Chapter 873 The War of Faith and the Millennium Agreement

"Huh?! Since gods don't exist, then what are you..."

Although he didn't believe in "God" at all, Araki Sousuke always felt that something was wrong when a person who called himself "Amaterasu" told him that "God does not exist".

"Whether it's 800 million gods or's just a group of deceitful people who accidentally touched that level and snatched the world's beliefs."


"Either it rains blood and rains, and is infamous for being fearful...or is grateful for gold and silver, and is grateful...or appears holy in front of people, and wins world fame...or bestows extraordinary power, and makes people bow their heads..."

Frowning his beautiful slender eyebrows, Gui Guiming's elegant face showed a look of disgust for the first time: "No matter what the means are, in the final analysis, they are all for the sake of making the world love them like their parents, look up to them like the sun and moon, and respect them like ghosts and gods." , Fear it like thunder... But anyone who recites his name in his heart will have the power of faith to give it to him!"

"So, the so-called 'gods' are only existences that become stronger through 'faith'..."

Hearing what the woman said, Sosuke Araki seemed to have realized something.

"The legendary gods, wraiths, demons and ghosts and other supernatural life forms, based on the 'hidden energy field life form hypothesis', are just different life forms transformed by the hidden energy field. 』

A few months ago, a certain sentence from Mai Hanyu's "After-school Orientation Training" came to his mind.

"By the way, even if the gods are only stronger individuals, you wouldn't just watch your 'believers' being slaughtered and ignore them, would you?"

When he came back to his senses, thinking of the people who lost their lives in the recent supernatural disasters and cults, he lost his face towards these so-called gods.

"Ghosts and gods are born, evil spirits are rampant, people are dying, people's beliefs are lost from generation to generation, and gods are getting weaker... This is not what we want, but..."

Facing Araki Sosuke's accusation, the woman did not refute, but just sighed slightly: "This starts with the 'Battle of Faith' and the 'Millennium Agreement...'"

"Battle of Faith?"

"At the beginning, there were 800 million gods, but the population of this land was only over ten million at its peak..."

Not caring about the risk of "disappearing", the woman fell backwards and floated in the soup pool like a backstroke.

"Because of the different ideas and means of grabbing beliefs, the high gods and ghosts have secretly cultivated their own 'agents' in the world, and started an 'infinite' war for 'limited' beliefs."

"Hey, so you are the biggest winner in this war?"

Inadvertently catching a glimpse of the white and slender thighs from the steam and water waves, Araki Sousuke hastily withdrew his eyes from the unfathomable "absolute realm", turned his face sideways and rubbed his itchy nose.

"At the beginning, we thought so too. After all, yearning for light is the instinct of living beings, and few people would dislike the sun that nourishes all things..."

"And my agent in the world has indeed defeated most of the opponents, and has well consolidated the roots of my belief."

The small water droplets in mid-air collided, devoured, and converged into larger water jets as if fighting each other under the trembling of the woman's fingertips...

"Until, more than 200 years ago..."

Stretching her slender limbs on the water, the woman looked at the tiled ceiling of the bathhouse and laughed at herself.

"In every inch of this planet's land, the intensifying wars and increasingly intense energy fluctuations have attracted the attention of certain ancient and powerful existences lurking in the abyss of the universe, the sea of ​​dimensions, and beyond the stars..."

"We call them, Outer Demons."

"External demons? Those guys, are they strong?"

Listening to the other party's description, in Sousuke Araki's mind, a planet in the shape of blood-red eyes appeared inexplicably...

"Very strong... so strong that the act of 'coming' because of their 'interest' is enough to destroy an entire planet."

"As for those high-ranking gods and unassuming ghosts and gods who kill people, they can only tremble like ordinary people in front of foreign demons, bow their heads and bow their heads, and even completely lose their 'self'..."

The large water droplets in the air were directly knocked down by the huge waves suddenly raised by the slender hands of the woman, and disappeared without a trace.

"Facing the threat of the alien demons approaching, a 'brave' stood up..."

"Under his mediation, the gods and ghosts, who are usually incompatible with each other, agreed to conclude a contract to stop the war, fall into a deep sleep, and return the world to humans..."

"Only by stopping the war of faith can this planet return to peace and disappear from the sight of the outer demons...Because the duration of the contract is 1000 years, it is called the 'Millennium Contract'."

"The Millennium Contract... Although I don't know the specific content, but just looking at the recent situation, some existences don't have the 'contract spirit' as you said?"

Thinking of the ghosts and gods I have seen in the past few months, I can form a "ghost trainee" and hold a audition for debut activities. Araki Sousuke dismissed this so-called "thousand-year contract".

"The Enlightened Ones don't need to worry too much. The 'Millennium Agreement' is jointly concluded by many gods and ghosts, and it is extremely difficult to break through..."

"It's only a very small number of people who can temporarily wake up like me or Meiji, bypassing the 'contract' rules through natal artifacts or divine bodies."

"Hey, you can bypass the contract, don't suddenly come in front of me!" 』

When Sousuke Araki turned his gaze away, the woman, who was maintaining a backstroke posture, had already swam up to him talking to herself.

"The approach of external demons and the chaos of grievances not only frequently spawn new existences to cause harm to the world, but also revive many existences that had been silent before the conclusion of the 'Millennium Agreement'..."

"These are things that cannot be restrained by the 'Millennium Contract', they can only be interrupted by human affairs..."


"That, that, the 'thousand-year contract', 'external demons', etc., are all problems of you high-ranking 'lords of the gods', and have nothing to do with ordinary people like me..."

He turned around in embarrassment, lying on the edge of the bathtub, covering his bleeding nostrils with a towel: "After talking for a long time, I suddenly broke into the men's bath and caused people to bleed profusely. What is the reason?"

"Up to now, these things have nothing to do with the Enlightened One..."

Staring blankly at Sousuke Araki's broad back, the black Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged on a lotus platform and glaring at him, and the bright golden pupils of the maiden, gradually blurred by tears: "It's just that today I am lucky enough to pass "Yasaka Qiongquyu" met the Enlightened One, touched the scene and fell in love, and said a few more words. "

(End of this chapter)

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