended in the earth's orbit, sent a message to Ronan's flagship Dark Star, and a pulsating light curtain opened in front of Ronan's eyes.

Nick Fury's stern face appeared in front of Ronan. With the help of the universe translator in the laboratory, he said to the accuser Ronan:

"We have no intention of going to war with the Kree..."

"The war has begun!"

Ronan didn't care about Nick Fury's speech, his fingers slowly curled up, representing the final stage of the missile launch procedure.

"We have your people in our hands!"

Seeing that persuasion didn't work, Nick Fury gritted his teeth and said:

"It's your Kerry nobleman! Yon Rogg, one of the noblest bloodlines of the Kerry people!"

But this threat still did not move Ronan, the ruthless fleet commander said softly:

"The moment before being captured, Yon Rogge should have drunk the winning wine and consoled the glory of the family with the blood of the enemy and himself... He was captured, he lost his glory, and is no longer a member of us Already!"


Ronan's fingers curled up completely at this moment, like an invisible order.

Hundreds of heavy missiles roared out of the fleet's flagship weapon bay, like hundreds of black meteors, sliding down among the icy stars.

The energy flames behind those missiles shone like jet fighters, allowing them to gain momentum in the universe, making them fall faster, and making them carry more terrifying kinetic energy.


Fury was lying on the bridge of Mar-Vell's laboratory. He watched those missiles fall towards the earth in despair. He didn't know the principle of the destruction of those missiles, but he knew very well that the fall of these missiles would definitely cause disaster. sexual consequences.


A figure wrapped in golden-red flames rushed out of Ma-Vell's laboratory at this moment, like a faster meteor, rushing towards the direction of the earth.

Carol Danvers, who was no longer restrained, was like a goddess of flames descending from the sky. She was surrounded by golden-red energy flames, rushing into the atmosphere at a faster speed than those missiles.

Carol hovered in mid-air, she raised her head and clenched her fists as she looked at the hundreds of falling destruction missiles.

She didn't know if she could eliminate the disaster caused by her, but at this fatal moment, she had to do something.

"Don't even think about it!"

Carol let out a roar, and she shot into the sky, toward the black missiles, like a praying mantis trying to stop a wheel.She stretched out her hands to resist the rapidly falling missile, and then tried to stop it with all her strength.

The boss lifted the energy suppressor in her body for her. Driven by Carol's will, she was revived in her body with a powerful force from an accident.

A steady stream of blue and red intertwined energy burst out from her body and was transformed into unimaginable power.

Carol was suppressed by the heavy missile and fell downwards, but the falling speed became slower and slower.

After a stalemate for nearly 10 seconds, the black missile she held in both hands was finally stopped.

Carol clasped her hands into the steel of the heavy missile, and her body spun in the air, like throwing a heavy shot put, throwing the black missile back into the sky.

When the out-of-control missile was close to other falling objects, Carol stretched out his fists, and the scorching light blasted the missile, detonating it in the air.


A ball of dazzling scorching light mixed with black smoke and flames exploded in the air.The unparalleled impact enveloped the dozens of missiles that fell around it, causing them to lose control.

Under the continuous firing of the light cannons from Carroll's fists, those missiles were faintly detonated in the atmosphere.

But this is just the beginning.

Carol hovered high in the sky, and she looked around, where more missiles were falling.


Carol's shout sounded in Mar-Well's laboratory, she said:

"I'll do whatever it takes to stop these missiles... get our people...ready!"

"Whatever comes next, be prepared!"

Fury was on the monitor, watching Carol's figure wrapped in flames struggling to destroy the falling missiles in the atmosphere.

A feeling of powerlessness surged in the ace agent's heart.The aliens whose technological level is far beyond that of the earth want to destroy their own world so arbitrarily, but they can't stop it.

"Pierce, did you see that?"

Fury used the laboratory's communicator to contact the chief on Earth, and the latter's voice was also full of seriousness:

"Of course I saw it, the whole of New York went crazy..."

Pierce's slightly distorted voice sounded through the communicator:

"The congressmen gave me permission, but the problem is, now I don't know what to do! The woman who helped us is Firth, right?"

"Her name is Carol."

A voice sounded beside Fury, and Merlin, who finally woke up from a coma, looked at the Kerry fleet hovering in space above his head.

He didn't need to guess, he knew that things had entered the worst stage.

"Pierce, Carol's strength alone is limited, and the Cree have come with a fleet!"

Fury gritted his teeth and said:

"Anyway, Pierce, do something!"

"I see."

Pierce replied:

"I'm on my way to the Xavier Mutant Academy now... Let our Carol hold on for a while, reinforcements will arrive soon!"

"We have to help, Fury! No matter how powerful Carol is, there is a limit."

Standing on the bridge, Merlin watched the continuous stream of small attack spaceships flying out from the Kerry battleship. Those swarm-like things were rushing towards Mar-Vell's laboratory.

Apparently, Ronan didn't intend to destroy just Earth, the ruthless Kree intended to destroy everything in this starry sky.

"How can we help?"

Fury asked:

"Have you seen the current situation? Merlin, this is not a gun battle, or even a war! We have no way to fight back!"

"Don't fight back if you don't have the means to fight back?"

Merlin looked at the most core and largest of those monster-like Kree battleships, and a trace of stubbornness flashed in his eyes:

"Behind us is the Earth! We can't escape it."

Natasha, who was leaning on the bulkhead, suddenly said:

"Rats also have ways of dealing with elephants. I remember that Carol said that the Kree soldiers are very disciplined and will not change their actions without orders. Maybe we can find a way to make Ronan have no time to care about the battlefield. Let's stalk him." !"

"You're thinking beautifully, but Ronan is the most powerful warrior among the Kree."

Talos the Skoru shook his head, with a trace of fear in his eyes, he said:

"We alone cannot defeat him. You have never seen Ronan on the battlefield. He is simply a monster born for war."

"We don't need to beat him."

Merlin touched his pocket, and he looked at the embarrassing Carol Danvers who was thrown away from the flame explosion in the monitor. That blond shrew was already doing her best to save the disaster.

But in the face of the continuous shooting of the entire fleet, she has no skills at all.

Not only does she need partners, she also needs comrades-in-arms.

Merlin says:

"Carol is our hole card. We might be able to buy her some time and get her out of the way. Now the question is, how do we get past that?"

"I have a way."

Talos' facial muscles began to twist and switch rapidly.In the next second, he turned into Minerva, a female soldier in the Kerry Star Troopers, and he said in a feminine voice unique to women:

"There are Kree shuttles in the laboratory, and I also know the verification code of the Kree Legion. I can lead you into the Dark Star."

Talos looked at the agents in front of him, and said in a cautious tone:

"But you have to think about it. This is likely to be an assassination with no return. The most powerful spy among us Skrulls has assassinated Ronan hundreds of times, and none of them even got close to him."

"I'll go with you!"

The silent Button stepped forward, and he said to Merlin:

"It's too risky for you to go alone!"

"I also..."

Fury wanted to speak too, but was stopped by Talos.

The Skrull said to Fury and Barton:

"Ma-Vell's laboratory spaceship has self-defense artillery. Do you see those shuttles outside? You must stay and operate the 12 defensive artillery. My relatives will help you and hold them as much as possible, Kree people They came here not just to destroy your world, they also came for the Rubik's Cube!"

Talos said seriously:

"Maybe you haven't heard the legend, but I have! Listen, don't let them get this! Absolutely not!"

"Ms. Carter says this thing is the hope for the future of the planet."

Merlin also said:

"You guys have no easier job staying here than I do."

Fury looked at the shining blue energy cube in his hand. He felt the lightness and heavy weight. After a while, he nodded:

"Then we will stay here! Hold on until the moment you come back."

"Fry, if I don't come back."

Merlin patted Fury on the shoulder, and he said softly:

"Take care of my sister and Eric for me...please."

"From now on, they are also my relatives."

Fury took Merlin's hand and said:

"Be sure to come back! You are my ace agent! We have to rebuild SHIELD together!"


Merlin looked at Fury suspiciously, who shrugged and said softly:

"Kohler changed our name so badly, I decided to change it again, Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, or SHIELD for short. Nice name, right?"

"Anyway, it's much better than the previous one."

Merlin smiled, took a deep breath, took off his glasses, the embers in his eyes danced, and said:

"No more pretense now... wish me luck, Fury."

"Take this! Merlin."

Barton took off the samurai sword he was carrying and handed it to Merlin. The silent agent seemed to be showing emotion at this moment. He said:

"This knife is my best trophy, it has brought me good luck, and I wish you the same."

Merlin didn't refuse, he picked up the samurai sword and carried it behind his back.

Natasha also took a step forward. For the first time, she hugged Merlin unreservedly, as if saying goodbye. She said in Merlin's ear:

"You still owe me something, we still have an agreement, I won't allow you to disappear like this, do you hear me?"

"I'm not going to die."

Merlin held Natasha's slender waist frivolously, and said:

"Give me more expectations, I will come back..."

"This is not the end of my destiny, I can feel it."

A few minutes later, in the flame explosion of the crazily exchanged fire between the defensive firepower of the laboratory spaceship and the Kree shuttle, an inconspicuous Kree shuttle rushed into the starry sky, and soon mixed into the circling Kree In the attack group of the insiders.

Talos, who was disguised as a Cree, skillfully manipulated the shuttle, and let the small fighter rush towards the Dark Star that kept firing towards the earth. He said to Merlin beside him:

"I did this to win a life for my wife and son. This is what a man must do. But what about you? Merlin, why did you choose to sacrifice yourself so easily?"

Merlin sat on the co-pilot, he took out a black wooden box from his pocket, and opened it.

The orange-red light illuminated his face at this moment, and in that box, a crystal like a crystal shard was shining brightly, exuding light like a flame, tempting Merlin to hold it.

Under the light of this light, Merlin said softly:

"I also have relatives on earth, and I want to protect them no weaker than you. And I knew a long time ago that I can't always expect others to stand up and protect me when I encounter disasters."

"What's more, in my previous life, I always felt that there was something special waiting for me to accomplish. It was something that no one else could do..."

"Now that I have finally found it, do you still expect me to give up?"

"You mean, become a secret agent?"

Talos asked, Merlin shook his head, he stretched out his hand to hold the fragment, and the moment his fingers touched the fragment, that familiar force poured into his body like flowing water.

Merlin let out a light cough, he raised his head, staring at the battlefield of stars in front of him in his constantly shining eyes, he said in a hoarse voice:

"Do not..."

"Be a...hero!"

"Some people say I look like Steve Rogers..."

"Today, let me be him."

(End of this chapter)

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